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  • Huan;a surname;stake
  • 古代立在城郭、宫殿、官署、陵墓或驿站路边的木柱:~表。

  • 大:~治(大治)。

  • 〔~~〕威武的样子,如“~~陈将军,仗钺奋忠烈”。

  • 姓。

  1. 桓塞6小时,MRI可见尾状核、豆状核形成明确梗塞,并出现占位征象。

    At 6h after ischemia both MRI were found to indicate definite infarct foci in the caudate nucleus and the lentiform nucleus , mass effect was ween too .

  2. 志桓你好,我是秀仁你过得好吗?

    Hi , Ji-hwan it 's soo-in are you doing okay ?

  3. 不是以为,我确实康搅艘桓鋈?

    I don 't think I saw someone , I saw someone .

  4. 你不会想苛硪桓龅。

    You don 't want to see the other girl .

  5. 本桓线太子河二号桥设计

    Design of The Second Bridge Over Tai Zi River

  6. 三圣记包含了桓仁和桓国的历史。

    Samseonggi contains the histories of hwannin and hwanung .

  7. 张飞庙又名张桓候庙,位于重庆市云阳县。

    Zhang Fei Temple is located at the Yun-yang country of Chong-qing City .

  8. 第五个桓雄季白最小的儿子是太昊伏羲。

    The fifth hwanung , Da EUI bahls youngest son was taeho bokhi .

  9. 后来,桓景把这些都告诉了费长房。

    Later Huan Jing told Fei Changfang about this .

  10. 人不制伏自己的心,好像毁坏的城邑,没有墙桓。

    Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control .

  11. 在宋国,有位司马叫桓魋的想杀害他。

    In the state of Song , Huantui , a minister of war , tried to kill him .

  12. 汉末桓灵之世赋体创作的转变体现在抒情化和趣味化两种倾向。

    The two trends of lyricalness and interest show the change of Fu creations in the late Eastern Han Dynasty .

  13. 外戚与宦官的斗争循环往复,在安、顺、桓帝时也都发生过。

    Such pattern repeated constantly , and the reign of Emperors An , Shun and Huan had no exception , either .

  14. 孔子说,“上天把德行赋予我,桓魋能把我怎么样呢?”

    The Master said ," Since Heaven has endowed me with moral force , what can Huan Tui do to me ?"

  15. 据六世纪时期的一本史书上记载,在古代,有个叫桓景的人。

    As recorded in a historical book of the sixth century , in ancient times , there lived a man named Huan Jing .

  16. 梁冀很忿恨,就把质帝毒死,另立宗室15岁的刘志为帝,是为桓帝。

    In resentment , Liang Ji poisoned Emperor Zhi , and put fifteen-year-old Liu Zhi on the throne , that was Emperor Huan .

  17. 春秋时代,有一个名叫桓司马,他有一颗又大又圆的宝珠。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period , there lived a man named Huan Sz-ma who had a very big , very precious jewel .

  18. 如同我们所见,桓檀古纪说,韩民族是神授国家,建立了光辉的文明,照耀了浩翰的大陆。

    As we have seen , Hwandan Gogi says the Korean race as the divine nation established the fulgent civilization and flourished around the vast continent .

  19. 书中的湖泊、河流、森林和城堡的残桓,都源自于大海上升腾的紫色雾气以及陡峭的山壁。

    Draped in purple heather and towering over the sea , these craggy mountains are home to lakes , rivers , forests , and ruined castles .

  20. 四大门阀大族王、谢、庾、桓先后支配着东晋王朝政局。

    Four powerful families - the Wang , the Xie , the Yu and the Huan - successively dominated the politics of the Eastern Jin court .

  21. 大漆之纯粹的灵魂曾久久地盘桓于器用,让人觉得她锁闭了自己纯粹的艺术资禀。其实,那是大漆的等待,她等待可以以纯形相托的时代和人物。

    The pure spirit of lacquer that once had lingered in utensils for a long time , and it let people thought her talent had been locked .

  22. 但在周室衰微的时候,周王不能任用他,所以凭借齐桓公兴师以匡正天下。

    But when the Zhou declined the king could not use him , so he borrowed the state of Qi , under Duke Huan , and mobilized an army there .

  23. 桓生专业从事气动以及研磨产品,广泛运用在木器、金属、皮革、塑料、建材等行业。

    Huansheng is specialized in the production of pneumatic tools and abrasive products which are widely applied in industries such as carpentry , metal , leather , plastics and building materials .

  24. 公元前707年,桓王出兵伐桀骜不驯的郑国,不仅为郑师所败,还被射伤。

    In 707 B. C. , King Huan launched a puni-five expedition against the unruly state of Zheng , he was not only defeated , but also wounded by an arrow .

  25. 秦汉时期的黑龙江地区,有鲜卑、乌桓、橐离、夫余、挹娄等少数民族及微少汉人。

    In the Heilongjiang area during Qin and Han dynasties , there used to be Xianbei , Wuhuan , Tuoli , Fuyu and Yilou peoples and a small number of Han people .

  26. 后来,国王知道了,一心一意要得到这颗天下少有的宝贝。有一天,国王派人去问桓司马:「你那颗宝珠到底藏在甚麽地方?」

    When the king found out about this , he wanted very much to obtain this treasure for himself , and sent someone to ask Huan Sz-ma just where he kept his jewel hidden .

  27. 不料想张成的弟子,诬告李膺与太学生、诸郡儒生及游学士人“共为部党,诽讪朝廷”。桓帝大怒,逮捕了李膺等200余人。

    However , Li did not anticipate that ZhangJ s disciple would then accuse him of forming clique with students of the academy and scholars in various prefectures to defame the imperial court and the emperor.EmperorHuan became extremely enraged , and arrested Li as well as some 200 students .

  28. 公元146年,桓帝在位时,这一斗争出现了转折点。宦官的权利达到无以复加的地步,在朝廷中掀起更大的波澜,形成东汉王朝后期的宦官与外戚专权的格局。

    The year 146 , when Emperor Huan came to the throne , it was a turning point at which palace eunuchs began to rise to supremacy , causing even greater upheavals in the court . The Eastern Han Dynasty entered its last stage when consort clans and eunuchs had the imperial power in hands .