
  • 网络Roofing shingle
  1. 根据沥青油毡瓦的性能,说明了其应用范围。

    Based on it 's function , the application range of asphalt roofing shingle was pointed out as well .

  2. 沥青油毡瓦的名称及其在中国的应用

    Asphalt roofing shingle , its name and use in China

  3. 油毡瓦屋面细部节点的施工要点

    Key points for construction of local joints on Asphalt Roll Roofing

  4. 连续式沥青油毡瓦冲切工艺及设备的设计

    Design of continuous punching process of bitumen shingles and its equip-ment

  5. 沥青油毡瓦国内外标准对比分析

    Compare domestic standard for asphalt shingles with foreign ones

  6. 沥青油毡瓦是集装饰、防水双重功能于一体的柔性瓦片。

    The bituminized tile has been made of an ornamental and waterproofing flexible tile .

  7. 沥青油毡瓦屋面质量通病与防治措施

    Common failing in quality of asphalt shingle roofs and measures to prevent and remedy

  8. 沥青油毡瓦切割设备分析

    Comparison of asphalt shingle cutting equipment

  9. 关于沥青油毡瓦的思考

    Thinking deeply about asphalt shingles

  10. 作为油毡瓦屋面虽然材料优越,但是由于节点特殊,时有渗漏发生,文章从监理的角度介绍了油毡瓦的施工工艺特点及监控要点。

    The paper introduces the construction process of the bitumen felt roofing and its key supervising points from the angle of supervision .

  11. 介绍了瓦屋面的构造,包括琉璃瓦屋面、小青瓦屋面、装饰瓦屋面、平瓦屋面和油毡瓦屋面,特别强调了各类瓦屋面的防水设计要点。

    The construction of various tile roofs is described including glazed tile roofs , grey tile roofs , decorative tile roofs , flat tile roofs and asphalt shingle roofs with the emphasis on their waterproofing design .