
  • 网络elliptic function
  1. 变系数非线性方程的Jacobi椭圆函数展开解

    Jacobi elliptic function expansion solution to the variable coefficient nonlinear equations

  2. 长短波相互作用方程的Jacobi椭圆函数求解

    Jacobi elliptic function expansion method applied to long-short wave interaction equations

  3. 归一化椭圆函数滤波器的正元件值全解及其CAD

    All Positive-Component-Valued Solutios and CAD of Normalized Elliptic Filters

  4. TE(111)双模圆柱腔椭圆函数滤波器的耦合设计

    A Coupling Design of TE_ ( 111 ) Ellipse Function Module - double Columnar Filter

  5. 旋转单摆的Jacobi椭圆函数解

    A Solution of a Revolving Single Pendulum usIng Jacobi Elliptic Function

  6. Jacobi椭圆函数展开法的应用

    Applications of Jacobi Elliptic Function Expansion Method to Some Special Nonlinear Equations

  7. 一般变换下的Jacobi椭圆函数展开法及应用

    Jacobi elliptic function expansion method under a general function transform and its applications

  8. 长短波相互作用方程Jacobi椭圆函数新的展开法求解

    The new Jacobi elliptic function expansion method by the long-short wave interaction equation

  9. 非线性发展方程的丰富的Jacobi椭圆函数解

    Abundant Jacobi elliptic function solutions of nonlinear evolution equations

  10. Jacobi椭圆函数展开解的可视化

    Visualization of the solution of Jacobi elliptic expanding function

  11. Boussinesq方程的Jacobi椭圆函数精确解

    Exact solutions of jacobi elliptic function for boussinesq equation

  12. Jacobi椭圆函数展开法在求解非线性偏微分方程组中的应用

    Applications of Expansion Method About the Jacobi Elliptic Function of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

  13. Jacobi椭圆函数新的展开法对非线性耦合标量场方程双周期解的求解

    The New Jacobi Elliptic Function Expansion Method Applied to Nonlinear Coupled Scalar Field Equation

  14. 带DGS结构的宽带微带线准椭圆函数滤波器设计

    Design of wideband microstrip quasi-elliptic filter with defected ground structure

  15. KdV方程的Jacobi椭圆函数求解

    Jacobi Elliptic Function Expansion Method To KdV Equations

  16. Jacobi椭圆函数在求解非线性偏微分方程(组)中具有重要作用。

    Jacobi elliptic function is very useful for solving nonlinear partial differential equation ( s ) .

  17. 自均衡类椭圆函数滤波器第三类华罗庚域的Bergman核函数

    Self-equalized pseudoelliptic filter the Bergman kernels on Hua domain of the third type

  18. 求出了有AB磁通时量子格气模型的椭圆函数波解。

    Cnoidal wave solutions in the quantum lattice gas model in the presence of the Aharonov_Bohm flux in a ring are found .

  19. 用Jacobi椭圆函数展开法求解非线性波动方程(组)

    Applications of Expansion Method about the Jacobi Elliptic Function to Several Nonlinear Wave Equation ( s );

  20. 结果表明:这些非线性Rossby波可以是椭圆函数形式的波、孤立波或冲击波;

    The results show that these nonlinear Rossby waves may be periodic waves solitary or shock wawes .

  21. 利用齐次平衡法求GP方程的Jacobi椭圆函数解平稳遍历介质中非自治Hamilton-Jacobi方程的均匀化

    Solve the GP Equation by the Homogeneous Balance Method Homogenization of Nonautonomous Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in Stationary Ergodic Setting

  22. 构造孤子方程的Weierstrass椭圆函数解的一个新方法

    A new method to construct Weierstrass elliptic function solutions for soliton equations

  23. 雅可比椭圆函数在大气和海洋动力学中的应用:二维非线性Rossby波研究

    Application of Jacobi elliptic functions in the atmospheric and oceanic dynamics : studies on two-dimensional nonlinear Rossby waves

  24. 将行波变换替换为更一般的函数变换,推广了修正的Jacobi椭圆函数展开方法。

    Using the travelling wave transformation instead of the more general function transformation , the modified Jacobi elliptic function expansion method is improved .

  25. 利用椭圆函数滤波器较陡的过渡带特性设计前向和后向滤波器,消除由于IIR滤波器造成滤波后的数据相位非线性失真。

    A back and forward filter with steeper transitional band was designed of ellipse function . It can remove nonlinear phase distortion caused by IIR filter .

  26. 并作出了KdV方程Jacobi椭圆函数展开解在两种参数下的图像。

    And as an example , we also draw the figures of solution of Jacobi expanding function of KdV equation in two different parameters .

  27. 对非线性单摆运动进行了数值分析,用Matlab绘出其运动相图,并求出了它在一定条件下的Jacobi椭圆函数解。

    Some solutions of the motion of a nonlinear simple pendulum are obtained using Jacobi elliptic function under certain conditions by the help of numerical analysis and phase pattern drawed by Matlab .

  28. 因这里的F-代表每一个Jacobi椭圆函数,所以F-展开法可以看作是Jacobi椭圆函数展开方法的概括或浓缩。

    The NODE can be solved by F-expansion , which can be thought of as a generalization or concentration of the Jacobi elliptic function expansion method .

  29. 在设计过程中,考虑DDS的结构特点及其杂散信号的分布,采用了截止特性陡峭的9阶椭圆函数低通滤波器。

    In the process of design , the structure feature of DDS and the distribution of spurious signal are considered . A 9th-order elliptic low-pass filter with cliffy cut-off character is adopted .

  30. 将扩展的椭圆函数展开法应用到ModifiedImprovedBoussinesq方程,得到了新的解析周期解,包含冲击波解、孤波解和双曲函数解。

    Extended elliptic function expansion method is applied to the solution of Modified Improved Boussinesq function , and new analytic periodic solutions to it is obtained , including the shock wave solution , solitary wave solution , and hyperbolic solution .