
mián huā tánɡ
  • cotton candy;candy floss
  1. 棉花糖虽然是丝状的,但是它是用一种颗粒状的晶体--蔗糖制作而成。

    Cotton candy is filamentous , but it is a granular crystal-sugar produced .

  2. 你弟弟装棉花糖车已经迟到了。

    And your brother 's late for the cotton candy cart .

  3. 本公司主要出口棉花糖、棒棒糖、泡泡糖、巧克力、儿童玩具等

    Our company specialize marshmallows , lollipops , bubble gums , chocolates and toys with candy .

  4. 棉花糖簇代表VM集群,每个棉花糖代表一个VM。

    The marshmallow clusters represent clusters of VMs , with each marshmallow a VM .

  5. 汤姆·福特(TomFord)说,麦昆的性格像“棉花糖”:“可爱、迷人、友好”。

    Tom Ford described him as being a " marshmallow " in person : " adorable , charming and kind . "

  6. 跟你多加了点棉花糖,Jake

    Yours has extra marshmallows , Jake .

  7. 四五岁时拒绝棉花糖诱惑的孩子在学校里表现更优秀,在SAT考试中的平均分数高出250点左右,家庭生活也更幸福。

    The individuals who resisted the marshmallow at roughly ages 4 and 5 performed better in school , scored an average of about 250 points higher on their SATs and had happier family lives .

  8. 微软公司(Microsoft)WindowsXP操作系统的默认背景是一副春日景象――湛蓝的天空上漂浮着棉花糖般的朵朵白云,绿草茵茵、水仙成簇的山丘连绵起伏――真希望这幅景象可以一直持续下去。

    The default background for Microsoft 's Windows XP operating system -- a perfect blue sky full of cotton-candy clouds above rolling hills with impeccably trimmed grass and daffodils -- is the spring day we wish could last forever .

  9. 为了更好地理解棉花糖从哪而来,你必须要理解棉花糖的名字,棉花糖marshmallow是由marsh(沼泽)和mallow(锦葵)组成。

    To better understand where the marshmallow came from , you must first understand that the name ' marshmallow ' is a combination of ' marsh ' and ' mallow ' .

  10. 为了更好地理解棉花糖从哪而来,你必须要理解棉花糖的名字,“棉花糖marshmallow”是由marsh(沼泽)和mallow(锦葵)组成。

    To better understand where the marshmallow came from , you must first understand that the name ' marshmallow " is a combination of ' marsh " and ' mallow . "

  11. 这个家庭点起了火,给孩子们烤棉花糖吃。

    This family set up fire and grill marshmallow for kids .

  12. 影片中,弗雷德甚至将他比作一团“暖暖的棉花糖”。

    Fred even compares him to a " warm marshmallow . "

  13. 有次我吃了整整一包棉花糖。

    Once I had to eat an entire bag of marshmallows .

  14. 这就像是只给人类吃棉花糖,别的都不让吃的道理一样。

    It 's like giving a human nothing but cotton candy .

  15. 却发现不是那个人说的棉花糖。

    It wasn 't cotton candy like that guy said .

  16. 蓝色的海洋,棉花糖般的云朵依偎着金色的天堂。

    Blue ocean , cotton candy-like clouds cling to the golden paradise .

  17. marshmallows:棉花糖有次我吃了整整一包棉花糖。

    Once I had to eat an entire bag of marshmallows . -

  18. 米奇舅舅已经在买棉花糖了。

    Oh , uncle Mitch is picking up the marshmallows .

  19. 在她之前,只有冷冻食物和棉花糖

    Before her , it was frozen food and can openers and marshmallows .

  20. 你把一个棉花糖放在乒乓球中。

    You put a marshmallow inside the pingpong ball .

  21. 嗨艾丽,想吃棉花糖么?

    Hey Allie , you want some cotton candy ?

  22. 之后对这两组孩子进行棉花糖测试。

    Then both groups were given the marshmallow test .

  23. 奇库(chickoo),它用一种水果进行装饰,这种水果让人想起了麦芽和棉花糖;

    chickoo , laced with a fruit that conjures malt and spun sugar ;

  24. 热可可、棉花糖、麦乳精

    Hot cocoa mix , marshmallows , malted milk powder

  25. 你还认识其他会把棉花糖放进冰箱里的人吗?

    Who else do you know who keeps toasted marshmallows in the freezer ?

  26. 云朵在蔚蓝的天空中飘荡,白的像棉花糖。

    Clouds drifted across the vast blue sky , as white as candy floss .

  27. 好像在一团棉花糖里买东西一样。

    It 's like shopping in a marshmallow .

  28. 你怎么去不抢孩子的棉花糖啊?

    Why don 't you take his cotton candy while you 're at it ?

  29. 法兰克今天就像是棉花糖一样。

    Frank was like a marshmallow , today .

  30. 而立即就把棉花糖吃掉的孩子一生中会面临更多的情绪问题。

    Those who ate the marshmallow immediately had more emotional problems throughout their lives .