
  • 网络Neverland Ranch
  1. 然而,珀金斯保证,如果迈克尔杰克逊的粉丝买下这座庄园,这里仍能找到它曾经是梦幻庄园的小标识:庄园里由花卉组成的Neverland(梦幻庄园)字样的大钟被保留下来并被加以修复。

    Perkins promises however , if an MJ fan does buy the property there are still a few small signs that it was the Neverland Ranch - with its clock made from flowers that spells out ' Neverland ' retained and restored .

  2. 听起来像在梦幻庄园度过了一晚

    Sounds like a night at the Neverland Ranch .

  3. 这个私人资本集团在五月的时候,从堡垒投资集团(FortressInvestmentGroup)那里买下了2300万美元的债权,这是杰克逊抵押他在洛斯奥利沃斯的梦幻庄园而得来的贷款。

    The private-equity group in May bought from hedge fund Fortress Investment Group a $ 23 million loan backed by Neverland , in Los Olivos , Calif.

  4. colonycapital去年与杰克逊成立了一家合资公司,以整修荒废的梦幻庄园,使之免于被没收拍卖,该公司没有就其计划发表评论。

    Colony capital , which saved Neverland from a foreclosure sale last year by forming a joint venture with Jackson to spruce up the dilapidated property , has not commented on its plans .

  5. 梦幻庄园最大特色之一就是,里面一座名副其实的动物园,有着来自世界各地的动物,包括一条名为Muscles的巨蟒和一只叫泡泡的黑猩猩。

    One of the most amazing features of the ranch was the veritable zoo of exotic animals including a boa constrictor named Muscles and famous chimpanzee named Bubbles .

  6. 洛杉矶警方突袭了梦幻庄园,查抄了Jackson与孩子们一同拍的录像带和照片。

    The Los Angeles Police Department raided his Neverland home in Santa Ynez , Valley , confiscating videos and photographs that Jackson has taken with children .

  7. 在杰克逊去世前,Colony首席执行官汤姆巴拉克(TomBarrack)曾表示,梦幻庄园的价值在7000万至9000万美元之间。

    Tom Barrack , Colony 's chief executive , said before Jackson 's death that the value of Neverland could be between $ 70m and $ 90m .

  8. 从Jackson的梦幻庄园和世纪城别墅查抄到的几百份文件、照片及录影带中,找不到任何确实证据。

    No hard evidence had been gathered from the hundreds of papers , photographs and videotapes seized during the raids on Jackson 's Neverland home and his Century City apartment .

  9. 同时它也想要这位歌手卖掉梦幻庄园牧场(NeverlandRanch),这个曾经拥有游乐园和动物园的天王住家,在这里,发生过引发争议的儿童过夜事件。

    It also wants the singer to sell his Neverland Ranch , the home of his private amusement park and menagerie and site of his controversial sleepovers with young children .

  10. 杰克逊去世也改变了梦幻庄园(Neverland)的潜在命运,这座位于圣芭芭拉、占地2600英亩的牧场,一直是耗费杰克逊最多钱财的资产之一。

    His death has also transformed the potential fortunes of Neverland , the 2,600-acre Santa Barbara ranch that had been one of the heaviest drains on his cash .

  11. 正在讨论中的一个可能是,在拉斯维加斯的一间赌场建立一个杰克逊主题景点,复制他在圣塔巴巴拉的著名庄园“梦幻庄园”(Neverland)。

    One possibility under discussion is to create a Michael Jackson-themed attraction in a Las Vegas casino that would have a replica of his famous Santa Barbara estate , Neverland .

  12. 这样看起来不像杰克逊的梦幻庄园了。

    So it doesn 't iook Iike you Iive in neveriand ranch .

  13. 这样你这儿就不会像是杰克逊的梦幻庄园了。

    So it doesn 't look like you live in Neverland ranch .

  14. 我让他的梦幻庄园梦想变成现实。

    I made his Neverland dreams come true .

  15. 据说普林斯希望有一天能买回杰克逊著名的梦幻庄园。

    Prince is said to be hoping to buy back Jackson 's famous Neverland ranch one day .

  16. 迈克尔杰克逊的传奇故居“梦幻庄园”可能改成青少年音乐爱好者的天堂。

    Michael Jackson 's legendary estate " Neverland Ranch " may be turned into a haven for teenage musicians .

  17. 2006年搬出梦幻庄园前,他在该庄园有大约50辆汽车和100多名雇员。

    Before moving out in 2006 , he maintained about 50 cars and more than 100 staff on the property .

  18. 当时,迈克尔的资金问题也波及到他的梦幻庄园的运营,最终,此庄园由于债务问题出售给了金融家用来抵债。

    At the time , Michael 's money problems also extended to his Neverland Ranch , which was eventually sold off as debt to a financier .

  19. 甚至连名字也一并改变了,从先前杰克逊80年代买下时的名字梦幻庄园变成了枫谷牧场。

    Even the name has changed with Neverland now known as Sycamore Valley Ranch - which was its name prior to the star buying in the Eighties .

  20. 杰克逊在1988年购买了该庄园并且把它命名为梦幻庄园,该名称源自一个不会长大的孩子彼得潘的故事,故事中他居住在梦幻岛。

    Jackson bought the ranch in 1988 . He named the property after Neverland , the fantasy island in the story of Peter Pan , a boy who never grows up .

  21. 据圣塔芭芭拉附近的杰克逊地产商,朱丽恩拍卖会的执行理事,马丁·诺兰说这间迈克尔租来的房子和里面的装饰品,都是杰克逊梦幻庄园的象征。

    The home and its decor , which Jackson leased , are reminiscent of Neverland Ranch , Jackson 's estate near Santa Barbara , said Martin Nolan , executive director of Julien 's Auctions .

  22. “梦幻庄园如今是迈克尔的神话圣地,我们正尽力接待世界各地蜂拥而来的媒体和前来悼念的歌迷,”他表示。

    " Neverland itself is now a mythical sanctuary to Michael and we are doing our best to accommodate the throngs of global press and fans arriving there to express their grief , " he said .

  23. 十年前,当杰克逊为了最后一张专辑而努力工作时,一位名叫罗德尼·詹金斯的年轻制片商在杰克逊梦幻庄园的舞蹈室开始工作了。

    A decade ago , when Michael Jackson was working on what would become his final album , a young producer named Rodney Jerkins set up shop in the dance room of the singer 's Neverland Ranch .

  24. 不幸的是,在迈克尔被指控性骚扰儿童,当政府部门来到梦幻庄园取证调查后,迈克认为这里已经被污染了,于是再也不愿意住回来。

    Unfortunately , after Michael was accused of child molestation and the authorities performed a search of the property for evidence , Michael said he 'd never return to the property because of the tainted association it held .

  25. 梦幻庄园里的其他动物被送往全国各地的避难所去了。例如,一群火焰鸟被送往新泽西州的一个动物园,一对猩猩则被送往康乃迪克州。

    The other amazing animals at the ranch were also sent around to different sanctuaries around the country including a flock of flamingos that were sent to a New Jersey zoo and a pair of orangutans who were sent to Connecticut .

  26. 与此同时,杰克逊的葬礼计划似乎也越来越明朗,杰克逊的家人发表声明,不会在“梦幻庄园”举行公开纪念活动。“梦幻庄园”占地2600英亩,位于加州圣巴巴拉。

    Meanwhile , funeral plans appeared to edge closer to clarity , with a statement from Mr. Jackson 's family ruling out a public event at Neverland Valley Ranch , Mr. Jackson 's 2600-acre estate in Santa Barbara County , California .

  27. 多年来,迈克尔·杰克逊都住在位于美国加州圣巴巴拉县一所斥巨资打造的梦幻庄园里,他根据《小飞侠彼得潘》中令人向往的小岛“梦幻岛”来命名这个庄园,这里也是人们得以亲近他的所在之地。

    For many years , Michael Jackson lived on an expansive property known as Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara County . He named the property after the famous story of Peter Pan , which is how many people saw the entertainer .

  28. 迈克尔的愿望就是希望这些曾住在梦幻庄园里的动物可以住到最妥善的地方,但很多动物最后都只能住在简陋的避难所里,那里所投入的财资和物资完全不及迈克尔曾投入的,动物们都得不到好的照顾。

    Michael 's will directed that the animals living at the ranch be sent to the best homes possible , but many of the animals ended up at sanctuaries without the same money and resources that Michael had to devote to animal care .

  29. 为了给他高消费的生活方式找钱,他抵押了梦幻岛庄园这样的资产,同时,他却停止了工作,而且为了打赢娈童案官司,而支付了数百万美元的律师费。

    Funding his high-flying lifestyle with loans like the one backed by Neverland , he simultaneously stopped working and racked up millions of dollars in lawyers'bills to fight child-molestation charges .

  30. 这个计划的第一步是,将这名歌星和梦幻岛庄园分割开来。这个庄园作为当年审判的焦点,在公众的眼里,永远和那些可怕的指控有着联系。

    The first step in that plan is to distance the singer from Neverland , which , as a focal point for the trial , is indelibly linked with those charges in the eyes of the public .