
  • 网络qing yuan
  1. 我们要把晚晴园当作全民的宝贵历史遗产,全社会都来爱护它、关心它!

    Singaporeans need to treasure the memorial hall as our historical heritage . We need to value it and care for it .

  2. 晚晴园可歌可泣的往事,是新加坡与中国共同拥有的历史遗产,是两国人民共同的记忆。

    The touching history of the villa is also the shared heritage of Singapore and China and the shared memory of the two peoples .

  3. 1994年倡议保留晚晴园的杨荣文准将(当时任新闻及艺术部部长)一言九鼎,起了关键作用;

    BG George yeo , then Minister for information and the arts , played a crucial role when he called for the villa to be developed into a historical landmark in1994 .

  4. 晚晴园躲过了被拆的厄运,获得新生,可喜可贺。民族的生命获得了一种新的生机。

    We should congratulate ourselves that the once-Sun Yat Sen Villa has escaped demolition and gained a new lease of life . A new impulse had been given to the national life .

  5. 是我们实践教育工程部的周老师到晚晴园孙中山南洋纪念馆跟小朋友讲故事。

    The Theatre Practice Education Project is part of this year 's Wan Qing CultureFest and our programme 's Teacher Zhou had fun with many kids over the past weekend telling them stories !