
  1. 可燃气体检测报警器测量结果的不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement of Detector of Combustible of Gases

  2. 固定式可燃气体检测报警器布点安装位置的选择

    Selection of installation sites of fixed detector for combustible gas alarm

  3. 浅谈可燃气体检测报警器管理及应用

    Discussion about Management and Application of the Flammable Gas-detecting Alarm Device

  4. 而固定式检测报警器,还没有专门的检定装置。

    Meanwhile , there is no specialized verification instrument for sensor alarms .

  5. 装置区设置有有毒气体浓度检测报警器。

    The unit area provides alarm to detect concentration of toxic gas .

  6. 网络化智能燃气泄漏检测报警器

    Networked Intelligent Gas - leak alarm Annunciator

  7. 铁路客车车辆超偏载检测报警器研究与设计

    Design and Implementation of an Alarm Device for Monitoring Overload and Eccentric Load of Passenger Vehicle

  8. 本文从一氧化碳检测报警器检定工作实践中,总结梳理出几个需要注意的环节。

    I am in the carbon monoxide detectors verification work in practice , the sum came out some areas requiring attention .

  9. 可燃易爆有害气体检测报警器自动检定装置的成功研制较好地解决这一问题。

    In order to solve those problems , one automatic verification instrument for flammable and explosive gas detection alarm is developed successfully .

  10. 针对固定式可燃气体检测报警器运行管理中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出整治措施。

    This paper discusses the problems existing in the running of the fixed flammable gas-detecting alarm device , and offers the treatment measures .

  11. 文中介绍一种一氧化碳检测报警器,利用恒电位电解法原理制成的传感器,并配以最新电子元器件组成检测仪。

    In this paper , a carbon monoxide alarm detector is described , which is made of the newest electronic components with the sensor producer by constant voltage electrolysis .

  12. 一氧化碳是种不被人们嗅觉察觉到的有毒有害气体,因此一氧化碳检测报警器的重要性不言而喻。

    Carbon monoxide is the kinds of people will not be toxic to ghe sense of smell to detect harmful gases , so the carbon monoxide detector alarm is very significant .

  13. 标准气体在检测可燃气体报警器中的重要性

    Importance of standard gases in the detection of flammable gas alarm

  14. 基于热释电红外检测技术的防盗报警器设计

    Design of theft-proof alarm based on pyroelectric infrared detection technology