首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 恩能认识你很高兴

    Listen , it 's great to meet you ,

  2. 救恩却能引带我们进入天堂,与基督一起,直至永永远远。

    Salvation carries us on into heaven and eternity with Christ .

  3. 恩我能找到他

    Yeah , I guess I can get him for you .

  4. 你很蒙恩,能拥有这个号码。

    You are blessed to have this number .

  5. 恩,能给我们三份巧克力慕思外带吗?

    Lorraine : Uh , can we have three chocolate mousses to go please ?

  6. (对服务生)恩,能给我们三份巧克力慕思外带吗?

    Lorraine : ( to waiter ) Uh , can we have three chocolate mousses to go please ?

  7. 卢恩希望能为圣昆廷监狱5500多名犯人提供免费大学教育。

    Jody Lewen wants to make a free college education available to more of the five thousand five hundred inmates at San Quentin .

  8. 我最大的成就好吧我不敢说,但是嗯我认为那个恩我能回到我在牛津大学的时代。

    Man My greatest achievement , well , far be it from me to say but , urn I think that , er I go back to the time that I got to Oxford .

  9. 恩,我能至少给她写信吗?

    Well , can I at least write her a letter ?

  10. 那么,恩,我们能从他的画里得到什么?

    So , uh , what can we learn from his artwork ?

  11. 恩,我能和你挤一会吗?

    Uh , can I jam with you a bit ?

  12. 辛恩希望洛杉矶能规划出「个人安全地带」,作为狗仔队与名人之间的缓冲区。

    Zine wants the city to consider creating a " personal safety zone " buffer space between paparazzi and their celebrity targets .

  13. tell:明白,知道恩,我能看出来。entire:全部的,整个的因为自从事情发生后,你从未打过电话或写过信。

    Blair : Yeah , I could tell , since you didn 't call or write the entire time it was happening . -

  14. 他既是血肉之人,竟然怀怒,而向天主求赦罪之恩,谁能赦免他的罪?

    He that is but flesh , nourisheth anger , and doth he ask forgiveness of God ? who shall obtain pardon for his sins ?

  15. 皮埃尔就是这么想的:恩如果我能学会说那种语言,我就能够更好地了解坐在我对面的那个人,然后交一个新朋友。

    That 's how Pierre sees it : Tiens * if I can learn to speak that language , I 'll be able to better understand the person opposite me and make a new friend .

  16. 买我并不需要的衣服,买小玩意因为我想要,因为方便就网上购物,买新的闪亮SUV因为…,恩,因为它能使我帮助妇女。

    Buying clothes when I don 't need them . Buying gadgets because I gotta have them . Ordering stuff online because it 's so easy . Buying that new shiny SUV because ... well , because it was going to help me with women .

  17. 恩,因为它能使我帮助妇女。

    Well , because it was going to help me with women .

  18. 恩,如果你能来的话,那就非常好了。

    Um , so if you could , that would be great .

  19. 朗恩∶我或许能帮得上忙……妮可∶我确信你一定有很有门路。

    Ron : I might be able to help ... Nicole : I 'm sure you have great connections .

  20. 赴约后,两人之间没有擦出任何恋爱火花,而对方看上去又属于有趣或酷酷的类型时,朋友们便老是说:“恩,也许你们能成为朋友!”不要。

    After going on a date where zero romantic attraction manifested , but the guy was seemingly interesting or cool , friends often said , " Well maybe you guys can be friends ! " Nope .

  21. 恩,其实你能看到,他就是遍历列表,你要有空的话,可以再看很多很多其他的例子,你能够看到这个属性。

    OK ? So you can see that , it 's just walking through it , and in fact if I look at a couple of another & another couple of examples , it 's been a long day , again , you can see that property .