
luàn zànɡ ɡǎnɡ
  • unmarked common graves
  1. 墨西哥塔毛利帕斯州在本月早些时候发现一座埋有145具尸体的乱葬岗,该州警察局长因此被免职。

    The Mexican state of Tamaulipas has dismissed its head of security following the discovery of145 bodies in mass graves earlier this month .

  2. 一战期间英国和澳大利亚部队许多士兵遗体被从乱葬岗中挖掘出来,并将被重新葬于发过北部。

    The last remains of scores of British and Australian World War I troops recovered from mass graves will be reburied in northern France later .

  3. 他们是被动的,听到海啸警报之后清理战场,在埋进乱葬岗之前整理各种尸体。

    They will be reactive , sounding the tsunami alarms and then mopping up afterwards , sorting through the bodies prior to burial in mass graves .

  4. 在被包围的列宁格勒外,战地医院中被截下来的腿被人偷走,尸体被人争相从乱葬岗中挖出来果腹。

    Outside the besieged city of Leningrad , amputated limbs were stolen from field hospitals and bodies snatched from mass graves as a source of food .

  5. 一九四三年,德国宣布在卡廷森林发现四千四百四十三名波兰军官的乱葬岗,并说他们是遭俄国屠杀的。

    In1943 , Germany announced the discovery of the mass graves of4443 Polish officers in the Katyn Forest , and accused the Russians of having carried out the massacre .

  6. 我看著身边的一切,感觉自己的灵正随著乱葬岗里尸体的堆积渐渐远去,直到他对我说出一些话。

    Along with the countless bodies that were piled into the mass graves , I felt my own spirit leaving this place , until the moment he spoke to me .