
  • 网络The Oval Office
  1. 1973年,理查德•尼克松(RichardNixon)因水门事件而戏剧性辞职,使福特意外入主椭圆形办公室,因此他被理所当然地称为意外总统(accidentalpresident)。

    Mr Ford was aptly named the accidental president after the dramatic resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1973 over Watergate unexpectedly catapulted him into the Oval Office .

  2. 布什总统:欢迎EhudOlmert总理回到椭圆形办公室。

    President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Olmert of Israel PRESIDENT BUSH : I am pleased to welcome my friend , Prime Minister Ehud Olmert , back to the Oval Office .

  3. 奥巴马总统是在会晤荷兰首相扬·彼得·巴尔克嫩德(JanPeterBalkenende)之后,在白宫椭圆形办公室说这番话的。

    The president spoke in the Oval Office , after meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende .

  4. 两人在椭圆形办公室单独会谈了40分钟。

    The two also had a40-minute meeting in the Oval Office .

  5. 你可以想象一下白宫椭圆形办公室里发生的一幕。

    You can imagine the scene in the Oval Office .

  6. 欢迎来到椭圆形办公室。

    And so I welcome you to the Oval Office .

  7. 白宫的椭圆形办公室将用于重要庆典活动。

    The Oval Office will be used for ceremonial occasions .

  8. 《总统的涂鸦》将两个世纪的椭圆形办公室内的艺术作品载入编年史。

    " Presidential Doodles " chronicles two centuries of Oval Office artistry .

  9. 这是白宫椭圆形办公室目前的内部摆设,美国总统贝拉克•奥巴马逐渐将其改造成了自己的风格。

    President Barack Obama gradually has made the Oval Office his own .

  10. 他会在一个椭圆形办公室会见国会中的民主党领袖们。

    He 's holding an Oval Office meeting with Democratic leaders in Congress .

  11. 他还指出,停电时,他和奥巴马总统正在椭圆形办公室(美国总统的正式办公室)里。

    He said he and Obama were in the Oval Office during the outage .

  12. 主席返回自己的位置主席举行会谈后在白宫椭圆形办公室。

    The President returns a chair to its place after a meeting in the Oval Office .

  13. 在私人会晤和午餐之后,两位领袖在椭圆形办公室简短地向记者发表讲话。

    The two leaders briefly addressed reporters in the Oval Office after their private meeting and lunch .

  14. 我只能想象他在那个动荡的年代步入椭圆形办公室时的所思所想。

    I can only imagine how he must have felt , entering the Oval Office in turbulent times .

  15. 去椭圆形办公室前,他同他的女儿们,11岁的玛莉娅和8岁的萨莎一起吃早餐。

    He eats breakfast with his daughters , 11-year-old Malia and8-year-old Sasha , before heading to the Oval Office .

  16. 似乎有一天奥巴马到了椭圆形办公室,美国经济的形式会突然变好。

    That seems once obama come to the office , the trends of the usa economy will bend up suddenly .

  17. 总统疾步走出椭圆形办公室,来到阳光下,站到了放在草地上的一个小讲台旁边。

    The President bounded out of the Oval Office into the sunlight and stood at a lectern on the grass .

  18. 在总统椭圆形办公室的桌上摆着一只价值595美元的时钟,它是去年圣诞节副总统切尼送给布什的礼物。

    Cheney gave Bush a $ 595 desk clock for Christmas that is currently telling time in the Oval Office .

  19. 同胞们,今晚是我最后一次作为你们的总统,在白宫椭圆形办公室向你们做最后一次演讲。

    My fellow citizens , tonight is my last opportunity to speak to you from the Oval Office as your president .

  20. 他用来记录椭圆形办公室对话的录音带证实了邮报的报道。

    The tapes that he himself had made of conversations in the Oval Office confirmed what The Post had been reporting .

  21. 布什在白宫椭圆形办公室会见了格鲁吉亚总统萨卡什维利。这次会晤正值下个月北约将在罗马尼亚举行北约首脑会议之际。

    Mr. Bush met in the Oval Office with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili ahead of next month 's NATO summit in Romania .

  22. 他选择了地图室而不是用于对外国元首进行会见的椭圆形办公室进行会见。

    It chose the Map Room for the visit instead of the Oval Office , which is reserved for visiting heads of state .

  23. 照片上,奥巴马总统用一本杂志重击入侵椭圆形办公室的苍蝇,引得一旁的幕僚们大笑。

    This photograph shows the President using a magazine to swat a pesky fly in the Oval Office as his aides laugh around him .

  24. 有一次,他接受《华盛顿星报》一位女记者访问,又说服了这位记者在椭圆形办公室接受他的「总统权杖」。

    And he once convinced a female Washington Star reporter who was interviewing him to receive the " presidential staff " in the Oval Office .

  25. 下周一布什总统将在椭圆形办公室发表黄金时段演讲,以纪念911恐怖袭击的遇害者。

    President Bush is set to deliver a prime-time address from the Oval Office Monday in memory of the victims of the September 11th attacks .

  26. 一份机密简报等待奥巴马在他的包房外的椭圆形办公室,以及奶酪,饼干和梨子。

    A classified briefing awaits Obama in his private dining room just outside the Oval Office , along with cheese , crackers and a pear .

  27. 她对权力和机智的刻画,以及她在椭圆形办公室向弗兰克安德伍德做的演讲贯穿整个剧集。

    Her depiction of power and savvy , and the lectures she gives to Frank Underwood in the Oval office will resonate throughout this entire series .

  28. 给人送礼,总统来访者分别陈列在椭圆形办公室会晤布希萨尔瓦多总统萨卡汤尼。

    Gifts that the President gives people who visit the Oval Office are on display during a meeting between Bush and El Salvador 's President Tony Saca .

  29. 所有谁进入白宫椭圆形办公室,罗斯福室和内阁房间的要求离开他们的移动设备在篮子喜欢这些,驻扎在西翼。

    All who enter the Oval Office , Roosevelt Room and Cabinet Room are asked to leave their mobile devices in baskets like these , stationed around the West Wing .

  30. 从前可不是这样的,譬如说,克林顿当总统的时候,你要进椭圆形办公室的话只系口水兜就够了。

    That didn 't use to be the case , for example , when Clinton was your President to get into the Oval Office , all you really needed was a bib .