
  • 网络Roundabout;traffic circle;Rotary Intersection
  1. 研究了环形交叉口通行能力与服务水平。

    The capacity and the levels of service of roundabout are studied .

  2. 那辆汽车在环形交叉处抛锚了。

    The car stalled at the roundabout .

  3. 基于Erlang分布的环形交叉路口通行能力的研究

    The Study of the Traffic Capacity of the Circular Intersections Based on Erlang Distribution

  4. 环形交叉设计非语言表达应用的几点设想

    Tentative Ideas about Applying Non-language Express form in Annular Crossing Design

  5. 造了一座新的环形交叉路口。以使车辆畅通无阻。

    A new roundabout was built to improve the traffic circulation .

  6. 低渠化环形交叉口延误理论模型研究

    Study of the Delay Theory Model for Low Channeling Roundabouts

  7. 中小城市环形交叉口改善设计方法研究

    Optimal Design Method for Roundabout of Medium and Small City

  8. 大型环形交叉口行车规则对通行能力的影响研究

    Study on Impact of Capacity Under Different Traffic Rules of Large Roundabouts

  9. 环形交叉口空间组织优化研究

    Study on the spatial organization optimum of annular intersection

  10. 城市道路环形交叉口车辆排队及行车延误研究

    Research on Microcosmic Simulation of Traffic in City Road

  11. 类比法在十字环形交叉口相位设计中的应用

    Application of Analogy in Phase Design of Signalized Roundabouts

  12. 并应用到株洲市中心广场环形交叉口的信号周期确定中。

    Extracting and analyzing sub-signals in heart period signal by using wavelet transform ;

  13. 环形交叉口不同信号控制方法的设置条件

    Setting conditions of roundabout under different signal control methods

  14. 平面环形交叉口立面设计计算新方法

    The New Vertical Design Method of Circular Intersection

  15. 道路环形交叉口控制方式选择与时空设计方法研究

    Research on Control Method Selection and Time Space Design of Roundabout in City Roads

  16. 到达环形交叉路口时你要循原路折回。

    When you get to the roundabout , you need to double back on yourself .

  17. 浅谈平面环形交叉口设计及应用

    Design and application of circular intersection

  18. 道路平面交叉口中环形交叉口设计

    Design of Roundabout at Road Intersection

  19. 环形交叉口引入信号控制后,其交通运行状况发生了很大改变。

    After signalized control was introduced in roundabout , the traffic operation has been greatly changed .

  20. 与交叉口车流交织段长度有关。模型对环形交叉口的规划、设计以及服务水平的评价具有指导意义。

    The model is important to plan , design and assess the serve level for roundabouts .

  21. 平面环形交叉口通行能力分析

    On the Traffic Capacity of Rotary

  22. 文中尝试直接假定在环道上有两条(或两条以上)车道的条件下建立环形交叉口通行能力计算公式。

    This paper tries to establish a formula on the hypothesis of more than two lanes .

  23. 你刚学会开车,咱们绕开环形交叉路走。

    You are a novice car driver . let 's steer clear of the circular cross road .

  24. 在城市道路的交通发展史上,环形交叉口曾发挥了非常重要的作用。

    Roundabout has played a very important role in the history of the development of urban road traffic .

  25. 混合交通条件下相交道路带有辅道的环形交叉口改善设计研究

    The Improving Design of Roundabout Intersection of Crossing Roads with Auxiliary Road under the Condition of Mixed Traffic

  26. 把双约束重力模型引入到环形交叉口的流向分析中,有效地解决了这一问题。

    The authors introduce the dual-constrained gravity model for the analysis of traffic turns and resolve the problem successfully .

  27. 描述了十字环形交叉口左转二次控制方法的优化配时算法。

    This paper described an algorithm of time assignment for optimizing the " left-turn with two stops " control method at a cross roundabout .

  28. 然而,随着国民经济的快速发展,城市道路的交通量不断增加,环形交叉口的通行效率严重降低。

    However , with the rapid development of the national economy , urban road traffic is increasing , roundabout access efficiency is severely reduced .

  29. 对中国国道、省道环形交叉口道路及交通特性进行了分析研究,在此基础上首次以间隙-接受理论建立了适于中国低渠化环形交叉口通行能力的理论模型。

    This paper analyzes the properties of Chinese roundabouts and sets up the models of the low channeling level roundabouts with the gap acceptance theory .

  30. 迷你环形交叉路给司机制造了恰到好处的不确定性,促使他们在交叉口减速,但又不会使他们犹疑不决到造成交通阻塞。

    The mini-roundabout instils just enough uncertainty in drivers to encourage them to reduce speed at junctions , but not so much doubt as to cause gridlock .