
mián zhī pǐn
  • cotton goods;cotton textiles;cotton fabrics;cotton goods (fabric,textiles,tissue)
棉织品 [mián zhī pǐn]
  • [cotton goods (fabric,textiles,tissue)] 用棉纱棉线等编织成的物品

棉织品[mián zhī pǐn]
  1. 棉织品的进口大大增加了。

    The import of cotton goods went up sharply .

  2. 贵方欲委托敝公司销售棉织品30包,我方不胜感激。

    We thank you for your consideration in making us the consignment of 30 bales of cotton goods .

  3. 棉织品能使皮肤透气。

    Cotton clothing allows your skin to breathe .

  4. 我把盒子藏在放棉织品的抽屉里。

    I tucked the box away in the linen drawer .

  5. 棉织品中重金属测定方法的研究

    The Study of Determination Method for Heavy Metal in Cotton Fabric

  6. 适用范围:床单、客衣等棉织品和合成纤维织物。

    Application : Heavily soiled fabrics like table cloths or napkins .

  7. 比起一般的棉织品,竹织品还是要稍微贵一些。

    It does cost a little bit more than just regular cotton .

  8. 羊毛和棉织品有很强的温室气体影响。

    Wool and cotton fabrics have a really high greenhouse gas impact .

  9. 这是棉织品、丝织品、还是毛织品?

    Is it made of cotton , silk or wool ?

  10. 人造纺织材料制阿克斯敏斯特羊毛织花地毯【纺】耐用的手工棉织品

    Axminster carpet of man-made textile materials ' everlasting cotton homespun

  11. 棉织品的非纤维物质含量测定法:酶法

    Testing method for nonfibrous materials in cotton : enzyme method

  12. 武汉针棉织品商场旧房加固改造设计

    Reinforcing and Transforming Design for the Old Buildings of Wuhan Knitwear Market

  13. 现在我们能向你订购的只有棉织品。

    What we can order from you right now are cotton goods .

  14. 一九八一年棉织品的进口量急遽上升。

    The import of cotton goods go up sharply in1981 .

  15. 日本进口原棉,出口棉织品。

    Japan imports row cotton and exports cotton goods .

  16. 类似于细薄棉织品的用丝绸或仿丝绸制成的纤维。

    A fabric made of silk or a silklike fabric that resembles organdy .

  17. 上浆〔纺织品整染工序〕【纺】耐用的手工棉织品

    Sizing [ textile finishing process ] everlasting cotton homespun

  18. 纬编棉织品在生产过程中的损耗控制

    Loss Control of the Weft-knitted Cotton Fabrics during Production

  19. 【纺】耐用的手工棉织品她在一家棉纺厂工作。

    She works at a cotton mill .

  20. 在一切纺织品中,棉织品自一八六五年以来始终在价值上占首位。

    Of all the textiles , cotton has been the leader in value since 1865 .

  21. 棉织品,玻璃器皿,钢质、塑料家庭用品及亚克力板。

    Cotton Goods , Glassware , Stainless Steel Kitchenware , Plastic Kitchenware & Acrylic Sheets .

  22. 棉织品的生命周期评价

    Life Cycle Assessment of Cotton Fabric

  23. 他旅行推销棉织品。

    He travels in cotton goods .

  24. 一九八一年棉织品的进口量急遽上升计算进口商品的总量

    The Import of cotton goods go up sharply In 1981 reckon the total volume of imports

  25. 甲午战前五十年中国棉织品进口贸易的整体态势

    Overall situation of Chinese cotton fabric import trade in the 50 years before Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895

  26. 在此更期待您提供各种宝贵的意见与建议,共同创造出更完善的针棉织品。

    Hope to provide precious advices and suggestions , to create more perfect cotton knitwear and textiles .

  27. 在制造廉价棉织品方面,那个国家已落在几个竞争者的后面。

    The country has fallen behind several of its competitors in the manufacture of cheap cotton goods .

  28. 超细赤磷微胶囊阻燃剂对棉织品的阻燃效果研究

    Study of the efficiency of the flame retardant finishing of cotton textiles with microcapsules of ultra-fine red phosphorus

  29. (棉织品)洗时要缩水这批棉织品,花色素净。

    Shrink in the wash This Batch of cotton textile faBrics has a pattern of a quiet color .

  30. 如果更详细了解棉织品的生产过程,读者可参阅《美国棉花手册》。

    For a more detailed explanation of cotton processing , refer to the " American Cotton Handbook " .