
  • 网络traffic noise
  1. 城市居民为交通噪音所烦扰。

    City residents were aggravated by the traffic noise .

  2. 我们卧室窗外的交通噪音大得让人根本没法睡觉。

    The traffic noise outside our bedroom window makes it impossible to sleep .

  3. 一到早晨高峰时刻,交通噪音就加大。

    The sound of traffic augments during the morning rush hour .

  4. 在一个安静的实验室里,鸟儿成功找到食物的可能性是播放交通噪音录音时的两倍。

    In a quiet laboratory , birds were twice as likely to succeed , and to find the food , than when traffic recordings were being played .

  5. 第三,我们将致力解决现有道路的交通噪音问题。

    Third , we are tackling traffic noise from existing roads .

  6. 评价路段交通噪音的模糊综合评价法

    Confused Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Evaluating Traffic Noise of Road Sections

  7. 交通噪音已经开始引起人们的关注。

    The noise of traffic is becoming a cause for concern .

  8. 交通噪音是噪音污染的主要来源。

    Noise from transportation is one major source of noise pollution .

  9. 有远离交通噪音的房间吗?

    Do you have a room away from traffic noise ?

  10. 是的.不过也远离了交通噪音。

    Yes , but it is also away from the traffic noise .

  11. 城市居民往往受困于喧嚣的交通噪音。

    City dwellers compete with the din of traffic to be heard .

  12. 居住在城市的人们必定被交通噪音所环绕。

    Living in the city , you can 't escape traffic noise .

  13. 道路交通噪音是本港面对的主要环境噪音问题。

    Road traffic noise is the major environmental noise problem in Hong Kong .

  14. 住宅靠近一个繁忙的环状交叉路口,交通噪音非常大。

    The house is situated near a busy round-about with lots of noisy traffic .

  15. 比起欧洲其他国家的首都,这个城市的交通噪音和污染少了许多。

    The city has less traffic noise and pollution than any other European capital .

  16. 另外一个是交通噪音。

    The other is the traffic noise .

  17. 然而,汽车数量日益增加导致废气排放物增加以及产生交通噪音。

    The increasing number of vehicles however leads to more exhaust emissions and traffic noise .

  18. 道路交通噪音及其控制措施

    Traffic Noise and the Control Measures

  19. 香港使用低噪音物料铺路以消减道路交通噪音的经验

    Experience on the Use of Low Noise Road Surface to Reduce Road Traffic Noise in Hong Kong

  20. 与此同时,交通噪音与行车安全等问题也日趋严重。

    Meanwhile , the problems such as traffic noise and traffic safety effect are becoming increasingly serious .

  21. 一个人可以迅速从嘈杂的交通噪音中分辨出救护车的警示声音。

    A person can quickly identify the warning sound of an ambulance from the loud traffic noise .

  22. 城市临街高层住宅楼交通噪音的控制方法&以北京望京新城某临街高层住宅楼防噪方法为例

    The methods of traffic noise reduction of facing street high-level residential building : a case in Beijing

  23. 施工及与交通噪音有关的施工往往是临近施工现场区域的敏感问题。

    Construction and construction related traffic noise is often a sensitive issue in areas adjacent to construction sites .

  24. 在规划时防患未然,仍是对付道路交通噪音问题最有效的方法。

    Pre-emptive planning based on environmental impact assessments remains the most effective way to tackle road traffic noise problems .

  25. 让我们多看三个例子,了解适当的规划如何防止住宅受到过量交通噪音的影响。

    Let us look at three more examples to see how proper planning helps prevent homes from exposure to excessive traffic noise .

  26. 他们的分析结论是根据对2800个关于交通噪音和相关处理压力的人所提交问卷调查而得出的。

    They based their conclusions upon the analyzing of up to 28000 questionnaires submitted by people dealing with traffic noise and associated stress .

  27. 通过分析交通噪音污染产生的危害、原因,提出了控制交通污染的若干措施。

    The paper puts forward many measures on how to control the traffic noise due to the analysis about the harms and causes of traffic noise .

  28. 所有大城市都会面对严重的交通噪音问题。为解决本港的交通噪音问题,政府已采取了一系列的相应措施。

    Traffic noise is a major problem in all large cities , but the government has adopted various measures to tackle the problem in Hong kong .

  29. 据世界卫生组织(WHO)报道,在欧洲发达国家中,平均每50个人就会有一个由于持续暴露在交通噪音中而患上心脏病。

    AROUND one heart attack in 50 in rich European countries is caused by chronic exposure to loud traffic , according to the World Health Organisation ( WHO ) .

  30. 这项研究还发现,比起住在较为安静区域的人,那些生活在日间交通噪音污染最严重区域的成年人因中风而入院的可能性要高出5%。

    The study also found that adults living in areas with the noisiest daytime traffic were 5 % more likely to be admitted to hospital for stroke than those from quieter neighbourhoods .