
  • 网络bridge maintenance
  1. 可靠度和成本分析在桥梁养护中的应用研究

    Application Study of Reliability Theory to Bridge Maintenance Cost and Benefit

  2. 谈桥梁养护与管理中存在的问题及相应对策

    Some problems in bridge maintenance and management and the countermeasures

  3. 介绍了基于B/S架构和Web-GIS技术桥梁养护管理系统的特点和系统功能。

    The characteristics and the functions of BMMS based on B / S and WEB-GIS technology are analyzed .

  4. 对县、乡公路桥梁养护与管理的浅探

    Discussion on the Maintenance and Management of County and Country Highway and Bridge

  5. 从桥梁养护角度探讨常规桥梁设计中的问题

    Discussion about Problems of General Bridge Designing from the Angle of Bridge Maintaining

  6. 桥梁养护管理对策研究

    Study on Management Method and Answer of Bridge Maintenance

  7. 县乡公路桥梁养护管理初探

    Discussion on maintenance management of rural highway bridge

  8. 城市桥梁养护维修排序研究

    Study on maintenance sequence of bridge in city

  9. 对桥梁养护与管理的几点思考

    To bridge maintenance and management several ponders

  10. 提出桥梁养护设备管理对策;农村公路管理与养护对策

    The countermeasure of the facilities management ; Suggestions on Management and Curing of Rural Highway

  11. 在公路改建和桥梁养护中,支座的更换改造已成为亟需解决的问题。

    How to change bridge abutments needs to be solved during road reconstruction and bridge maintenance .

  12. 桥梁养护管理中的多指标评估与决策方法研究

    Study on Methods of Multiple Objective Comprehensive Evaluation and Decision-making in the Field of Bridges Maintenance Management

  13. 建立桥梁养护管理系统能够有效的满足管理者对桥梁养护相关数据管理、安全状态评估、养护辅助决策分析、信息共享性等多方面需要。

    Establishing Bridge Maintenance Management System ( BMMS ) can meet the need of bridge manager effectively .

  14. 桥梁养护与管理是县、乡公路养护工作中关键。

    The maintenance and management of bridge is the key in the maintaining work of county and country highway .

  15. 采用遗传算法对桥梁养护资金分配0-1多目标线性函数进行求解,寻找桥梁养护资金分配的最优组合。并运用C++编制了相应的计算程序。

    With the help of genetic algorithms and GA programs , it worked out the optimum distribution of bridge maintenance fund .

  16. 高速公路在我国修建已有十几年历史,高速公路的桥梁养护与管理是高速公路养护工作中一项极其重要的内容。

    The conservation and management of bridges and culverts of expressway are a important content in expressway conservation and management works .

  17. 结合运城高速公路侯运段桥梁养护的实例,分析了箱梁常见病害的成因,阐述了高速公路桥梁常见病害的处治措施。

    On this basis this paper analyzes the primary water-induced distress of freeway asphalt pavement and puts for-ward relevant disposal measures .

  18. 搞好桥梁养护工作的重点,就是要建立一种与本地区经济发展及养护机制相适应的养护管理模式。

    The emphasis of bridge maintenance is to set up the maintenance management mode which suits the area economy development and the maintenance machanism .

  19. 对桥梁养护决策进行了分析,提出了基于马尔科夫过程的石拱桥加固后最优维护策略判断方法。

    Bridge maintenance decisions were analyzed and the optimal maintenance strategy judging method based on Markov process was given for reinforced stone arch bridge .

  20. 此类评估对于桥梁养护与维修、长期健康监测具有重要的意义。

    This kind of evaluation can serve as a basis for the long-term health monitoring , maintenance and rehabilitation and it has great importance .

  21. 经测试,可满足桥检企业和基层桥梁养护部门的需要,大大提高桥检工作的质量和效率。

    For test results , it is satisfy to bridge inspection businesses and the grassroots bridge maintenance departments , greatly improve the bridge inspection quality and efficiency .

  22. 利用耐久性和全时程时效分析理论对斜拉桥进行了长期性能预测,该预测结果为桥梁养护管理部门提供定量的参考。

    The durability theory and aging analysis theory are used to predict the long-term performance of cable-stayed bridges , and the results could provide quantitive reference for bridge management department .

  23. 在桥梁养护管理系统评估体系研究中,本文分析了桥梁评估的意义和评估技术的现状和发展趋势,并在此基础上详细研究了桥梁的综合评估技术。

    In the researching of bridge evaluation , this thesis analyzed the significance , status and trend of bridge evaluation , and researched the compositive evaluation of bridge in detail .

  24. 桥梁养护决策与管理系统的研究在许多发达国家已经比较成熟,而在我国还处于发展阶段。

    At present , study on the decision-making in bridge maintenance and BMS has developed dramatically in developed country , but the relative research is still in developing process in our country .

  25. 对提高桥梁养护资金的使用效益,延长桥梁使用寿命,增强管理力度和决策手段,将发挥重要作用。

    It will play an important role for improving the use benefit of the bridge maintenance funds , extending the service life of the bridge , and enhancing the strength of management and decision means .

  26. 根据裂缝的成因和现状,提出裂缝的修补措施,以及箱梁的局部加固措施和相关的桥梁养护建议。

    The remedial measures of crack , the local reinforcement methods of box girder , as well as the related bridge care proposal are given out according to the inherent causes of cracks and its status .

  27. 并在此基础上,应用多目标决策技术,考虑在制定桥梁养护计划过程中涉及到的各项因素,建立了桥梁养护资金分配0-1多目标线性规划模型。

    Applicating the multiple-objective decision-making technique and considering the factors in the process of making bridge maintenance plan , it established the 0-1 multiple-objective linear programming model which could be used for distribution of bridge maintenance fund .

  28. 随着全球网络的迅速发展和普及,基于B/S(浏览器/服务器)网络结构技术的桥梁养护管理系统成为了桥梁养护管理系统的主要发展趋势。

    With the popularization and rapid development of global network , the traditional Bridge Maintenance Management System which bases on the C / S ( Client / Server ) structure can not meet the development of modern BMMS .

  29. 对旧桥桥面病害产生的原因进行分析,提出了桥面病害修复的新办法、新工艺,供桥梁养护及新建项目施工参考。

    The paper the cause of the pavement disease of the old bridge and puts forward the new method , new process for repairing pavement disease to provide bridge maintenance and the construction of the newly built project for reference .

  30. 本文针对目前桥梁养护状况、管理方式和存在的问题,提出几点养护措施和建议。

    This article according to own to the bridge maintenance management experience , in view of at present bridge maintenance condition , the management way and the existence question , proposed several maintenance measures and the suggestion , discuss for the colleague .