
yóu zuǐ
  • glib;spray nozzle;glib talker
油嘴 [yóu zuǐ]
  • [glib] 说话油滑,善于狡辩

  • 你听他油嘴,若是别件动用物事,又说道借用就还的,随你奢遮宝贝也用不得许多贯钱。--《二刻拍案惊奇》

  • (1) [spray nozzle]∶喷嘴

  • (2) [glib talker]∶油腔滑调耍嘴皮子的人

油嘴[yóu zuǐ]
  1. 第三章介绍了WITNESS仿真软件的应用、策略、建模方法等,并将其应用于整条油嘴生产线,通过仿真找出了产线的瓶颈工序&EDM工序。

    In the third chapter , it introduce the application , strategy and method WITNESS simulation software then appling it in the whole common rail nozzle production line and finally find the bottleneck of the line & EDM process .

  2. 研究表明,通过减小油嘴喷射锥角、增加脉冲喷射次数和大幅度提前喷射定时,能够在获得低NOx排放的可控预混燃烧过程的同时,保证HC和CO排放只有小幅增加。

    The experimental results indicate that reducing nozzle cone angle , increasing injection pulse number , and advancing the injection timing are the effective ways for achieving low NO_x emission and maintaining the level of HC and CO emissions .

  3. 试验结果表明,在采用155°和125°油束空间分布锥角的两种油嘴时,通过改变多脉冲喷射定时均可控制预混燃烧放热幅度,但对NOx、HC和CO排放的影响不同;

    The test results show that the nozzles with 155 ° and 125 ° fuel beam distribution cone angle can both control the heat release rate by changing multi-pulse timing , but the effect on the emission of NOx , HC and CO is different ;

  4. 四川油泵油嘴调速器厂

    Sichuan fuel injection pump injector and governor plant _ " sfipigs "

  5. 延长电泵油嘴使用寿命的措施

    The Measure Prolonging the Life of Electric Submersible Pump Choke

  6. 转向节横拉杆接头油嘴

    Steering knuckle tie rod end pressure lubricator Grayioc tubing joint

  7. 应用表面改性技术提高油泵油嘴产品耐磨性初探

    Surface Technologies for Improving Wear Resistance of Fuel Injection Equipment

  8. 油嘴-压差法在计量蒸汽流量中的应用

    Application of the Choke-Pressure Differential Approach in Steam-Flow Metering

  9. 油嘴喷射锥角对柴油可控预混压燃燃烧特性的影响

    Effects of Nozzle Cone Angle on Diesel Premixed Combustion

  10. 油泵油嘴厂含油生产废水处理

    Oily Wastewater Treatment in Oil Pump & Nozzle Plants

  11. 油井转气井开采的探索及井下油嘴的应用浅谈岩溶缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏见水生产井压锥与提液

    Investigation of oil well to gas well production and application of downhole choke

  12. 油嘴上油中油剂气泡产生的原因及消除措施

    The generate reason & Removing Technique of the bubbles in the spinning finish system

  13. 油泵油嘴针阀体楔横轧工艺试验研究

    Technological Experimental Research for Cross Wedge Rolling Technology of Pin Valve of Oil Pump

  14. 低惯量油嘴针阀升程测量装置研制

    Development of Equipment Used to Measure the Needle Valve Movement of Small-Inertia Fuel Injector

  15. 拉伸环必须有油嘴对每个入块注射油脂。

    Insert draw rings will have Zerk fitting to inject grease to each insert .

  16. 油嘴质量与喷雾响声之间的关系

    Relation Between Spray Noise and Quality of Nozzle

  17. 油泵油嘴中精密偶件磨损过程的研究

    Investigation on Wearing Process of Precise Paired Parts of Fuel Injection Pump and Fuel Nozzle

  18. 大庆深层气井试气油嘴的选择与产量预测

    Optimum Choke Size Determination and Production Rate Prediction in Gas Well Test for Deep Reservoirs

  19. 可拓方法关于加工中心在油泵油嘴生产中的应用

    Application of extension method in the oil pump and oil mouth production at the processing center

  20. 控制生产油嘴实现水平井合理采油速度

    Through Controling Spray Head of Oil Production to Realize Reasonable Oil Recovery Speed of Horizontal Well

  21. 通过往上游油嘴注入甲醇来避免开井期间形成水合物。

    Hydrate production is avoided by injecting methanol to upstream oil nozzle in well startup period .

  22. 其中,地面油嘴又是自喷井最重要的地面控制器具。

    Among them , the ground nozzle is flowing well the most important ground control apparatus .

  23. 有可能是在共轨试验台做共轨油嘴测试时测试点欠缺的原因。

    It may be fewer of test point when check CRI by common rail system test bench .

  24. 进行了在柴油可控预混压燃燃烧模式下,油嘴喷射锥角对燃烧与排放的影响研究。

    In diesel premixed combustion mode , the effects of nozzle cone angle on emissions were studied .

  25. 油嘴的喷油锥体形式及喷油锥角对现用加热器的性能影响不大。

    Different forms of injection cone and different injection cone angle have little influence on current heaters .

  26. 菏泽油泵油嘴有限公司是柴油机油泵油嘴专业生产企业。

    Heze Petrol Pump Co. Ltd. is an enterprise specialized in producing diesel engines & petrol pumps .

  27. 模板体背面上每一个检测油嘴附近都带有该检测油嘴的相应标记。

    A corresponding mark is arranged close to each detection choke on the back of the template body .

  28. 一种新型油嘴

    A New Type Choke

  29. 井下油嘴节流机理研究及应用水平井中测井管柱的力分析机理


  30. 研究气井井下节流油嘴节流机理及工艺,对于指导生产有重要的实际意义。

    Study of gas well down-hole choke throttling mechanism and technology to guide the production , has the important practical significance .