
  • 网络property bubble
  1. 在被问到如何看待今天的市场时,韦伯说,他相信,随着利率抬升、内地楼市泡沫破灭、银行坏账增加,到今年结束时香港恒生指数(HangSengIndex)将大幅走低。

    Asked about his take on the market today , Mr. Webb says he believes the Hang Seng Index will end the year ' significantly lower ' as interest rates rise , China 's property bubble deflates , and banks ' balance sheets see more bad loans .

  2. 但一些分析师表示,这些政策来得太晚了,来不及遏止楼市泡沫。

    But some analysts say the policies have come too late to head off a property bubble .

  3. 为什么接二连三的利空仍难以打压楼市泡沫?

    Why indeed still difficult to suppress the property market after the bubble ?

  4. 2008年美国楼市泡沫破裂,内华达州是受冲击最大的州之一。

    Nevada was among the States hardest hit by the 2008 housing bust .

  5. 交易量下来房价就能跌吗楼市泡沫该由谁咽?

    Volume down prices will fall ? Who swallow the property market bubble ?

  6. 除股市泡沫和楼市泡沫以外,中国现在又多了一个威士忌泡沫。

    To the Chinese stock market and property bubbles , now add the whisky bubble .

  7. 亚洲许多地方住宅价格正在上涨,引发人们对楼市泡沫的担忧。

    Residential property prices are rising across much of Asia , prompting fears of a real estate bubble .

  8. 批驳:楼市泡沫不破中国股市难现大牛市?

    Criticism : China 's stock market to the property market bubble is not broken big bull market ?

  9. 在澳洲,我们也存在着楼市泡沫,即房价过高。

    We have something called the Australian Property Bubble , which means that real estate prices are inflated .

  10. 与此同时,随着日本股市和楼市泡沫破裂,通缩降临,其所构成的经济挑战也化为乌有。

    The Japanese economic challenge , meantime , wilted as equity and property bubbles burst and deflation threatened .

  11. 他延续了这种现象,科技泡沫变成了楼市泡沫。

    He did keep this thing going ; the bubble of the technological bubble became the housing bubble .

  12. 这仍比美国2005年楼市泡沫高位时的销售价格高出了47%。

    Still , that 's 47 % higher than the sales prices commanded during the 2005 heights of the U.S. housing bubble .

  13. 他们不仅仅是头疼通胀问题,还担心巨大的楼市泡沫、银行业危机以及社会动荡。

    It is not just the hand-wringing over inflation but worries of a big property bubble , a banking crisis and social unrest .

  14. 从2008年末至2010年,中国楼价出现飙升,引发了人们的担忧:楼市泡沫可能绊倒快速增长的整体经济。

    Chinese housing prices soared from late 2008 to 2010 , prompting concerns that a property bubble could trip up the fast-growing economy .

  15. 别忘了,西班牙楼市泡沫的水平要比其他国家高得多,可房价却只跌去了五分之一左右。

    We should remember the Spanish bubble was much more extreme than others , but prices have only come down by around a fifth .

  16. 根据我对其他记者文章的粗略统计,耶伦看起来在警告楼市泡沫方面做得不错。

    According to a cursory scan of the work of other journalists , it appears Yellen did a good jobwarning about the housing bubble .

  17. 如果她认为低利率是造成楼市泡沫的原因之一,当她看到新的泡沫出现时,她可能会加息。

    If she thinks low rates helped cause the bubble , she might be willing to raise rates if she sees a new bubble emerging .

  18. 相比之下,美国在楼市泡沫的巅峰时代,房屋价值占美国家庭财富的比例也不过只有一半左右。

    Americans , at the peak of the U.S. housing boom , had only about half that much of their family wealth in real estate .

  19. 美国人用杠杆制造楼市泡沫,并用所获收益支撑消费,亚洲储蓄过剩的国家与这类不负责任的嗜好毫无关系。

    Asia 's surplus savers had nothing to do with America 's irresponsible penchant for leveraging a housing bubble and using the proceeds to fund consumption .

  20. 至于美联储在21世纪前10年实施的低利率政策是否助涨了楼市泡沫,耶伦的看法与贝南克稍有不同。

    She departed slightly from him on the question of whether the Fed 's low interest rate policies of the 2000s contributed to the housing bubble .

  21. 西班牙是欧元区第四大经济体,目前失业率为19%,楼市泡沫破裂,债务累累,预算赤字巨大。

    The euro zone 's No. 4 economy , Spain has an unemployment rate of 19 % , a deflating housing bubble , big debts and a gaping budget deficit .

  22. 与此同时,中国的领导人仍在寻找促进科技和工业创新的方法,并想方设法为信贷和楼市泡沫降温。

    Meanwhile , China 's leaders are still searching for a formula to stimulate innovation in science and industry , and grappling with how to tamp down credit and housing bubbles .

  23. 该行表示,未来可能还有40亿美元的法律账,但并非所有诉讼都与楼市泡沫破裂及其后果有关。

    The firm says it could face an additional $ 4 billion in legal bills , but not all of those cases are tied to the housing bust and its aftermath .

  24. 目前中国楼市泡沫的规模仍是辩论主题,但一些分析师和官员已开始警告,当房价开始下跌时,金融体系将遭受严重冲击。

    The scale of the bubble is still being debated , but some analysts and officials have started to warn about serious repercussions for the financial system when prices begin to fall .

  25. 中国的楼市泡沫似乎终于出现了泄气的迹象,这可能不仅对中国是坏消息,对中国最大的几个贸易伙伴来说也是一样。

    China 's frothy property market seems finally to be taking a leg down , which could be bad news not just for China , but for some of its biggest trading partners .

  26. 耶伦则说,对于那些认为21世纪前10年实施的低利率政策助推了金融体系内的杠杆积聚和楼市泡沫的经济学家,她不会和他们争论。

    Ms. Yellen said she ' would not argue ' with other economists who believe low rates contributed to the buildup of leverage in the financial system in the 2000s and a housing bubble .

  27. 西班牙急剧攀升的失业率和债务驱动的楼市泡沫破裂,令西班牙购房者付出了巨大代价,这些购房者往往背负巨额债务,面临被驱逐的威胁。

    Soaring unemployment and the collapse of Spain 's debt-fuelled housing bubble have inflicted a heavy price on home buyers , who are frequently saddled with debt and exposed to the threat of eviction .

  28. 贝南克认为,低利率政策没有加剧楼市泡沫。他说,是大量流入美国的外资引发了楼市大幅增长,松懈的监管使楼市增长失去了控制。

    Mr. Bernanke has argued they didn 't. Instead , he has said an influx of foreign capital into the U.S. spurred a housing boom and lax regulation allowed it to get out of control .

  29. 该机构没有将其在出现相同风险的国家尤其是楼市泡沫的核心地区的发现联系起来,也未充分考虑一个国家受其他国家风险波及的可能性。

    The organisation did not link up findings in countries where similar risks were evolving especially the epicentres of the housing boom nor did it fully consider the vulnerability of one country to risks in others .

  30. 这次达成的交易还包括另外一笔和解金,事关摩根大通和贝尔斯登在美国楼市泡沫破裂前转给房利美和房地美担保的按揭贷款。

    But wrapped into the deal was also a payment that had to do with the mortgage loans that JPMorgan and Bear Stearns passed to Fannie and Freddie to insure in the run-up to the housing bust .