
  1. 《老残游记》被鲁迅称为晚清四大谴责小说的代表作,该作品极高的艺术成就和其中承载的丰富的文化信息,为后殖民翻译理论运用于实践提供了一个研究的平台。

    Its high artistic achievements and rich cultural information provide a research platform for the postcolonial translation theory into practice .

  2. 《老残游记》是晚清四大谴责小说中艺术成就最高的一部。

    Lao Can 's Travel Notes is unrivalled in art achievement among Four Great Condemnation Novels of Late Qing Dynasty .

  3. 第二章为晚清四大谴责小说词汇构成(上)。本章从基本词汇和一般词汇两个方面讨论了晚清四大谴责小说词汇系统的概貌。

    It discusses the main features of vocabulary systems of " Four Satirical Novels " vocabulary in the late Qing dynasty from basic vocabulary and general vocabulary .

  4. 晚清四大谴责小说之一的《老残游记》,是一部带有强烈自传性质的写实性小说。

    The Travel Journey of Lao Can one of the " Four Condemned Novel " in Late Qing Dynasty , is a realistic novel with a strong autobiographical nature .

  5. 申明本论文的宗旨,即通过对晚清四大谴责小说内容的深入、全面探究,更确切地把握当时社会的科举文化状况。

    Affirms that the aim , through to the four condemnations novels in late Qing Dynasty in-depth content , comprehensive inquiry , more accurately grasp the social culture and imperial status .

  6. 词义包括了词的词汇意义、语法意义和色彩意义三个部分。本章从这三方面入手分析了晚清四大谴责小说中词义发展演变状况。

    Semanteme includes lexical meaning , grammatical meaning and colorful meaning . According to it , the chapter analyzes the development and evolution of semanteme of " Four Satirical Novels " vocabulary in the late Qing dynasty .

  7. 首先讨论了断代基本词汇和专书基本词汇的概念问题,确立了晚清四大谴责小说基本词汇判定的基本原则。并对本时期新进入基本词汇范畴的成分进行了分类描写。

    We analyze the conceptual issues of dynastic basic vocabulary and specialized books ' basic vocabulary , and establish the basic principles of distinguishing " Four Satirical Novels " vocabulary in the late Qing dynasty , and then have category description of the composition just coming into basic vocabulary .