
  1. 目前,关于聚环氧氯丙烷胺化物PECH-amine的研究报道已经有很多,但主要都是研究PECH-amine对棉麻等纤维素纤维织物的改性以及改性纤维纤维的活性、直接等染料染色性能。

    Currently there are many researches about the PECH-amine , but they are mainly about the modification of cotton or other cellulose fibers with PECH-amine and also the dyeing performance of modified fabric on reactive or direct dyes .

  2. 棉麻中厚织物、弹力布采用冷轧堆工艺和热漂工艺加工,在GJ-101高效稳定剂存在下,双氧水漂白效果良好,漂后半成品质量能达到漂白和色泽鲜艳品种加工的要求。

    Cold pad-batch process and hot bleaching process with hydrogen peroxide using GJ-101 as a stabilizer can impart cotton / linen medium fabric , elastic fabric good bleaching results .

  3. 棉麻纺织工人死因研究

    Study of Cause of Death in Cotton and Flax Mill Workers

  4. 苎麻、棉麻织物涂料染色工艺探讨

    Investigation of the Pigment Dyeing Procedure of Ramie and Cotton-ramie Fabrics

  5. 利用棉麻下脚料生产纤维素醚

    Use leftovers of cotton and hemp to produce cellulose ether

  6. 全棉麻灰色纺纱是有棉纤维染色,在经过纺纱工艺制成的色纱线。

    Melange Yarn : The melange yarn is made from dyed loose cotton fiber .

  7. 棉麻是我国重要天然纤维作物。

    The cotton and bast fiber are very important natural fibre crops in china .

  8. 数学形态学边缘检测法及其对棉麻自动识别的应用

    Mathematical morphological edge detection and its application to automatic recognition of cotton fiber and ramie fiber

  9. 棉麻纤维液氨改性成套装备自动送料系统设计

    The Automatic Material Transportation System Design for Liquid Ammonia Treatment Equipment for Cotton and Baster Fiber

  10. 棉麻丝毛与甲壳素混纺纺织品定量分析方法的研究

    The Research of Quantitative Chemical Analysis on Fabrics of Chitin Fibre Blended with Cotton Ramie Silk and Wool

  11. 棉麻纤维液氨改性是通过液氨处理改变棉麻纤维可纺织性能的方法。

    Automatic feeding system is an important part of the liquid ammonia treatment equipment for cotton and bast fiber .

  12. 石油化工设备流体动密封技术研究高压高水基棉麻动密封软填料的吸附载荷试验分析

    Researches on the Adsorption Load of Soft Packing in Dynamic Seal for High Pressure and High Water-based Fluid Systems

  13. 据英国广播公司报道,古巴政府近日宣布,一种轻柔的棉麻衬衫“瓜亚贝拉”将成为该国的正式礼服。

    The Cuban government has announced that the guayabera-the roomy cotton or linen shirt-is now the country 's official formal dress garment , BBC reports .

  14. 本文通过物理试验方法对棉、毛、丝、棉麻及毛涤五种面料进行性能测试,得出其风格数值、透湿阻抗。

    By physical testing , the style parameters and moisture transfer resistances of cotton , wool , silk , cotton-linen , wool-polyester blend fabrics are found .

  15. 扬和他的科研小组认为,从另外一方面来说,用稻草做出的布不管是外观还是手感都和棉麻相似。

    According to Yang and his team , rice straw , on the other hand , can produce a fabric that looks and feels similar to cotton or linen .

  16. 介绍了利用棉麻下脚料生产纤维素醚的工艺条件和影响产品性能的主要因素。

    The article describes the technological prerequisites for the production of cellulose ether with the leftovers of cotton and hemp and the main factors affecting the properties of the product .

  17. 对于古典家具上的灰尘,我们可先用质地细、软的毛刷将灰尘轻轻拂去,再用棉麻布料的干布缓缓擦拭。

    For the classical furniture of dust , we can first use of texture fine , soft hair brush to brush the dust gently flick , with cotton and linen fabrics dry cloth wipe gently .

  18. 天然纤维织造的棉麻织物虽然有自然舒适、吸水吸湿性好等优点,但其水洗后容易起皱和收缩等缺陷却制约了棉麻产品高档化的发展。

    The natural fibers of cotton and flax have a lot of advantages , such as comfort and good moisture absorption , but defects such as wrinkling and shrinking have restricted the development of cotton and fiber products .

  19. 这种面料类似设计师们用来裁剪西服样式以及防尘罩的棉麻布,它带来了这样一种感觉:该酒店已被抛弃,不受人类的干扰,更遑论游客了。

    They resemble the cotton toiles that designers use to cut suit patterns , as well as dust covers , which adds to the sense that the hotel has been abandoned , left undisturbed by humans , let alone tourists .

  20. 西南地区的秋粮以中稻和夏玉米为主,其中云南省的棉麻糖的种植成数高达19%,说明云南省仍然是中国的烟草大省。

    Middle rice and summer maize are the major crops of autumn crop in the southwest region , in which the proportion of cotton , flux seed and sugar of Yunnan province is up to 19 . Tobacco of Yunnan province ranks first in China .

  21. 分析了高压高水基棉麻动密封软填料的摩擦界面形态,采用环块试验机研究了载荷、表面粗糙度和转速对其摩擦因素的影响。

    The tribological interface characteristics of cotton and ramee braided soft sealing packing in dynamic sealing of high pressure and high water-based fluid were analysed , and the effect of frictional load , surface roughness and velocity on its frictional coefficient was studied by Ring and Block Friction Tester .