
zèng dá
  • present each other with gifts, poems, etc;present each other with gifts, poems, etc.
赠答 [zèng dá]
  • [present each other with gifts, poems, etc.] 互赠礼物、诗歌等

赠答[zèng dá]
  1. 赠答诗是一种很重要的诗体。

    The presentable poem is one kind of very important poem styles .

  2. 论中国赠答诗发展成熟的轨迹

    On the Mature Developing Path of the Presentable Poems

  3. 从赠答诗看魏晋文士集团的精神气象

    Seeing the Spiritual Atmosphere of the Wei-Jin Literati Groups in the Presentable Poems

  4. 同时,其将唱和与赠答功能合一,兼有书信作用。

    Unifying the singing-to-reply and presenting-answer functions as one , his poems had the function of letters concurrently .

  5. 这种人情赠答的做法,来源于人情便是面子的古老观念,并盛行于华人社会。

    Such reciprocal gestures derive from the age-old precept of " favour begets respect " and are prevalent in Chinese society .

  6. 第四节介绍了以兰亭诸友为代表的东晋文人的赠答诗创作状态。

    The fourth section describes the literary creation status in the Eastern Jin Dynasty , as the representative of the Lanting Friends .

  7. 一家提供苏格兰传统风味饮食的餐馆六朝宴饮之风与赠答诗之盛关系探寻

    A restaurant serving traditional Scottish fare Exploring the Relationship between the Atmosphere of Feast in Six Dynasties and the Prosperity of Conversation Poems

  8. 魏晋赠答诗的兴盛及当时诗人的交流心态

    The Thriving of the Poem as a Replying Gift in the Wei and the Jin Dynasty and the Mentality of the Poets at That Time

  9. 第四节就施闰章的寄情托思的赠答、送别诗歌进行了简述。

    Fourth section expressed feelings the request on Shi Run Zhang to think exchanges , sees somebody off the poetry to carry on the summary .

  10. 社员创作集中在社课、赠答、游览三个方面,显示出不同的艺术特色。

    The members creation are mainly on three aspects of class in association , presentation of Ci , sight-seeing , all of which reflect different artistic characteristics .

  11. 是以从赠答诗这一角度进行切入,来揭示各个典型文士集团独有的精神气象,乃是本文的一个基本思路。

    This thesis discusses from presentable poems , and to reveal the sole spiritual atmosphere of every typical literati group . That is the basic thinking of the .

  12. 第三章从赠答诗角度详述了魏晋时期四个典型文士集团各自具有的整体风貌。

    Chapter three from a view of presentable poems , the author illustrates the unitary styles and features of the four typical literati groups in the Wei-Jin period .

  13. 魏晋时期几个典型的文士集团,都创作了大量的赠答诗,并且表现出与前后时代迥然不同的群体性特色。

    Some typical literati groups in that time all create a lot of presentable poems , and they express totally different community characteristics with the previous and following times .

  14. 他们大都怀有济世之心,在大型的文人聚会中,以赠答诗为媒介来融入社会群体,建立群体认同感,实现人生价值。

    Most of them harbored the society and integrated themselves into society by the media of the Conversation Poems , established group identity and realized the value of life .

  15. 通过将诗歌分为述志、赠答、送别、山水、艳诗等七类,我们可以看出诗人独特性。

    Poetry is divided into seven categories above blogs , a Replying Gift , farewell , landscapes , erotic poems , etc. , we can see that the poet uniqueness .

  16. 赠答诗是我国古代诗歌中一个特殊的种类,它源远流长,在魏晋时期开创了繁荣的新局面。

    Conversation Poems is a particular kind of poetry of ancient China . It has a long history , creates a new situation of prosperity in the Wei and Jin Dynasties .

  17. 比兴手法的传承、书信体的运用以及情景交融等艺术手法的使用,更是极大地丰富了赠答诗的艺术表现形式。

    Than the transmission metaphor , epistolary interest in using artistic techniques such as scenario the use of blending , but also greatly enriched the Conversation Poems form of artistic expression .

  18. 交往赠答诗在孟集中数量既多,名篇亦众,所体现的是盛唐时期人与人之间的一种亲和关系。

    The poems of the second kind , with large quantity , are striking in its excellence and they display the harmonious relationship between people during the prosperous period of Tang Dynasty .

  19. 东晋时期赠答诗的整体创作风气为以玄理入诗,在日常生活中发现玄理,以山水为自己理想人格模式的寄托。

    The overall creative atmosphere of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Conversation Poems is metaphysics into poetry , found metaphysics in daily life , and depended their own ideal personality patterns on landscape .

  20. 第三节将别诗与公宴诗、玄言诗以及赠答诗相联系,进行分类研究,体现魏晋别诗多元化的特色。

    The third section through the theme of diversification Banquet Poetry , Metaphysical Poetry , and do poetry poem Replying Gift in classified research , reflecting the characteristics of the Wei , Jin and other poems .

  21. 建安时期是魏晋赠答诗走向繁荣的起点,这一时期士人在往来酬唱中抒发了强烈的友情意识和建功立业的渴望。

    The Jian ' an period was the beginning of the Wei , Jin Conversation Poems coming to prosperity , and the cultured people expressed a strong sense of friendship and desire to make contributions to this period between communications .

  22. 而这一时期也开始走向繁荣的赠答诗,更突出地反映了魏晋士人往来沟通、交流互动的感情心态,以及由此而折射出的社会现状。

    In this period , the presenting and returning poem start towards prosperity , More prominently reflected emotional attitude of communication , and interaction feelings mentality between scholar in Win and Jin period , and the consequent refraction of the social status .

  23. 第三章着重探讨陈曾寿诗歌的思想内容,并捻取其中的山水纪游诗、咏物诗、纪梦诗、赠答诗为研究对象,揭示诗中所表露的复杂心态。

    The third chapter puts emphasis on his poetry thoughts and takes some typical poems as example to show his complicated mentality in the poems , such as the landscape poetry , poetry chanting things , the dream describing poems and the presentable poems .

  24. 以夏言为代表的京官群体,追摹苏轼、辛弃疾等宋词名家,以酬唱赠答的形式掀起了创作词的高潮,并给词坛注入刚健豪放之风。

    This period has both summer and made to show to Beijing officials represented groups to pursue a copy of Su Shi , Song Ci ji and other family to each other remuneration in the form of singing off the cis Reciprocal Creation of high tide .

  25. 纵观《蔡襄全集》,本人认为可以将蔡襄诗歌分为五类,分别是酬酢赠答诗、政治现实诗、感怀写志诗、怀古咏史诗、题咏诗。

    Taking a panoramic view of " The Complete Works of Cai Xiang ," I think that his poetry can be divided into five categories , including the toast exchanging poetry , the political reality poetry and pondering poetry , Old Wing epic , Wing-sie poetry .

  26. 南朝诗歌在传播过程中对诗歌再创作产生了重大影响,它不仅影响赠答诗、五言八句诗的产生,而且影响到这些诗歌的语言、声韵、意象、结构、审美情趣等。

    Nan Dynasty 's poetry had a great impact on the production of poetry by means of the process in its communication . It not only brought about present-response poems and five-word-and-eight-sentence verses , but also influenced the language , rhyme , structure , aesthetic attitude of these poems .