
  1. 可以使用系统安装的所有字体

    The ability to use all the system-installed fonts

  2. “字体”窗口将打开,您将看到计算机上安装的所有字体。

    The fonts window will open and you can see a list of all the fonts that are installed on your computer .

  3. 那一年,我成立了库兹威尔计算机产品公司,来开发能识别所有印刷字体的第一代OCR程序。当年的晚些时候,我们成功了。

    I founded Kurzweil Compute Products that year to develop the first OCR program that could recognize any style of print , which we succeeded in doing later that year .

  4. 这个软件从你的系统中找回所有的字体。

    Retrieve all screen fonts-this application retrieves all screen fonts from your system .

  5. 与所有的字体,字符范围内标题和选择总是强调了正确的字符。

    With all fonts , characters are within caption boundaries and selection always highlights the correct character .

  6. 今天我们可以在计算机上使用几乎所有的字体,这些字体基本上可以满足我们所有的编排要求。但是问题随之产生,大量的字体开始装满了受众的字体库。

    Today we could use almost all of the fonts with computer . A lot variety of the fonts could be to meet all of our basic typesetting requirements .

  7. 判决一经生效,微软必须停止销售所有使用相关字体的电脑操作系统,包括中文版的Windows98第二版、Windows2000、WindowsXP和Windowsserver2003。

    Once the ruling takes effect , Microsoft must stop selling all PC operating systems that use the fonts including the Chinese language editions of the second edition of Windows 98 , Windows 2000 , Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 .

  8. 所有的系统字体都能使用。

    All the system fonts can be used .

  9. 所有有趣的字体和颜色。

    All the interesting fonts and colors .

  10. 与注册版本,您可以选择日历的所有部分的字体和颜色。

    With the registered version , you can select fonts and colors for all parts of the calendar .

  11. 改变所有子窗口的字体。

    Set a font for all child windows .

  12. 这是所有不适用的字体的鼻祖。

    The granddaddy of all unusable fonts .

  13. 对于所有单元格使用相同字体减少的格式组合数。

    There is only one way to correct the situation : Reduce the number of custom formats .