
  1. 臣仆说:「在隐多珥有一个交鬼的妇人。」

    " And his servants said to him ," Behold , there is a medium at En-dor .

  2. 无论男女,是交鬼的或行巫术的,总要治死他们。

    A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death .

  3. 不可偏向那些交鬼的和行巫术的;不可求问他们,以致被他们玷污了。我是耶和华你们的上帝。

    Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists , for you will be defiled by them . I am the LORD your god .

  4. 妇人对他说,看哪,你知道扫罗所作的,他已将交鬼的和行巫术的从这地剪除。

    But the woman said to him , look , you know what Saul has done , that he has cut off the mediums and the soothsayers from the land .

  5. 人偏向交鬼的和行巫术的,随他们行邪淫,我要向那人变脸,把他从民中剪除。

    I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute himself by following them , and I will cut him off from his people .

  6. 无论男女,是交鬼的或行巫术的,总要治死他们。人必用石头把他们打死,罪要归到他们身上。

    Any man or woman who makes use of spirits , or who is a wonder-worker , is to be put to death : they are to be stoned with stones : their blood will be on them .