
  • 网络medan;MES
  1. 北苏门答腊首府棉兰的KualaNamu机场负责空中导航的经理对美联社(AssociatedPress)说,在该地区执飞短途航班的小型飞机被警告避免靠近火山飞行。

    Small planes serving short-haul flights in the region have been warned to avoid flying near the mountain , the manager for air navigation at Kuala Namu airport in North Sumatra 's capital Medan told the Associated Press .

  2. 繁荣的大宗商品行业带动了棉兰市的经济增长,该市毗邻主要棕榈油出口港勿拉湾(Belawan)。不过,当地商人表示,这个有着200万人口的城市有着自己的发展脚步。

    The flourishing commodities industry helped kick start growth in Medan , which is close to the main palm oil exporting port of Belawan , but local businessmen say the development of the city of 2m has taken on a pace of its own .

  3. 我很费劲才回到了家,却听说我的家人全都死了。后来,我得知弟弟伊万可能还活着,并被带到了棉兰。

    Then I heard my brother Iwan might have been taken to Medan .

  4. 棉兰之旅-从飞机上看整个棉兰,我发现跟汶莱很像,尤其是它的绿色的风景!而且不管是天气和语言都非常像!

    English VersionMEDAN TRIP-Overlooking Medan from the plane , I felt that this place is kinda like Brunei with its vast landscape and greenery !

  5. 结果该地区自然人群及病人血清抗钩端螺旋体抗体现以赛罗群棉兰型为主,其阳性率分别为34.13%和25.82%。

    Results The predominant antibody of serogroup was Sejroe with positive rates of 34.13 % and 25.82 % in patients and natural populations respectively in these areas .

  6. 方法:棉拭法采集空调隔尘网表面积尘,普通营养琼脂培养,乳酸酚棉兰染色法鉴定菌种。

    Methods : Swabbing was used to collect dust on the surfaces of filters in air conditioners , and ordinary nutrient medium was used to culture fungi , lactate gossypol staining was used to identify species and families of fungi .

  7. 两菌除从形态学上进行区分外,快速鉴定法可用80%盐酸处理两菌的分生孢子,再用1%亮绿,或0.1%棉兰,或0.2%碱性藏红3种染料的酒精溶液处理。

    Besides the morphological differentiation of the two organism , rapid detection may be used by treating the conidia with 80 % hydrochloric acid and staining with alcohol solutions of 1 % brilliant green , 0.1 % cotton blue or 0.2 % safranine T.