
jiǎn yì
  • quarantine;quarantine inspection
检疫 [jiǎn yì]
  • [quarantine] 为防止传染病蔓延,对可能成为传染源的人员、交通工具、物资等采取的隔离观察、检查、消毒等措施

检疫[jiǎn yì]
  1. 这条狗被检疫隔离了六个月。

    The dog was kept in quarantine for six months .

  2. 据说对所有国外来的船舶都要进行检疫。

    It is said that all ships coming from abroad should be performed quarantine .

  3. 狗要进行6个月的隔离检疫之后才被允许进入。

    Dogs have to be quarantined for six months before they 'll let them in .

  4. 这项检疫措施现已取消。

    The quarantine is now abolished .

  5. 卫生官员将该船的全体船员隔离,进行检疫。

    The health officials placed the ship 's crew in quarantine .

  6. 我五天后解除检疫隔离。

    I will be out of quarantine after five days .

  7. 检疫法不许病人接触健康人。

    Quarantine laws prevent the sick from coming into contact with healthy persons .

  8. 以上图片拍的是一个黄热病检疫站。

    Pictured above is a yellow fever quarantine station .

  9. 该船被留在港口进行检疫。

    The vessel is detained in quarantine .

  10. 杨干象是杨树重要的蛀干害虫,为全国性森林植物检疫对象。

    Cryptorrhynchus lapathi is an important trunk borer of poplar and nationwide object of forest plants quarantine .

  11. 全国政协委员、原上海出入境检验检疫局局长徐金记

    Xu Jinji , CPPCC member and former director of the Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection10 and Quarantine Bureau

  12. 据动植物检疫机关称,韩国被遗弃的动物数量从2016年的89732只增加到了2020年的130401只。

    Animal abandonment rose to 130401 in 2020 from 89732 cases in 2016 , the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency said .

  13. 该救助组织表示,当地动物检疫部门检验之后,这些动物由他们来接收管理。

    The group said it has taken control of the animals following health checkups organized by local animal disease control authorities .

  14. 但检查一旦开始,这个花农每天将必须支付100多欧元,请一名检查员来签发所谓的植物检疫证书,然后才能将花卉出口到英国。贾普·摩尔曼�

    But when they do kick in , this grower will have to pay more than a hundred euros every day for an inspector3 to come and issue a so-called phytosanitary certificate to allow him to export to the UK .

  15. PCR技术在植物检疫性病害鉴定中的应用

    Application of PCR Techniques to Identification of Plant Quarantine Disease

  16. 产物片段的测序验证了PCR反应的可靠性。为进口粮检疫中T。

    The specificity and reliability of the PCR were confirmed by sequencing the PCR products fragment .

  17. 例如对城市间的通道进行检疫消毒时,图G的顶点表示城市,边表示城市间的通道;

    For example , when we quarantine and disinfect the roads between cities , the vertices of G denote citices and the edges denote roads ;

  18. EDI与国际集装箱检验检疫监管

    EDI in inspection and quarantine of container transportation

  19. 该报告已经成为我国制定进口动物遗传物质检疫措施的重要科学依据,并被WTO主要成员国家所接受。

    This IRA reports have been becoming to scientific bases for the state to make up measures of importing animals semen , and have been is accepted by main WTO members .

  20. 目前我国出入境检疫中对新城疫病毒的检测方法主要有泻殖腔棉拭子样品病毒分离鉴定、HI和ELISA,RT-PCR检测技术正在试用之中。

    For the time being , the NDV detection of CIQ includes cloaca tampon separate virus , ELISA , HI and RT-PCR is trying now .

  21. 今年6月份时,就有一位消费者向中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(GeneralAdministrationofQualitySupervision,InspectionandQuarantine)提出投诉,但没有提供详细情况,因此质检总局并未调查此事。

    Then in June , a consumer complained to China 's General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine but gave no detailed information , so the agency didn 't investigate the matter .

  22. 根据SPS协议要求进行的中欧植物检疫立法的比较

    Compare of Quarantine of Plant Legislation between China and European Union According to Agreement of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

  23. 然后切入主题,深入分析了加入WTO后,我国出入境检验检疫管理面临的机遇和挑战。

    Then the paper kept to the point and made a penetrating analysis of the opportunities and challenges that the entry and exit inspection and quarantine faced after the entry of WTO .

  24. SPS协议对我国动植物检疫和食品安全立法影响及法律对策研究

    The Probable Effect of SPS Agreement to Chinese Quarantine of Animals and Plants Food Safety Legislation and the Corresponding Legal Solution

  25. 大豆疫霉根腐病(SoybeanPhytophthoraRootRot)是我国一类检疫对象。

    Phytophthora root rot of soybean is the first class quarantining object in China . Recently , the quarantining technologies on Phytophthora root rot of soybean have been developed .

  26. 广州检疫局提醒:买进口玩具认清CIQ标志

    Recognize The Mark of CIQ Clearly When Buying Import Toys

  27. 本文通过对数据仓库的概念及模型入手,设计了一个在检验检疫实验室CRM中进行数据挖掘的星型模型。

    These model and relation can make forcast . This paper begin with data warehouse concept designing and build a star data mining model in quarantine laboratory 's CRM .

  28. 柑橘溃疡病(citruscanker)是影响世界柑橘生产的重要的检疫性病害,对柑橘产业造成了重大的影响。

    Citrus Canker is an important quarantine disease which influences citrus production of the world , and has a significant impact on the citrus industry .

  29. 结论根据检测到的IgG和IgM抗体结果,应对早期潜伏期梅毒和晚期潜伏期梅毒,分别采取不同的卫生检疫措施。

    Conclusion Different quarantine measures should be adopted respectively for cases of early latent and later latent syphilis according to the result of syphilis IgG and IgM tests .

  30. 本文作者通过对汕头卫生检疫局1993年咨询发现的26例STD患者的年龄、性别及职业等方面进行了分析和讨论,提出加强对STD监测的意见。

    By analysed and discussed of 26 STD cases which consulted the Shantou Health and Quarantine Bureau in 1993 . the author gave his advice on strengthening the detection and control of STD.