
wǎn zhuānɡ
  • evening dress
  1. 你觉得这个香水配我的晚装吗?

    Do you think this perfume is perfect for my evening dress ?

  2. 晚装或套装。

    An evening dress or a suit

  3. 不仅仅是标准的tux,还有其它种类的晚装:天鹅绒上衣、涡纹花呢和丝绸剪裁的上衣。

    Not only in the standard tux , but in alternative evening wear : velvet jackets , pattern jackets in paisleys and silks .

  4. 基达回忆说,前不久,她去宾夕法尼亚州伊斯顿的西加尔博物馆(SigalMuseum)观看一场关于历史上著名的晚礼服的展览,发现只有一件特大号晚装在展出。

    Ms. Keydar recalled that during a recent visit to an exhibition of historic evening dresses at the Sigal Museum in Easton , Pa. , there was only one plus-size dress on display .

  5. 汤姆輠祹(TomFord)是高档男式晚装当仁不让的“王者”,诸位还可选择吉凡克斯(Gieves&Hawkes)与理查德礠姆斯(RichardJames)品牌的晚装,两者都推出了高档无尾礼服。

    Tom Ford is the reigning ruler of luxurious men 's eveningwear , and you might also consider Gieves & Hawkes and Richard James ( below right ) , both of whom cut a mean dinner jacket .

  6. 1997年,郭培创立了专做晚装的时装公司玫瑰坊(RoseStudio)。20年来,她为女演员、民歌手和政界精英设计令人难忘的以饰珠和刺绣为特色的服装,在中国赢得声誉。

    In the two decades since the 1997 opening of Rose Studio , her fashion company specializing in evening wear , Ms. Guo has found fame in China by dressing actresses , folk singers and members of the political elite in her showstopping beaded and embroidered creations .

  7. 凯蒂参加儿童基金晚会时选择了她最爱的设计师Issa的灰色晚装。

    Kate chose a grey , column gown by Issa , one of her favourite designer labels , to attend the Art for Starlight Party in aid of Starlight Children 's Foundation at The Saatchi Gallery in London .

  8. 新的有点保守的黑色晚装鞋非常的闷。

    The new , conservative , black dress shoes felt stuffy .

  9. 剪裁不同的晚装&中西古典园林夜景照明设计比较

    Comparison of Lighting Design in Classical Garden between China and the West

  10. 黑色领结(可选)(用于更正式的晚装)

    Black tie / black tie optional ( more formal evening wear )

  11. 选一件简单款式晚装,搭配珠片饰物的细节点缀,立即让人眼前一亮。

    Stand out by choosing simple styles with embellished details .

  12. 我穿的是晚装你以为呢?

    I 'm wearing a cocktail dress . What do you think ?

  13. 伦敦出租车购物广告为您呈现这套华美的晚装配件

    This stunning evening wear set from us here at London Taxi Shopping .

  14. 上班的公文包换成精美的晚装手包。

    Trade your pocketbook for a delicate evening clutch .

  15. 在香奈儿展秀上,尽是色黑质雅的短礼裙和晚装。

    At Chanel , cocktail dresses and evening wear were black and chic .

  16. 她的衣服是一套正式的晚装,细节做得很漂亮。

    The attire consisted of a formal evening gown , immaculate in detail .

  17. 紫发配以性感的黑色晚装,极具神秘感。

    Mysterious Janice - Violet hair that matches with her sexy black ball gown .

  18. 我没有带晚装来。

    I didn 't bring any evening wear .

  19. 唇吻派对上穿的晚装裙。

    A dress for kiss on the lips .

  20. 一个乳腺癌慈善机构也为佛罗里达的一个展览收集了一些晚装。

    A breast cancer charity has also gathered dresses for an exhibition in Florida .

  21. 好了,我没找到紫红色的晚装鞋。

    Ross : Okay , I have nothing in an evening shoe in the burgundy .

  22. 主要的产品系列有高级晚装、花童礼服、高档时装。

    Our main products include high-grade evening dress , flower girl dress and top-grade fashionable dress .

  23. 到了新年,我就不愁没有足够的钱来买一件新晚装了。

    By the new year I cannot fail of having money enough to purchase a new gown .

  24. 我颈上戴过爱人手织的醉花的花圈,作为晚装。

    I have worn round my neck the evening wreath of bakulas woven by the hand of love .

  25. 女装也是以突出女性魅力,日装甜美而简洁,晚装则回归到真正得展现女性魅力上。

    Clothes were feminine , sweet and tidy by day with a return to real glamour at night .

  26. 专家们仍然认为电影《莎士比亚的爱情》的女主演所穿的这件长裙是奥斯卡晚装中最出色的一件。

    We think the " Shakespeare in Love " best actress wore one of the prettiest Oscar dresses ever .

  27. 这件复古冷酷到底的晚装对这样一个盛会来说过于严肃。

    JANUARY JONES While retro-cool , this Lanvin gown was just a little too dour for such a festive night .

  28. 我一直认为,一件得体的舞会晚装要具备以下两个要素,而这两者又是相辅相成的。

    It has always seemed to me that the proper dinner Dance Outfit requires two things and they are complementary .

  29. 主要生产革丽婚纱、高贵的晚装、动感的童装及套装等。

    Elegant bridal veil , gorgeous evening gown , elaborated children 's garments and suits are our main producing line .

  30. 本系列晚装的细节体现了女人婀娜的身段和优雅的韵律;

    The details I applied in my collection give an expression of the women 's beautiful figure and graceful movement .