
  1. 如果说整形手术让他变得惨不忍睹,那么接踵而来的恋童案则让他成了众矢之的。

    If his plastic surgery made him disturbingly unwatchable , soon , allegations of child abuse would make him reviled by many .

  2. 当时的他完全被法律和财务纠纷击溃了。于是,他在2005年恋童案结束后毅然选择了隐居。

    He was overwhelmed with legal and financial troubles and went into seclusion after the trial for child molestation ended in 2005 .

  3. 紧接着杰克逊的恋童案审判,他停止支付房贷以致庄园处于失修状态,之后柯罗尼公司拥有了这处房产。

    Colony took ownership of the property in2008 after Jackson stopped paying the mortgage following his child-molestation trial and allowed the ranch to fall into disrepair .

  4. 截止到2005年恋童案时,杰克逊负债大约三亿美金,根据当时庭上的证词,他每年超过其收入的花销高达3000万美元。

    By the time of his2005 criminal trial , he was nearly $ 300 million in debt and , according to testimony , spending $ 30 million more annually than he was taking in .