
  1. 公司股东的股权转让是市场经济中资本流转的常见形式,有利于公司募集资本、产权流动重组、资源优化配置。

    The transfer of stock rights is often seen in the process of capital flow . It is beneficial to raise money 、 transfer and recompose property and optimize the resource allocation .

  2. 体育事业是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,是形成新的国民经济增长点、拉动内需、增加消费、资本流转的重要力量,体育事业建设也是社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容。

    The sports industry is a socialist market economy is an important part of national economic growth point , forming new stimulating domestic demand , increase consumption and capital circulation important strength , sports enterprise construction of socialist spiritual civilization is an important content of the construction of .

  3. 工业化时期英国资本与土地流转的市场考察

    A Research on the Capital and Flow of Estate in the Market of England During the Period of Industrialization

  4. 一方面,较高质量的信息披露将引导资源的合理流动与科学分配,提高资本市场的流转效率;另一方面,较高的信息披露质量可以降低资本市场的信息不对称程度,进而降低交易成本。

    On the one hand , the higher quality of information disclosure will make the resources flow rationally and improve the circulation of capital market efficiency . On the other hand , the quality of information can reduce the degree of information asymmetry .

  5. 笔者认为欠发达地区与发达地区经济发展水平不同,风俗习惯各异且他们受外来文化的影响程度也不同,故假设不同地区的农户拥有的社会资本对其流转行为产生的影响也不同。

    The author believes that the two urban has different customs and habits and the influence of foreign culture ; they would make different impacts on the farmland circulation and the level of economic development . The farmers circulation behavior are depending on type of the social capital their owed .

  6. 从实践来看,以人力资本为介质的流转渠道是其主要方式。

    In practice , human capital based channel is the main track .

  7. 资本主导型土地流转是国家针对农业现代化采取的新策略。

    Capital-Led Land Transfer is a new strategy put forward by the Central Government of China for modernizing the agricultural sector .

  8. 从法律的角度分析上市公司的产权形态,财产所有权股权股票流通股股权财产所有权的路径显示出财产价值和权利形态的在市场机制下的动态转换,其实质是资本的市场化流转。

    The property rights of listed companies are analyzed from the point of legal view . The path , ownership-equity-stock-equity of negotiable stocks-ownership , shows the dynamic conversion of the value of property and the state of title by market mechanism , whose essence is the market transition of capital .

  9. 外来资本进入农业领域,促成了土地流转市场的形成,超越自然村社边界并以具有法律效应的合同为保障的发生在农户与资本之间的契约流转开始在农村出现。

    Foreign capital into the agricultural areas , contributed to the land circulation market formation , beyond the natural villages and communities and to have legal effect the boundary of the contract for the occurrence of security in the farmers and capital .

  10. 文章首先对人力资本与经济增长理论进行了分析,包括人力资本的投资、流转机制与经济增长的关系,以及流失主体间政策制定的博弈分析。

    At first , we study the theories of the relationship between human capital and economic growth , including the investment of human capital , the flow mechanism , and the game of policy .

  11. 随着世界经济全球化形势的到来,资本的跨国并购已经成为国际直接投资的主要方式,全球范围内的资本流转已经成为现今国际经济的一个重要形势。

    With the situation of international economic globalization , the transnational merger and acquisition of capital has become the main way of international direct investment . Global capital flow has become an important mode of the current international economic .