
  • 网络Dream Boy
  1. 梅拉尼娅以清晰的笔迹写下了她对自己的梦中男孩的想法。

    In clear handwriting , Melanija mused about the boys of her dreams .

  2. 他是活在我梦里的男孩。

    He 's the boy who lives in my dreams .

  3. 我是你梦中的男孩。

    I 'm a boy in your dreams .

  4. 我做了一个梦,一个男孩正在纸上写着人们死去的日子,我让他找到我们俩的,可是他说找不到!

    I had a dream * a boy was writing down people 's dates of death on some papers , I asked him to find yours and mine , and he said he couldn 't find any !