
yóu gāo
  • ointment;factice;salve;factis;oleamen
油膏 [yóu gāo]
  • [ointment]用于皮肤的软膏,特指含脂类或油脂类物质(如凡士林、猪油、羊毛脂)为基质的半固体药物制剂

油膏[yóu gāo]
  1. 塑料油膏防水屋面使用中应注意的问题

    Some attentive problems in the application of plastic factice waterproof roof

  2. PVC防水油膏在屋面防水施工中的应用

    The application of PVC waterproofing ointment for roof waterproof construction

  3. 有一系列治疗湿疹的油膏和乳膏可以买到。

    A range of ointments and creams is available for the treatment of eczema

  4. PVC建筑防水油膏可用性分析

    Analysis about the availability of pvc waterproofing ointment for buildings

  5. 禁止使用油、油膏、药膏或HF皮肤烧伤的处理办法。

    Do not use oils , salves , ointments , or HF skin burn treatments .

  6. 可见芪榆油膏影响创面修复的机制之一是通过EGF和VEGF介导的。

    Qi Yu ointment effects can be seen one of the mechanisms of wound healing by EGF and VEGF-mediated .

  7. 当惊艳的绿发女郎Rosa被害以后,医生用油膏和处置尸体的防腐剂来保存她。

    After the breathtaking green-haired Rosa is murdered , the doctors preserve her with unguents and morticians ' paste .

  8. 本文通过实验分析对PVC建筑防水油膏的可用性进行了论证,并提出在生产和使用该产品时的注意事项。

    In this paper , analysing with experiments , we have proved the availability of pvc waterproofing ointment for buildings and have pointed out the attent on matters of producting and using the product .

  9. 这油膏可以消此炎症。一种消炎药(商标是Tandearil)。

    This ointment will subdue the inflammation . an anti-inflammatory drug ( trade name Tandearil ) .

  10. 结果,液体石蜡油和凡士林油膏经650W微波灭菌器照射20min和25min,可全部杀灭嗜热脂肪杆菌芽孢;分别照射25min和30min,可全部杀灭枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢。

    The results showed that 650 W microwave sterilizer irradiation to liquid paraffin and vaseline ointment for 20 min and 25 min could kill all spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus and irradiation for 25 min and 30 min could kill all spores of Bacillus subtilis var. niger .

  11. 他们省下最宝贵的油膏来涂抹他的双脚。

    They saved their most precious oils to anoint his feet .

  12. 母亲每天把一种有香味的油膏涂在我腿上。

    Every day mother applied a sweet-smelling salve to my legs .

  13. 将这油膏擦在你的皮肤上,让它渗透进去。

    Rub this ointment on your skin and let it work in .

  14. 紫柏油膏外涂治疗婴儿湿疹20例。

    20 cases of infant eczema treated by smearing with Zibai ointment .

  15. 钢丝绳蜡油膏表面脂的研究

    Study on the Wax Ointment Face Grease for Wire Rope

  16. 耐低温橡胶沥青防水油膏的研制

    Low & temperature resistance of waterproof caulk of rubber pitch

  17. 介绍一种不填充油膏的干式中心管光缆。

    The paper introduces a non-filled dry central core optical fiber cable .

  18. 将(油膏等)揉搓进某物中

    Force ( ointment , etc ) into sth by rubbing

  19. 由磷石膏和氯化钾制取硫酸钾溶剂法工艺研究油膏(软化剂,增量剂)

    Producing Potassium Sulfate from Phosphogypsum and Potassium Chloride by Solvent Method ;

  20. 加氢基础油在光缆填充油膏上的复合应用光纤-同轴电缆混合系统

    The Complex Application of Hydrotreated Base Oils in Optical Fiber Cable Ointment

  21. 主要对膨胀油膏的作用机理及其主要性能作一简单介绍。

    The paper briefly describes the mechanism and main properties of swelling gel .

  22. 无色透明新型光纤油膏的研制开发

    Development of newtype colourless and transparent optical fibre ointment

  23. 医生给伤口涂了些油膏,伤口很快就愈合了。

    The doctor applied an unguent to the wound , which speedily healed it .

  24. 用于清漆和油膏中的树脂油。

    An oleoresin used in varnishes and ointments .

  25. 在魔法仪式中把油膏涂在脉搏处将能最大发挥作用。

    For magic , ointments work best when applied to pulse points or chakras .

  26. 目的研究紫草油膏的化学成分,探讨中药复方中紫草油炸的合理性。

    The Research on the Optimum Technique of Testing the Content of Radix Arnebiae ;

  27. 这种油膏治烧伤和烫伤很管事儿。

    This cream is good for burns .

  28. 复方苍耳虫油膏对实验性疮疡促愈作用的研究

    Study on the Effect of Compound Cocklebur Basilicon on Experimental Pyocutaneous Disease for Promoting Concrescence

  29. 润发脂,头油一种加过香料的油膏,特别是用来梳理头发的一种油膏膏霜用玫瑰檀香香精

    A perfumed ointment , especially one used to groom the hair . cream rose-sandal essence

  30. 抗病毒霜剂或油膏能减轻烧灼、瘙痒、刺痛感。

    An antiviral cream or ointment can relieve the burning , itching , or tingling .