
  • 网络Neverland;fantasy island;Dhonveli;Deception Island;Chaaya Island Dhonveli
  1. 现年41岁的好莱坞巨星强尼·戴普(JohnnyDepp)凭借《寻找梦幻岛》(FindingNeverland)获得最佳剧情片男主角提名。

    Johnny Depp 's portrayal of JM Barrie in Finding Neverland earned him a nomination for best actor in a drama .

  2. 我常常对自己说,他去了梦幻岛。

    I used to say to myself he 'd gone to neverland .

  3. 离开梦幻岛唯一的办法是什么?

    What was the only way of getting out of the never land ?

  4. 我们可以在梦幻岛见面了。

    Maybe we 'll meet up in never-never land .

  5. 梦幻岛的童年是否就是生命的终点?

    Is childhood in Neverland the goal in life ?

  6. 杰克与梦幻岛海盗:呦喝!出发啰!

    Jake And The Neverland Pirates : Yo Ho , Matey 's Away !

  7. 不知名男士:欢迎来到梦幻岛。

    UNIDENTIFlED MALE : Welcome to Fantasy Island .

  8. 她不能去看梦幻岛了,那个巴里曾经答应带她看的地方。

    She couldn 't go and see Neverland , the place Barrie promised to show her .

  9. 之后他们一起前往梦幻岛找寻一群迷童,与海盗及邪恶的铁钩船长对抗到底。

    Off they go to Neverland to find Lost Boys , fight pirates and confront the wicked Captain Hook .

  10. 梦幻岛是一个占地2700英亩的私人游乐园,里面有动物园,嘉年华游乐场和两条铁路。

    Neverland is a sprawling 2700-acre private amusement park with its own zoo , carnival rides , and two railroads .

  11. 当她看到梦幻岛那个永远长不大的孩子彼得潘居住的美好的地方的时候她哭了。

    She was in tears when seeing Neverland , the marvelous place where Peter Pan , the never-grow-up boy , lived .

  12. 梦幻岛的永恒魅力&从《小飞侠彼得·潘》到《重返梦幻岛》

    The Eternal Charm of Dreaming Island & From " Little Swordsman Peter Pan " to " Back to Dreaming Island ";

  13. 海默的父亲也是位演员,海默小时候就得到了与约翰尼德普出演《寻找梦幻岛》的机会。

    Actually his father is an actor , so he got the chance of costarring with Johnny Depp in Finding Neverland .

  14. 梦幻岛取名自彼得潘的永无岛,在那里小男孩们永远不会长大。

    The ranch takes its name from Peter Pan 's " Never Never Land , " where boys never grow up .

  15. 几天前,我看了一部叫做《寻找梦幻岛》的电影,我第一眼就喜欢上了它。

    A few days ago , I watched a film named Finding Neverland which I fell in love with at first sight .

  16. 这很有可能导致了他成年以后孩子气的行为并且十分喜欢像麦考利克金(《小鬼当家》的主角)的小孩,并让他们在自己的梦幻岛里玩耍嬉戏。

    This likely caused his adulthood childlike behavior and drew him to children such as Macauly Culkin , entertaining them at his Neverland Ranch .

  17. 西尔维娅在无忧岛的美好梦境中永远的闭上了她的眼睛,或者我们可以说她在梦幻岛这个没有忧愁的地方重生了。

    Sylvia closed her eyes forever in the beautiful dream of Neverland or we can say she renascenced in Neverland , the place without grief .

  18. 警察突袭了梦幻岛,之后迈克尔就离开了这里再也没有回来,称这里没有一点家的味道。

    Police raided Neverland Ranch , and Michael left the property , never to come back , claiming that it no longer felt like home .

  19. 但他依然负债四亿美元,拿的是他大量的音乐版权做抵押。梦幻岛则用来抵押了一个较小额的贷款。

    But he is still carrying almost $ 400 million in debt secured by his extensive music-publishing holdings , in addition to the smaller loan backed by Neverland .

  20. 为了给他高消费的生活方式找钱,他抵押了梦幻岛庄园这样的资产,同时,他却停止了工作,而且为了打赢娈童案官司,而支付了数百万美元的律师费。

    Funding his high-flying lifestyle with loans like the one backed by Neverland , he simultaneously stopped working and racked up millions of dollars in lawyers'bills to fight child-molestation charges .

  21. 这里因此被外界称为“梦幻岛”:环岛的沙滩上的沙是从巴哈马进口的;

    So here , outsiders called " Neverland ": island beach sand is imported from the Bahamas ; swaying palm trees are from the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Islands transplanted ;

  22. 她给自己的地盘取名为“梦幻岛”,然后对土地上的空白像素进行开发,以便以合理的利润将其出售给其他玩家。

    She then developed the bare pixels of land in " dreamland " , as she named her territory , that could be sold to other players for a reasonable profit .

  23. 不久之后,迈克尔杰克逊自己被指控为对一名曾在“梦幻岛”过夜的十三岁的男孩有过身体猥亵,但是警方没有在搜查中发现任何证据。

    AllegationsNot long after , Michael himself was accused of abusing a13-year-old boy who slept over at Neverland , though police found no evidence to support the claim when they searched the ranch .

  24. 这个计划的第一步是,将这名歌星和梦幻岛庄园分割开来。这个庄园作为当年审判的焦点,在公众的眼里,永远和那些可怕的指控有着联系。

    The first step in that plan is to distance the singer from Neverland , which , as a focal point for the trial , is indelibly linked with those charges in the eyes of the public .

  25. 假如我是小飞侠,我会在夜晚,吹开每个小朋友的窗户,领着他到梦幻岛去玩。

    If I were the magic flying Peter Pan , I would open the windows of every child 's room in the night and lead them to play in the Neverland , There would be no endless homework ;

  26. 可儿的精灵伙伴“小多”,生活在美丽、梦幻的彩虹岛上。

    Kurhn 's fellow , Dudy , lives in rainbow island , Dudy has magic power , and can change to different looks .

  27. 多年来,迈克尔·杰克逊都住在位于美国加州圣巴巴拉县一所斥巨资打造的梦幻庄园里,他根据《小飞侠彼得潘》中令人向往的小岛“梦幻岛”来命名这个庄园,这里也是人们得以亲近他的所在之地。

    For many years , Michael Jackson lived on an expansive property known as Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara County . He named the property after the famous story of Peter Pan , which is how many people saw the entertainer .

  28. 杰克逊在1988年购买了该庄园并且把它命名为梦幻庄园,该名称源自一个不会长大的孩子彼得潘的故事,故事中他居住在梦幻岛。

    Jackson bought the ranch in 1988 . He named the property after Neverland , the fantasy island in the story of Peter Pan , a boy who never grows up .