
  • 【法】unlandful possession of cultivated land
  1. 禁止乱占耕地和滥用土地的行为。

    Acts of unlawful appropriation of cultivated land or misuse of land shall be prohibited .

  2. 一些地方盲目扩大城市规模,规划布局不公道,乱占耕地的现象时有发生。

    Some place blind expansion city scale , planning the layout of the unreasonable and the indiscriminate occupation of arable land occurred from time to time .

  3. 政府实行严格的资源管理制度,制止乱占耕地,实行节约用水和水价改革,治理整顿矿业开采。

    The government has introduced a strict resources management system . Unauthorized occupation of cultivated land is banned . Water saving is encouraged and water rate reform has been introduced . The mining of mineral ores has been subject to rectification .

  4. 论述在城乡建设中切实保护耕地的重大意义,以及我国城乡建设乱占滥用耕地的现象及原因,提出在城乡建设中切实保护耕地的对策和措施。

    This paper first discusses the great meaning of protecting the cultivated land during urban and rural areas construction , then analyzes the phenomena and reasons of occupying and abusing the cultivated land illegally in our country , and finally proposes the countermeasures of protecting the cultivated land .