
lénɡ lénɡ
  • very thin;gaunt;dignified;awe-inspiring
棱棱 [léng léng]
  • (1) [extremely cold]∶形容严寒

  • 棱棱霜气

  • (2) [for bidding in manner]∶威严的样子

  • 目光棱棱

  • (3) [thin]∶形容瘦削

  • 瘦骨棱棱的老马

  1. 他好像看见了一种怪里怪气,扑扑棱棱的影子。

    It seemed that he could see some kind of weird , flapping shadow .

  2. 孙侦探的嘴角上带笑,而眼角棱棱着。

    Detective sun 's mouth curved in a smile , but his eyes narrowed .

  3. 一千只蝙蝠在墙壁和天花板上扑棱棱地飞翔,另外还有一千只像一团团低矮的乌云,

    A thousand live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swooped over the tables in low black clouds ,

  4. 戈马灰黑一片,建在碎玻璃般坚硬而支支棱棱的火山玄武岩上,绿色的嫩芽只能挣扎着钻出地面。

    Goma itself was a black and grey place , a town built on volcanic basalt tough as broken glass through which green shoots struggled to grow .

  5. 纯刃位错易于沿位错线被腐蚀,因而其腐蚀坑是沿着表面阶梯分布的尖底倒六棱椎.孙侦探的嘴角上带笑,而眼角棱棱着。

    However , the pure edge dislocation is easily etched along the dislocation line , inducing an etch pit of inverted hexagonal pyramid aligned with the surface step . Detective Sun 's mouth curved in a smile , but his eyes narrowed .