
  1. 漂浮旅馆是艺术家MikaelGenburg的心血结晶,他以自己独特的旅馆体验而知名,包括在城市中心公园的树上旅馆,以及今年夏天开业的“ooops”旅馆,离梅拉伦湖上的阿特旅馆不远。

    The ' floatel " is the brainchild of artist Mikael Genburg , known for his unique hotel experiences including one in a tree in a city centre park , and ' Ooops ' , the sunken villa which opened this summer not far from Utter Inn by Lake Malaren .

  2. 梅梁湖泵站竖井贯流泵装置主要参数的确定

    Determination of main parameters for shaft tubular pumping system

  3. 但流速值不大,即梅梁湖、贡湖和大太湖的水体交换量不大,通过流场分布可初步判断污染物质在水体中的扩散与迁移情况。

    By analysis of the flow field , the diffusion and transport of pollutants in water bodies can be estimated primarily .

  4. 漂浮在梅拉伦湖上的阿特旅馆是瑞典艺术家的作品,这个旅馆位于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩市西边,到首都需要一个小时。旅馆看起来就像是栖息在跳台上的小屋。

    Created by a Swedish artist , the Utter Inn floats on Lake Malaren , an hour west of Stockholm and looks like a small shed perched atop a diving platform .

  5. 被阿特旅馆的工作人员带出漂浮小屋后,游客们可以在甲板上放松身心,或在下一晚水下生活之前使用酒店的充气橡皮艇去探索梅拉伦湖上某个无人居住的岛屿。

    After being taken out to the floating hut by Utter Inn staff , visitors can relax on the deck or use the hotel 's inflatable dinghy to explore one of the uninhabited islands in Lake Malaren before a night underwater .