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  • floor;floorslab
楼板 [lóu bǎn]
  • [floor;floorslab] 楼房两层之间的隔板

楼板[lóu bǎn]
  1. N段变截面高层建筑框架-剪力墙结构考虑楼板和地基变形时的整体稳定分析

    Overall stability analysis of tall building frame-shear wall structures with N-STEPPED parameters and with floor slab and base soil deformations considered

  2. 宁波市某综合楼轻质GK楼板设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Light-weight GK Floor in a Complex Building

  3. 建筑师告诉他们的客户,在没有任何有形支撑物的情况下,楼板可以延伸100米。

    Architects tell their clients that floors can span 100 metres without any visible means of support .

  4. 现浇楼板参与工作后框架结构的pushover分析研究

    Pushover analysis of effect of casting slab on RC frame structure

  5. 这种钢板能抗高压。高温下压型钢板&混凝土组合楼板ANSYS分析

    This type of sheet steel could stand high pressure . ANSYS Analysis on Profiled Steel Sheeting-Concrete Composite Deck Slab under High Temperature

  6. 楼板混凝土浇筑板面标高控制技术场地标高优化和土方量计算及其ExcelVBA的程序实现

    Elevation control technology for cast-in-place concrete floor Site Elevation Optimization & Earthwork Volume Calculation and Excel VBA Program Realization

  7. GRC模壳密肋楼板体系施工方法

    Construction method on grc 's mold-hull of dense - rib floor planks system

  8. 和信商业广场GBF空心楼板施工技术

    The GBF hollow floor slab construction technology of Hexin commercial square

  9. 12m预应力混凝土空心楼板的研制及试验研究

    Summary of manufacture and test research for 12 meters prestress reinforced concrete hollow slab

  10. 本文通过开发钢与混凝土组合楼板CAD系统,对计算机辅助设计技术进行了深入的研究,总结了一些CAD二次开发的经验。

    Through developing CAD system for steel and concrete composite floor , this Thesis has carried on deep research to the computer aided designing technique , and summarized the experience of some CAD secondary developments .

  11. 整浇楼板板筋参与梁端负弯矩承载力后框架结构的PUSH-OVER分析

    PUSH-OVER Analysis of the Cast-in-place Reinforced Slab Participated in Beam End Negative Moment on Frame Structures

  12. GBF高强薄壁复合管在大跨度楼板结构中的应用

    The high - strength thin - wall GBF tube in big span floor slab structure

  13. 现浇GRF薄壁空心楼板施工质量控制

    Casting Quality Control for Cast-in-Situ RC Hollow Core Slab

  14. 生产经销:彩钢压型板、组合楼板、聚氨酯节能板、EPS夹芯板、岩棉夹芯板、玻璃丝棉夹芯板。

    Production and distribution : color steel pressure plate , composite floor , polyurethane energy panels , EPS sandwich panel , rock wool sandwich panel , glass cotton sandwich .

  15. BDF砼薄壁筒体构件及在现浇空心楼板中的应用

    Elementarily Talking about BDF Concrete Thin Wall Canister Style Component and the Application in the Cast-in-place Hollow Floor

  16. 经调查与分析确定预应力钢筋混凝土楼板外伸阳台(或称YKB挑出阳台)为维修、加固与改造的重点。

    Above investigation and analysis determining the prestressed RC YKB cantilever balcony should be the emphases in maintenance , reinforcement and retrofitting .

  17. 在此基础之上,对三峡电站蓄水位达到156m高程时发电机楼板系的响应进行了预测。从安全监测的角度出发,对大型电站厂房动力监测问题进行了研究。

    On the base of those study , the dynamic response of the generator floor layer in the Three Gorges Project is forecasted when the water level reached elevation 156m .

  18. 推出了SG-1钢结构膨胀防火涂料,兼有耐火隔热性和装饰性,适用于保护钢结构和预应力钢筋混凝土楼板。

    A SG-1 dilatant fire retardant coating for steel structure has been developed with decorative and heat resistant and insulation properties , suitable for uses on protective steel structures and prestressed concrete floorslab .

  19. 底框砌体房屋转换层楼板厚度

    Thickness of Transition Floor Slabs for Masonry Buildings with Bottom Frames

  20. 高层建筑考虑局部楼板变形的地震反应分析

    Seismic response analysis of high-rise buildings taking account of floor deformation

  21. 考虑组合楼板变形的高层钢结构地震作用分析

    Seismic Analysis of Tall Steel Buildings Considering Deformation of Composite Slabs

  22. 楼板严重施工质量事故及加固方法

    Serious Construction Quality Defect of Floor and Method of its Strengthening

  23. 住宅浮筑楼板隔声技术及应用

    Technology And Application Of Sound Insulation Of Residential Floating Floor Slab

  24. 大跨钢筋砼楼板&墙组合层梁的设计分析

    Design Analysis of Long Span Reinforced Concrete Slab-Wall Composite Storey Beams

  25. 边界柱和楼板完成了这个系统。

    Perimeter columns and flat plate floor construction complete the system .

  26. 现浇混凝土楼板厚度控制的施工探讨

    The Executive Discussion of The Controlling of Pouring Concrete Floor Thickness

  27. 在二层楼楼板上用控制爆破方法拆除钢筋混凝土基础

    Reinforced concrete base demolished by controlled blasting on the second floor

  28. 软地基核电站地震楼板载荷

    Seismic Floor Loads of Nuclear Power Plant of Soft Soil Base

  29. 砖混结构楼板抗裂技术研讨

    Research on Crack Resistant Technology of Brick and Concrete Structure Floor-Slab

  30. 商品住宅楼板早期极限拉应变的计算模型

    Computation models for early-age ultimate tensile strains of commercial house floors