
luàn mǎ
  • Garbled code;error (or unintelligible) codes
  1. Java编程技术中汉字乱码问题的分析及解决

    Analyzing and Resolving the Mistaken Code in Java Program

  2. Java应用中的汉字乱码问题分析

    Analysis of Chinese Character Encoding in Java Programming

  3. 基于JSP的Web应用开发中文乱码问题研究

    The study based on JSP for Chinese disorderly code in Web application development

  4. 解决JAVA语言上机考试中汉字乱码的方法

    Method to Solve the Display Problem of Chinese Characters in Computer Practice Examination of JAVA

  5. J2EE平台下的乱码问题分析及解决

    Analysis and solution of Chinese character encoding in Java platform

  6. RaveReport中文打印时乱码的解决方案

    A solution for the CONFUSED-CODE in Chinese printing of rave Report

  7. 基于范例分析的JSP中文乱码解决方案

    Solution of Chinese Messy Code in JSP Based on Sample Analysis

  8. 海峡两岸AutoCAD图纸转换中汉字乱码问题探讨

    Chinese character display problem in AutoCAD drawing conversion from Taiwan to Mainland version

  9. 我的MP3播放器歌词显示乱码。怎么办!

    There are something wrong with my MP3 's displaying LRC .

  10. 文字输入是AutoCAD中的一个重要环节,但在使用过程中常常会出现乱码。

    There always appear mistakes in the process of text importing , which is very important in AutoCAD .

  11. 基于对中文字符乱码产生原因的分析与综合,设计了一种适用于企业级Web系统开发的Struts国际化问题的解决方案。

    The reasons of Chinese disorder code were analyzed . A solution suitable for enterprise web system development on Struts internationalization was proposed .

  12. Computervomit是指当你打开一个微软程序的时候,跳出一串乱码和字符。

    " Computer vomit " is what happens when users open up a Microsoft program and it spews scrambled numbers and letters .

  13. Unicode内码转换与汉字乱码

    Unicode Internal Code Transform and Chinese Random Code

  14. 加密方案利用有限域中的多项式方程(基于LaGrange插值公式)来构造(m,n)-门限方案,该门限方案和一次一密乱码本一样安全。

    The ( m , n ) - threshold scheme , which is constructed on polynomial equation over finite field ( based on LaGrange interpolation formula ), is secure as one-time pad 's.

  15. 同时也研究了如何采用Unicode编码来解决不同平台上字符编码不同所造成的中文出现乱码的问题。

    At the same time , the how to use the code to solve Unicode character encoding different platforms to differences in Chinese appear garbled .

  16. 同时采用ASP技术,以WAP新闻服务的开发为例说明了这一过程,并利用组件技术解决了中文显示的乱码问题。

    By taking the WAP development in the news service for example , the process is described . The component technology is used to solve the disorder codes in the Chinese character show .

  17. Emoji在不同平台上可能会导致错误转换,字体不对也有可能导致乱码。

    Emoji also tend to mistranslate when sent between platforms , or they get jumbled if you don 't have the right font .

  18. 测试分为功能测试和性能测试两部分。在功能测试中,通过使用Ethereal包嗅探器对通信数据包进行捕获和分析,结果表明数据包被加密,其内容为无用的乱码,验证了其安全功能。

    In function test , the communication packets are monitored and analysed by using Ethereal software , the result indicates that the content of packets is encrypted and the safe function of IPSec is verified .

  19. TextSplitter使用某些启发式方法消除了部分此类乱码,但是改进的splitter类将会使索引更接近恶性状况。

    TextSplitter uses a few heuristics to eliminate quite a bit of this gibberish , but an improved splitter class would probably bring indexing much closer to the desired asymptotic behavior .

  20. 将单词限制在一系列字母能减少大量的乱码,但是又有太多的真实字母与数字的组合(“P2P”、“Win95”、“4DOM”等)。

    Restricting words to strings of letters would cut down on a lot of the noise , but there are just too many genuine letter / number combinations (" P2P "," Win95 "," 4DOM ", and so on ) .

  21. 有时会出现乱码,希望大家可以提出建议和意见。

    Sometimes garbled , I hope you can make suggestions and comments .

  22. 人生中比较美好的一个六年我留下的是一片乱码。

    The interviewer was an American man with little hair .

  23. 关于电子邮件的中文乱码问题

    On the Chinese Disorder Code in the E - mail

  24. 因为担心又变乱码,所以加上很破的英文,请包涵!

    Because worry about the code , so use very broken english .

  25. 乱码图像比真正的图像记录的响应时间更短。

    Shorter response times were recorded for scrambled images than the real images .

  26. 文件出现乱码,这种情况是由位翻转引起的。

    Flie garbled is caused by bit flip .

  27. 浅谈邮件乱码的破译技术

    Briefly Discussing Decoding Technology of Mail Random Code

  28. 探讨了出现乱码的原因及解决方法。

    Discusses the causes and gives solutions .

  29. 2014年四月,施工中的“乱码”建筑完成。

    In April 2014 , the construction of the " messy code " building finished .

  30. 么到了手机上就变成乱码?

    How to mobile phones become garbled ?