
  1. 坦桑尼亚是坦噶尼喀和桑给巴尔两个政体组成的联合国家。

    Tanzania is a union of the states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar .

  2. 桑给巴尔岛的居民于1964年反抗苏丹统治,随后时局便不断恶化。

    Zanzibar 's fortunes declined after the islanders revolted against the sultanate in 1964 .

  3. 两个大岛分别是安古迦岛(Unguja)通常被叫做桑给巴尔岛和奔巴岛(Pemba)。

    The two large islands are Unguja ( usually called Zanzibar Island ) and Pemba .

  4. 19世纪早期,阿曼建立了一个小的政权,拥有了巴基斯坦(Baluchistan)与桑给巴尔岛(Zanzibar)。但是后来逐渐丢失了。

    In the early19th century , Oman grew to a major power , having possessions in Baluchistan and Zanzibar , but these were gradually all lost .

  5. 桑给巴尔的岛是平坦低的土地。

    Islands of Zanzibar are generally flat and low land lying .

  6. 在其早期职业生涯中,柯克与大卫利文斯通一起登上桑给巴尔岛。

    Earlier in his career Kirk accompanied David Livingstone up the Zambezi .

  7. 在世外天国以及桑给巴尔岛,大首领就是领袖。

    In Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land , that leader is BigBoss .

  8. 桑给巴尔岛的问题使当地采取一些创造性的解决办法。

    The problem in Zanzibar has led to some creative local solutions .

  9. 桑给巴尔岛岩溶发育初探

    Preliminary discussion on the karst development of the Zanzibar Island

  10. 桑给巴尔甘蔗生产管窥

    The Restricted View of Sugarcane Production in Zanzibar

  11. 旅游者到桑给巴尔岛,是为石头镇的水清沙白和历史建筑而来。

    Tourists come to Zanzibar for its white sand and historic buildings in Stone Town .

  12. 桑给巴尔归英国外交部的印度司管辖,而该司的官员看重的是稳定的局势。

    Zanzibar was nominally under the control of the India office and officials there valued stability .

  13. 为了数数桑给巴尔岛的猫儿有多少只而寰游世界是划不来的。

    It is not worthwhile to go round the world to count the cat in Zanzibar .

  14. 丹尼尔迪克森从桑给巴尔岛发回的报道。

    Daniel Dickinson reports from Zanzibar .

  15. 我们桑给巴尔人愿意建立一个机会均等而肤色人种不同的社会。

    We Zanzibar would like to build a coloured society where all men can have equal opportunity .

  16. 唐代的青白瓷器和钱币在埃及、肯尼亚、桑给巴尔等地多有发现。

    The blue-white porcelain and coins of Tang Dynasty were also found in Egypt , Kenya and Zanzibar .

  17. 周游全世界,跑到桑给巴尔去数老虎的多少,是不值得的。

    It is not worth the while to go round the world to count the cats in Zanzibar .

  18. 红辣椒是非洲东岸和桑给巴尔岛生长的椒属豆夹研磨而成的粉。

    Cayenne pepper is the powdered pod of Capsicum grown on the eastern coast of Africa and in Zanzibar .

  19. 应用核不育技术根治桑给巴尔采采蝇

    Application of nuclear insect sterile technique to eradicate tsetse fly ( Glossina austeni Newstead ) on zanzibar , Tanzania

  20. 此前有报道称,桑给巴尔政府已承诺将投入更大的渡轮用于两岛之间的客运。

    A previous report said the government in Zanzibar had promised to invest in bigger vessels to ferry passengers between the2 islands .

  21. 美国探险记者亨利莫顿斯坦利也来到桑给巴尔岛,在出发去寻找利文斯通之前,拜访柯克寻求一些建议。

    And Henry Morton Stanley , an American journalist-adventurer , visited Kirk in Zanzibar for advice before setting out to find Livingstone .

  22. 桑给巴尔人发现门道:最好的办法就是明里臣服于英国,暗里继续进行奴隶贸易。

    The zanzibaris learned that the best course was publicly to give in to the British , and then just continue trading slaves .

  23. 布隆迪、肯尼亚、卢旺达、坦桑尼亚、乌干达和桑给巴尔的警察、海关和药品管理部门参与了这次行动。

    The operation involved police , customs and drug regulatory authorities across Burundi , Kenya , Rwanda , Tanzania , Uganda and Zanzibar .

  24. 桑给巴尔岛与坦桑尼亚内陆相隔35公里,由温古贾岛和奔巴岛两个主要岛屿及数不清的较小岛屿组成。

    Located about 35 kilometers from mainland Tanzania , Zanzibar consists of two main islands – Unguja and Pemba – plus numerous smaller islands .

  25. 报道说,大量海豚的死亡对桑给巴尔的旅游业是一个巨大的打击。每年,都有众多游客前往桑给巴尔,观看美丽的海景并和野生海豚一起在海中畅游。

    The deaths are a blow to the tourism industry in Zanzibar , where thousands of visitors go to watch and swim with wild dolphins .

  26. 大首领所救的战争孤儿,从灰狐到桑给巴尔岛的孩子,看起来都是大首领这一企业的资产。

    The war orphans Big Boss rescues , from Gray Fox to the kids at Zanzibar Land , all seem to be capital for Big Boss'enterprises .

  27. 13世纪下半叶,中国帆船保持着和索马里、肯尼亚以及桑给巴尔岛的通航。元朝使节出访了摩加迪沙、帕特和泽拉。

    In the second half of the 13 ~ ( th ) century , Chinese junks sailed regularly to Somalia , Kenya , and Zanzibar Island .

  28. 尽管研究显示旅游业确实对经济增长有重要贡献,但旅游业可以成为桑给巴尔一个更具潜力的经济领域。

    Although the study findings indicated that tourism has significant contribution to the economic growth , tourism can be a more potential economic sector to Zanzibar .

  29. 经过一系列激烈地角逐,北塞浦路斯土耳其共和国在决赛中战胜桑给巴尔成为最终的胜者。

    And after a series of hard fought matches , the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus were the eventual winners , beating Zanzibar in the final .

  30. 本文简要的介绍桑给巴尔的甘蔗生产概况,并提出诸如生态平衡、甘蔗成熟等问题进行讨论。

    The survey of sugarcane production in Zanzibar , in this paper , was briefly introduced , and the ecological balance as well as sugarcane maturity were discussed .