
  • 网络mindanao;Mindanao Island
  1. 菲律宾棉兰老岛大学的该研究负责人EufemioRascoJr说,但是如今研究至少延迟了6个月。

    But research has now been delayed by at least six months , according to Eufemio Rasco Jr , lead researcher at the University of the Philippines Mindanao .

  2. 菲莫福川公司说,公司还在维萨亚斯和棉兰老岛对土壤适合性的天气条件进行测试。

    It is also testing soil compatibility and weather conditions in Visayas and Mindanao , PMFTC said .

  3. 棉兰老岛以东反气旋涡的Argo观测研究

    A study on an anticyclonic eddy east of Mindanao observed by an Argo profiling float

  4. 1971年,一位菲律宾政府官员马纽尔·伊里杂德(ManuelElizalde)发现了一个石器时代与世隔绝居住于棉兰老岛的小部落。

    In1971 , a Philippine government minister ( Manuel Elizalde ) discovered a small stone age tribe living in isolation on the island of Mindanao .

  5. 棉兰老岛包括棉兰老岛自身和主要由巴西兰岛(basilan),苏禄岛(sulu)和塔威塔威岛(tawi-tawi)组成的苏禄群岛。

    The Mindanao islands include Mindanao itself , plus the Sulu archipelago , composed primarily of Basilan , Sulu , and Tawi-Tawi .

  6. 埃尔哈辛托是棉兰老岛出版社和政治分析专家。

    Al Jacinto is a Mindanao publisher and political analyst .

  7. 死亡者大多数来自棉兰老岛南部的主要岛屿。

    Most of the dead are from the main southern island of Mindanao .

  8. 该游客将于周六乘飞机前往位于棉兰老岛上的三宝颜市。

    She will be flown to Zamboanga City on the island of Mindanao on Saturday .

  9. 主要居住在棉兰老岛周围的吕宋岛的一部分菲律宾人。

    A member of any of several peoples of the mountains of northern Luzon in the Philippines .

  10. 高中的入学率全国约为56%,但是在棉兰老岛和西维萨亚斯群岛地区中较低。

    High school enrollment rates were approximately 56 % nationwide but were lower in Mindanao and in Eastern Visayas region .

  11. 菲律宾最高的山,海拔2956.1米(9692英尺),是棉兰老岛东南部的一座活火山。

    The highest mountain , 2,956.1 m ( 9,692 ft ), of the Philippines , an active volcano on southeast Mindanao .

  12. 棉兰老岛康波斯特拉谷受灾最为严重,台风扫平了那里的村庄,导致多名村民失踪。

    The worst hit was Mindanao 's Compostela Valley , where the typhoon leveled farming villages and left many villagers missing .

  13. 棉兰老岛的达沃市最近举行了一次论坛,有六十名妇女出席,一同向政府提出要求:「我们这群妇女,一直渴求和推动和平。

    At a recent forum in Davao City , also on Mindanao Island , sixty women banded together and made demands to the government .

  14. 台风宝霞造成滑坡和洪水灾害为菲律宾南岛的棉兰老岛(菲律宾东南部第二大岛)造成严重灾害。

    Typhoon Bopha triggered landslides and flash floods as it cut a swath of devastation east to west across the large southern island of Mindanao .

  15. 他们同时宣布将在马尼拉修两座桥梁,同时在棉兰老岛修建两座戒毒康复中心。

    They 've announced that work is getting underway on a pair of bridges in Manila , as well as two drug rehabilitation centers in Mindanao .

  16. 棉兰老岛,菲律宾南部最大的岛屿,一直存在着武装冲突。几十年来,死伤无数,包括儿童、妇女和老人。

    Mindanao , the largest island in the southern Philippines , was being persecuted by armed conflict in the past few decades , which caused to numerous casualties , including children , women and the elderly .

  17. 我记得对于在棉兰老岛将叛军斩首的带子很有大的争议,而问题在于,展示给公众要不要紧,要不就收起来?

    I remember the huge controversy and outcry about the tape of a hostage getting beheaded by rebels in Mindanao , and the question was , was it alright to show the video in public , or keep it away ?

  18. 几年前对娱乐签证的限制,迫使她回到了菲律宾南部的棉兰老岛,但她在接到她在东京遇到的一名日本电脑工程师的求婚后回到了日本。

    A clampdown on entertainment visas a few years ago forced her to go back to Mindanao , in the south of the Philippines , but she returned to Japan on receiving a marriage proposal from a Japanese computer engineer she had met in Tokyo .