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  • oil body
油体[yóu tǐ]
  1. SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳发现,转基因油菜油体肠激酶酶切前后蛋白条带发生了明显改变,说明肠激酶可以对纯化的油体进行有效切割。

    By SDS-PAGE , we found that the protein band of oil body changed significantly after digestion by enterokinase , indicated that enterokinase was effective to cleave purified oil body .

  2. 植物油体表达体系的研究进展

    Progress in the Establishment of a Plant Seed Oil Body Expression System

  3. 苔藓植物是一类茎叶结构简单的有胚植物,具假根。90%的苔类植物含有一种特殊的油体(oilbody)细胞结构,可以合成和储存结构类型独特的萜类和芳香类化合物。

    Bryophyta are a kind of embryophyte with simple stem and rhizoids . 90 % of the liverworts possess special cell structure-oil body , which can synthesize and store unique terpenoids and aromatic compounds .

  4. sCT纯化方法的建立和油体表达体系的优化

    Establishment of the Purification System for sCT and Optimization of the Oil Body-based Expression System

  5. 与油脂贮藏相关的油体蛋白Oleosin基因高丰度表达。

    The Oleosin genes relate to the oil storage are high abundance expression .

  6. 将聚甲醛(POM)与适量的三元共聚尼龙(COPA)、硅油、载油体及表面活性剂熔融混合,制备出了性能优良的高抗冲、低磨耗POM共混物。

    High impact and low wear Polyoxymethylene ( POM ) blend was prepared by melt blending of POM with copolyamide ( COPA ), silicone grease , oil carrier and surfactant .

  7. 近年来人们发现,油体的三个组成成分TAGs,PLs和OLEOSIN-s,可在体外重组形成稳定的人工油体,人工油体在结构和稳定性上与植物来源的油体无显著差别。

    In recent years , reconstitution of a stable artificial oil bodies in vitro , which have no significant difference with native oil bodies in structure and stability , using of the three components of oil bodies-TAGs , PLs and OLEOSINs , has been found .

  8. 大豆24kDa油体蛋白基因在大肠杆菌中的表达

    Expression of Soybean 24 kDa Oleosin Gene in Escherichia coli

  9. 简论植物油体蛋白作为载体生产外源重组蛋白的研究

    Discussion on Plant Oleosin as a Carrier for Foreign Proteins

  10. 油体多,分散在细胞质中。

    The cells contain more oil bodies in cytoplasm .

  11. 植物种子油体及相关蛋白研究综述

    A Research Summary of Oil Bodies and Protein-associated Oil Bodies in Plant Seeds

  12. 葫芦科6个栽培品种的种子油体蛋白鉴别

    Identification of 6 cultural species of cucurbitaceae by oleosins

  13. 牛至挥发油体内外抗痢疾杆菌的作用

    Antibacterial Effects of Origanum Volatile Oil on Dysentery Bacilli in Vivo and in Vitro

  14. 微波谐振腔微扰法测量油体含水量的研究

    Study About Water Content in Oil Body System by Resonance Cavity Tiny Disturbing Method Using Microwave

  15. 种子的油体蛋白及其基因

    Oleosins and its Genes in Seeds

  16. 利用油体系统表达重组蛋白已成为目前植物生物反应器研究领域的重要内容之一。

    Production of the recombinant protein based oil bodies has become an interesting alternative in plant bioreactor research field .

  17. 油体蛋白是一类特殊的储藏蛋白,主要在部分油料植物种子中特异性表达。

    Plant oleosins are a group of seed storage proteins that attached specifically to phospholipid monolayer of the oil bodies .

  18. 三酰甘油酯在称为油体的不连续亚细胞器中累积,是植物种子主要的碳源和化学能储备。

    TAGs are the main reserved substances in the seed , which are accumulated in discrete organelles termed oil bodies .

  19. 但植物油体表达体系作为植物生物反应器,仍然受到植物生长周期长的限制。

    However , the plant oil body expression system used as plant bioreactors is limited to the long plant growth cycle .

  20. 油体向水体侵入时为活塞状推进,为直接证明隔油式油驱水增加了难度。

    It is difficult to make a directness certification of compartmental oil driving water while oil invading water like piston forwarding .

  21. 开放式系统,但油体平均温度不得超出上表所示的最高温度。

    Open systems , but the average body temperature of the oil shall not exceed the maximum temperature shown in the table .

  22. 种皮和胚中也贮藏蛋白体,但发育晚于油体。

    In addition , there were also protein bodies stored in seed coat and cotyledon , which developed later than oil bodies .

  23. 通过对多种实验的比较发现,离心力和离心时间是获得高纯度油体的关键因素。

    Comprised with many different methods , we found the centrifugal force and time were key factors for acquiring high quality oil body .

  24. 植物油体表达体系具有提取工艺简单,易于分离纯化的优点。

    The oil body-based expression system in plant is one of optimal system , which is easier to separation and purification of target protein .

  25. 尼罗红荧光标记显示,内质网形成的油体始终以独立单元存在。

    Through nile red fluorescent dye staining , it has been observed that oil bodies from endoplasmic reticulum were existed as small single units .

  26. 本文在对人胰岛素原基因进行改造的基础上,探讨以模式植物拟南芥为材料、利用植物油体表达系统生产重组人胰岛素原,具体工作如下。

    In this article , we considered producing modified recombinant human proinsulin in the model plant , Arabidopsis thaliana , via plant oil body expression system .

  27. 就油体的结构,油体表面相关蛋白和油体的合成降解等方面的研究进展进行了综述。

    The structures of oil bodies , the characteristics of protein-associated oil bodies and their synthesis and degradation in plant seeds were reviewed in this paper .

  28. 黄连木的果实中储存有大量的油类物质,这些油类主要以油体的形式存在于果皮、种皮和子叶中。

    The fruit of Pistacia chinensis Bunge contains lots of oil which mainly exist as oil bodies in the parts of pericarp , seed coat and cotyledon .

  29. 然后利用已建立的油菜种子全蛋白双向电泳的方法对高、低含油量甘蓝型油菜种子的油体蛋白进行双向电泳。

    Then utilizing the established method , we researched the two-dimensional electrophoresis for oil body proteins in the Brassica napus seed with higher and lower oil content .

  30. 将水平管划分为三个测量段,以空气、水和高粘度油体为工质,研究了油气水三相流中由流动引起的液-液复杂相态及其所对应的三相流压力降。

    The complex phase regimes and pressure drops were investigated for oil-water-gas three - phase mixture . The investigation was carried out in a horizontal pipe with three test sections .