
mián xù
  • cotton fibre;cotton wadding
棉絮 [mián xù]
  • (1) [cotton fibre]∶棉花纤维

  • (2) [cotton wadding]∶用棉花做的填装被褥用的胎

棉絮[mián xù]
  1. 宋国有个人善于制造让手免于破裂的药物,他祖祖辈辈都以漂洗棉絮为生。

    A person in the state of Song was good at making a medicine that can prevent skin chaps . It was his family tradition to bleach cotton to make a living .

  2. 虽然是同一种技艺,但有的人用来博得了封赏,有的人却仍然以漂洗棉絮为业,这是因为技艺的使用方法不同啊!

    for his exploits . Having the same feat , someone used it to get an award while someone continued to bleach cotton . It was all because how the feat was used .

  3. 妈妈正在往做好的枕套里充填棉絮。B上单与底单间隙用无菌枕套覆盖。

    Mother is filling the ready-made pillowslip with cotton wool . B , Interval between top sheet and foundation drapes covered by sterile pillowcases .

  4. 明渠流中分形絮团破裂的格子Boltzmann方法模拟絮凝物形成团状或棉絮状块的东西

    Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the Breakup Process of Fractal Flocs in Open-Channel Flows

  5. 象牙质样瘤骨与骨针在MRI上呈略低至极低信号,而棉絮状瘤骨信号表现复杂,可呈低信号、高信号或高低混杂信号。

    Relatively low signals were found in the MRI of ivory-like tumor bone and needle-like tumor bone , but the MRI signals of cotton-like tumor bone were very complex , which could be low , high or mixed .

  6. 用含与不含Tourmaline(对照)纤维的棉絮包裹家兔胸腹部后测6、12及24h时剑突区、左上肢、左下肢固定点皮下血液灌注量变化(用激光多普勒血流仪)。

    The chest and abdomen of hyperviscosity rabbits were packed by a wadding with Tourmaline or without Tourmaline ( control ) . Then the cutaneous microcirculation perfusion on fixed area of xiphoid , upper extremity and lower extremity was measured using a Laser Doppler Flowmeter .

  7. 胡子戴在嘴中,就像在不停地吃棉絮一样。

    Beard wear in mouth , as with cotton-wool munching away .

  8. 你看那些像棉絮一样的东西是毛竹纤维。

    You see the stuff looking like cotton fibers is bamboo fibers .

  9. 不易受灰尘、棉絮影响检出。

    Can detect without being affected by dust and wadding .

  10. 他的外套是用棉絮做的。

    His coat is made of cotton in the seed .

  11. 我好不容易长到了一块白色的棉絮。

    I am very not easy to long to piece of white batt .

  12. 由于容易损坏,这件仪器是用棉絮衬子装箱的。

    Because of its delicacy , the instrument was packed in cotton batting .

  13. 有的人则只能用来为人漂洗棉絮。

    while others only use it to bleach and wash cotton wadding for others .

  14. 我把自己嘴巴里面的东西挖出来一看,原来是棉絮。

    I put myself in their mouth things dug a see , was batting .

  15. 棉絮加工女工肺通气功能分析

    Analysis of Ventilation Function for Female Cotton Processer

  16. 我在里面填了好几层棉絮,让它象云絮一般柔软。

    I filled it with several layers of batting , making it puffy-cloud soft .

  17. 他家祖祖辈辈靠给人漂洗棉絮为生。

    For generations his family bleached and washed cotton wadding for others for a living .

  18. 部分心肌细胞肌丝呈棉絮样改变,横纹消失;

    In some muscle cells , myofilaments were flocky in appearance and showed no cross striations .

  19. 老熟的菌落正面为暗绿色,背面无色,呈棉絮丝状。

    Aging colony was filamentous which has the dark green positive contrary to the colorless back .

  20. 有个家庭甚至将塞在阿司匹林瓶子顶部的小块棉絮都存了下来。

    One family even saved the small plugs of cotton wool in the tops of Aspirin bottles .

  21. 他们让厂房里的棉尘,棉絮到处乱飞。

    All through the mill they got this cotton dust and lint that fills up the air .

  22. 絮凝物形成团状或棉絮状块的东西这些布丁团子是块状的没煮过的生面团。

    Something that has formed lumpy or fluffy masses . the dumplings were chunky pieces of uncooked dough .

  23. 母亲从乡下背了两床七斤重的棉絮,坐火车、汽车,辗转而来。

    His mother carried two bags of cotton from the countryside by bus and train to his city .

  24. 两种大型卷毛的品种之一(爱尔兰和美国),用于猎取水禽。一层棉絮及两层毛毡。

    Any dog of two large curly-coated breeds ( the Irish and the American ) used for hunting waterfowl .

  25. 减少棉絮交叉污染、沙节织入造成机件损坏,提高织物质量及成品率。

    Will Decrease Pollution From Cotton Fiber And Small Yarns From Getting Into The Machine And Increase Fabric Quality .

  26. 企业管理层表示,他们更喜欢私募投资公司亲自上手参与的方式,而不是某些上市公司采取的像棉絮一样令人窒息的治理机制。

    Executives say they prefer private equity 's hands-on approach to the stifling governance cotton-wool applied by some listed companies .

  27. 纤维在风力和机械的作用下形成棉絮状毡坯,然后加工成各种制品。

    Under the effect of wind and mechanic , turn the fiber into batting blanket then make into various products .

  28. 风刮得很紧,雪片像扯破了的棉絮一样在空中飞舞,没有目的地四处飘落。

    The wind was blowing hard ; snowflakes , floating like cotton fluff from a ripped quilt , drifted down aimlessly .

  29. 它里面东西有点像棉絮,在点火时用来做火种很棒。

    And just inside is like this cotton wool . But this stuff is great for tinder for making a fire .

  30. 我看着这些小小的棉絮逐渐堆积在人行道上,时不时打着旋儿掠过我的脸。

    I looked at the little cotton fluffs that were building up along the sidewalk and swirling erratically past my face .