
  • 网络DreamWorks Animation;DREAMWORKS ANIMATION SKG INC;DreamWorks Animation SKG;dwa
  1. 中国媒体报道说,中国的电影监管部门让美国梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)的高票房影片《疯狂原始人》(TheCroods)在中国为期三天的端午节假期开始前一周停映,比原有安排提前了两周。

    Local media reports say China 's film regulator pulled DreamWorks Animation 's high-grossing " The Croods " from theaters one week before the three-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday two weeks early than scheduled .

  2. 相对论传媒公司(RelativityMedia)和梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)已在中国电影制作方面投入巨资。

    Relativity media and DreamWorks Animation have invested heavily in film production in China .

  3. 梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)CEO杰弗里o卡森伯格回忆起1994年夏天的事,他感慨那一切仿佛就发生在昨天。

    DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg recalls the summer of 1994 like it was yesterday .

  4. 梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)CEO杰弗瑞•卡森伯格认为,在这个行业,人人都是工作狂,但西克雷斯特却是“我见过的工作最努力的一位”。

    In an industry of workaholics , Seacrest is " the single hardest-working person I know , " DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg says .

  5. 周二,梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorks)称,该公司将在亚洲19个地区推出一个电视频道,包括韩国、台湾和香港。

    DreamWorks Animation said on Tuesday that it would introduce a television network in 19 Asian territories , including South Korea , Taiwan and Hong Kong .

  6. 同时,作为梦工厂动画公司的代言人,鹿晗正在充分发挥他的个人品牌作用。

    Han is also putting his personal brand to work on behalf of DreamWorks Animation .

  7. 梦工厂动画公司的电影《功夫熊猫3》仅仅登陆中国荧屏两天就已经收获了3亿元的票房。

    DreamWorks Animation 's " Kung Fu Panda 3 " has nabbed over 300 million yuan in just two days of screening in China .

  8. 维亚康姆媒体企业集团下的派拉蒙影视公司及梦工厂动画公司等电影制作公司,聘请了中国演员并和中国的公司共同出品影片。

    Production companies like Viacom Inc 's Paramount Picture and DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc have hired Chinese actors and set up co-productions with Chinese firms .

  9. 电视成为梦工厂动画公司的扩张重点,该公司在努力稳定自己的财务状况,更少依赖大成本电影,因为这种电影能否成功变数很大。

    Television has been an expanding focus of DreamWorks Animation , which has been trying to stabilize its financial performance by relying less on big-budget movies , the success of which can vary widely .

  10. 梦工厂动画公司的首席执行官杰弗里卡则伯格指出,电脑动画工作室是在会谈一功夫熊猫续集,并计划都至少有一个更马达加斯加电影,如果不是更多。

    DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg says that the computer animation studio is in talks for a Kung Fu Panda sequel , and plans to have at least one more Madagascar film , if not more .

  11. 除了与梦工厂动画电影公司合作的项目外,东方梦工厂还在拍自己的作品,包括电视节目、电影和动画长片。

    Alongside projects with DreamWorks Animation , the studio is also working on its own portfolio of television programs , films and animated features .

  12. 2014年,他们开设了第二个分馆——龙美术馆西岸馆,它是上海市政府开发的河畔文化走廊的一部分。这个文化走廊包括私人博物馆、大型娱乐中心,以及即将亮相的梦工厂新合资动画公司的总部。

    In 2014 , they opened a second branch , the Long Museum West Bund , part of a government-sponsored project to develop a waterfront cultural corridor in Shanghai that includes private museums , a large entertainment complex , and soon , the headquarters for DreamWorks " new Chinese joint venture animation studio .

  13. 正是45岁的黎瑞刚,帮助成立了在参与制作《功夫熊猫3》的合资企业东方梦工厂。除了与梦工厂动画电影公司合作的项目外,东方梦工厂还在拍自己的作品,包括电视节目、电影和动画长片。

    It was Mr. Li , 45 , who helped set up Oriental DreamWorks , the Shanghai joint venture working on " Kung Fu Panda 3 . " Alongside projects with DreamWorks Animation , the studio is also working on its own portfolio of television programs , films and animated features .