
  • 网络data radio;radio modem;data transceiver;digital radio
  1. 本文设计的无线数传电台以用于GPS差分定位为出发点,采用FSK的调制方式,能在S频段以时分双工的工作模式完成数据的无线传输。

    In this paper , the wireless data radio takes the GPS differential positioning as a starting point , takes the FSK modulation mode , can complete the wireless transmission of data in S frequency band with the time division duplex operation mode .

  2. 讨论了多种RS-232串口设备数据的远程通讯解决方案,包括长线驱动、调制解调器、串口设备服务器、软串口设备服务器、无线数传电台和移动无线接入终端等。

    This paper presents the solutions to RS-232 serial remote communication such as Long Driver , Modem , Serial Device Server , Soft Serial Device Server , Data Radio Transceiver and Mobile Wireless Terminal .

  3. 无线数传电台在海上GPS测控系统中的应用

    Application of Wireless Data Modem in Marine GPS Navigating System

  4. 数传电台和GPRS通信技术特点

    Characters of digital broadcasting station and GPRS communication technology Friendly Number

  5. 测绘行业中数传电台与GPRS的优势比较

    Advantages comparison between the data transmission broadcasting station and GPRS in the surveying and mapping industry

  6. 方法:采用ARM嵌入式系统,并与GPS模块、北斗接收机和数传电台进行串口通信,实现数据的传输。

    Methods An ARM embedded system was used to achieve data transmission by implementing serial communication with GPS module , Beidou receiver and wireless digital broadcasting station .

  7. 铱星SBD数传电台在特殊区域的应用

    Application of Iridium SBD Data Communication Unit in Special Region

  8. 本文以实验室进行的电力配电项目为背景,首先对无线数据通信的实现进行分析,并比较了两种通信组网方案:基于无线数传电台方案和基于GPRS无线传输方案。

    First , makes analysis to the realization of wireless data communications and has compared two kinds of communication networks : the project based on wireless digital radio and the project based on GPRS wireless transmission .

  9. 文中给出了数传电台内部的组成、信号流程和接口时序等总体架构,重点介绍了采用二次调制技术的MODEM模块和接收发射通道的详细实现方案。

    It describes the collectivity framework such as composition , signal flow and interface sequence of the data transmission radio and makes emphases on how to realize the MODEM module and transmission / receiving channel that adopts the remodulation mode .

  10. 论文着重讲述了分调度台&车载设备这一层的无线传输方式,它是以数传电台实现无线通路,采用了高可靠的CRC冗余校验技术。

    The thesis emphasized to relate to the mode of wireless deliver on the layer of lower shunting work station & vehicle equipments . It conducts wireless thoroughfare on the broadcasting station , and adopts the high credible CRC redundancy checkout technique .

  11. 本文主要研究了一种采用MDS2710A无线数传电台进行远距离通讯的无人机飞行仿真系统的设计与实现。

    The main contribution of this paper is to deal with a flight simulation system of UAV , which adopts MDS2710A data transceivers as communication equipment .

  12. 运用无线数传电台进行数据传输;

    Using the wireless broadcasting station and carrying on data transmission ;

  13. 基于无线数传电台的电网电压监测记录系统

    Grid voltage monitoring and recording system based on wireless data transceiver

  14. 无线数传电台实现数据可靠传输技术的探讨

    Discussion on transmission technology of data by wireless digital broadcasting station

  15. 基于数传电台的多主通讯系统的实现

    The Implementation of Multi-master Communication System with Data Radio Transceiver

  16. 数传电台直扩中频单元设计与性能分析

    Design and Performance Analysis of the DS Intermediate Frequency Unit of a Data-Transmission Radio

  17. 基于MAX3110E的串口扩展及其与数传电台通信实现

    Serial port expansion based MAX 3110 E and its communication with data radio transceiver

  18. 文章介绍了一种基于无线数传电台的电压监测记录系统。

    A grid voltage monitoring and recording system based on wireless data transmitter receiver is introduced in this paper .

  19. 远程站的传感器采集供水数据,根据预先协商的通信协议,通过数传电台以无线方式传回监控中心;

    The RTU transmits water pressure from sensors to monitor centre over a wireless system using a negotiated communication protocol .

  20. 无线数传电台是一种技术比较成熟的无线通信方式,在电力负荷管理系统与用电信息采集系统中有着广泛的应用,因此电力行业一般称其为负控通信电台。

    Radio station is a mature technology for wireless communications , which is widely used in power load management system and information acquisition system .

  21. 大量实验证明,该方法可以很好的满足基于无线数传电台的多主通讯系统的数据交换实现。

    And a great deal of experiments proved that the method are very available for the implementation of multi-master communication system with data radio transceiver .

  22. 论证了应用振弦传感器和无线数传电台在工程中进行实时或动态监测的可行性。

    The feasibility of using the vibrating wire transducer and microwave data radio to measure and control real-timely or dynamically in the structure engineering is proofed .

  23. 数传电台在工业控制领域的应用广泛,目前仍然是工业控制领域的主要传输手段。

    The data transmission broadcasting station has been applied in the industry control field broadly , nowadays it is still the main instrument of industrial control .

  24. 针对弹丸飞行姿态测试中高速摄影机的触发需求,以微控制器和数传电台为核心部件,设计了无线遥控触发系统。

    With a MCU and a wireless data transceiver as key components , a wireless remote-control trigger system was designed for high-speed photography of the flight attitude of projectiles .

  25. 传统的使用类似于数传电台的无线通信设备为通信手段的计算机无线测量与控制系统,建设和维护费用高,不能满足工程上大地理范围的测量与控制要求。

    Wireless computer measurement and control systems that use digital radio transceivers to transfer data will meet troubles when they are applied to measure and control many points distributed in large area .

  26. 鉴于电机启动时启动电流大等缺点,系统统中采用了软启动器启动电机,考虑到监控室距离控制现场比较远,系统中采用了数传电台进行上下位机的通讯。

    In view of the large current when starting , the system use the soft starter the pump . In view of the long distance , the system use digital communication video to communicate .

  27. 以4个无线数传电台密钥管理为例,启动电台1算出系统证书签名密钥,把另3个服务器的密钥、名称及电台1的信息组合成3个有效证书。

    It takes example for the key management on four wireless transmitter-receivers , in which the administrative authority node takes charge of insuring the initial certificate for the other three nodes and maintaining the system running .

  28. 测试结果表明:本论文设计的无线数传电台成功地替代了某型号的原有线数传系统,大大地提高了某型号的机动性,增强了该武器系统的战斗力。

    The result of system debugging showed that the software wireless data transmission radio can successfully substitute the previous wire data transmission system , and improve the flexibility and the battle effectiveness of the missile system .

  29. 无线数传电台可传输包括遥控遥测、数字化语音、动态图像等多种形式的数据,社会生产对工业自动化程度的高要求不断促进其发展。

    The wireless data radio can transmit various forms of data including remote telemetry , digital voice , dynamic images , the high demands of the social production of the industrial automation continues to promote its development .

  30. 本文提出了利用无线数传电台和串口联网设备实现远距离工业控制和通信,结合天河机场自来水源水调度系统讨论了系统硬件和软件的实现方法。

    This paper proposes a solution to implementing Remote Data communication and control base on Data Radio Station and Serial to Ethernet equipment , and presents implementing of the hardware and software in WuHan TianHe airport Headwaters dispatching system .