
  • 网络emla;ONNA;ONNE
  1. 恩纳用于小儿气管异物取出术的临床观察

    Observation of EMLA Cream for Tracheal Foreign Body Removal in Children

  2. 恩纳乳膏在小儿包皮粘连分离术中的应用

    Application of EMLA Cream in the Exclusion of Adherent Prepuce in Children

  3. 气管插管时血流动力学的改变恩纳用于气管表面麻醉的动物实验研究

    The Study of EMLA in Surface Anesthesia during Tracheal Intubation

  4. 恩纳涂布气管导管在急救护理气道维持中的应用

    Application of EMLA spread on brachial catheter in emergency nursing of airway

  5. 恩纳和神经阻滞治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛

    Eutectic mixture of local anesthetics and nerver block for treatment of postherpetic neuralgia

  6. 恩纳气管内麻醉在神经外科后颅凹手术的临床应用

    Clinical Application of EMLA for Endotracheal Anesthesia during Neurosurgical Operation in Cranial Fovea Posterior

  7. 我们漫步于美丽的恩纳湖畔。

    And we were on the shoreline of this wonderful little lake , Lake Ennerdale .

  8. 目的:5%恩纳霜或贴片是一种外用、表面麻醉剂。

    Objective : 5 % EMLA cream is a topical agent used as a superficial anesthetics .

  9. 结论:恩纳气管内麻醉用于神经外科围术期保留气管导管的患者安全、有效。

    Conclusion : The clinical application of EMLA for endotracheal anesthesia during neurosurgical operation in cranial fovea posterior is safe and effective .

  10. 结论:5%恩纳霜可以用在许多皮肤损害治疗时止痛,它特别适用于儿童,并且安全有效。

    Conclusion : 5 % EMLA cream can be used as an analgesic in treatment of cutaneous lesions , especially for children .

  11. 目的研究5%恩纳乳膏应用于成人静脉穿刺时皮层局部麻醉的最佳起效时间和局部反应。

    Objective To investigate the best initial effective time for 5 % EMLA cream topical anesthesia of the skin in venous catheter insertion and its local reactions .

  12. 一天晚上,正当夕阳西下的时候,在恩纳戴尔湖的岸边,我请求希拉里嫁给我。

    One evening at sunset , on the shore of Lake Ennerdale , I asked Hillary to marry me . I couldn 't believe I 'd done it .