
  1. 2008年前,经济每增长1个百分点所创造的城镇新增就业数不到100万。

    Before 2008 , a percentage point of growth produced fewer than 1m new urban jobs .

  2. 四川民居所处的城镇环境空间具有浓郁的地方艺术特色。

    The circumstances of towns which the Sichuan regional residence located in has its strongly regional artistic feature .

  3. 所以,本文所构建的城镇中学科技教育模式具有一定的可行性。

    Therefore , the science education model of the urban middle school mentioned in this passage is feasible .

  4. 然而每个国家、地区的情况不同,所走的城镇化道路也不同。

    But the situations of every country , area are different , the urbanization road taken is different .

  5. 本文运用北京大学教育经济研究所《中国城镇居民教育与就业情况调查-2004》的数据,通过对正在工作人群的研究发现,在同等受教育程度下,更多的工作自主性带来更大的工作满意度。

    This paper used the data of Urban Residents Education and Employment Survey of China-2004 by IEE at Peking Univ.

  6. 本文既要关注陕西城市化的发展,又要解决陕西城市化进程中所产生的城镇贫困人口问题。

    This essay not only concerns Shaan ' xi urbanization development but also resolves the poverty issue during the urbanization .

  7. 目前,西部民族地区已形成由31个地级市,56个县级市所组成的城镇体系。

    Currently , the Western Minority Areas has formed the urban system comprising 31 prefecture-level cities and 56 county-level cities .

  8. 如果你想在所居住的城镇里办理一张图书证,你必须证明你是该城镇的居民。

    When you want to do something like join the library in your town , you have to prove that you live in that town .

  9. 对具有文物价值的民居的搬迁保护规划应在保护文物建筑的基础上,注重对文物建筑所处的城镇环境、人文氛围的再营造。

    The plan of historic regional residence 's relocation and protection should be done on the base of protecting historic architecture and with attention of the rebuilding of sensation and circumstances .

  10. 他总是吹嘘他所居住的那个城镇。

    He 's always crying up the town where he lives .

  11. 在她心目中,她所热爱的那个城镇仍然处处是密集的建筑物和漂亮的房子。

    In her mind the town she loved so well still stood full of close-packed buildings and fine houses .

  12. 那是一个美丽的地方,是一个被丰富的天然山稜、国家公园和北加州未开发的海岸线所环绕的小城镇。

    It 's a beautiful district , with small townships surrounded by plentiful nature-rolling hills , national parks , and the wild northern Californian coastline .

  13. 然而,我们的视觉也有局限,除去查看地图之外,我们无法看到自己所居住地区或城镇的全貌。

    However , our vision is limited and we cannot perceive the entire image of the district or town , we live in , other than by looking at the map .

  14. 最后一部分是针对国内外城镇化发展中较成功的案例进行分析,借鉴其中在融资方式中的优秀经验,取其精华为己所用,为城镇化发展融资提出有用的建议。

    The last part is carried out for the development of urbanization and abroad in more successful case studies , which draw on the excellent experience in the financing of , its essence for their own use , useful suggestions for the development of urbanization financing .

  15. 养老保险作为社会保障体系中的核心,一直以来为人们所关注,而城镇职工养老保险因其实行的最早也最为成型,始终是改革的重点和制定其他群体养老保险政策的参照。

    As the core of the social security system , endowment insurance has long been of concern for people . The basic pension owing to its earliest and most shape is always the focus of reform and the development of other groups in reference to pension insurance policies .

  16. 我新来的这所乡村学校的规模比我原先所在的那所城镇学校要小得多。

    The scale of my new country school is much smaller than my old city one .