
  • 网络Asset Pricing Bubble;asset price bubble;asset bubbles
  1. 于是通过限制某些类型的信贷而不是单单提高利率,资产价格泡沫能够被抑制。

    And asset bubbles can be deflated through limits on some sorts of borrowing rather than just interest-rate hikes .

  2. 流动性过多、通货膨胀、资产价格泡沫、周期性不良贷款增加等宏观风险将会显著上升。

    Macro-economic risks linked to excessive liquidity , inflation , asset bubbles and a cyclical rise in bad bank loans are rising significantly .

  3. 资产价格泡沫与货币政策响应&基于Taylor规则的分析

    Asset Price Bubbles and Monetary Policy Response & Taylor 's rule-based analysis

  4. 诚然,自1990年日本资产价格泡沫破灭以来,该国经济增长缓慢,股市大幅下跌,国家债务在GDP中所占比例攀升至可怕的水平。

    It is true that , since its asset-price bubble burst in 1990 , the country 's economy has grown slowly , the stock market has slumped and national debt has risen to awesome proportions .

  5. 甚至连不需要imf帮助、但遭受自身资产价格泡沫破裂之苦的日本,也受到了来访美国官员专横跋扈的说教。

    Even Japan , which had no need of the IMF but which was still suffering from the collapse of its asset price bubble , was treated to high-handed lectures by visiting US officials .

  6. 欧洲央行(ecb)计划修改其指导利率政策的机制,以便更充分地考虑到信贷和货币供给数据,以及资产价格泡沫构成的威胁。

    The European Central Bank plans to revamp its system for guiding interest rate policy to take better account of credit and money supply data , as well as threats posed by asset price bubbles .

  7. 1987年卢浮宫协议(louvreagreement)后,为了避免日元进一步升值,他们采取了宽松的货币和金融政策,导致了巨大的资产价格泡沫和信贷扩张,为随后的经济低迷埋下了隐患。

    In order to avoid further yen appreciation after the 1987 Louvre agreement , they followed easy monetary and financial policies that gave rise to huge asset price bubbles and expansions in credit that set the stage for the subsequent downturn .

  8. 政府失灵是导致资产价格泡沫的另一个原因。

    Government failure is another factor leading to asset price bubble .

  9. 资产价格泡沫对一国宏观经济运行有着重要的影响。

    Asset price bubbles play an important role in macroeconomic development .

  10. 证券市场上的资产价格泡沫一直是理论界研究的热点问题。

    Stock market bubble has been a hot academic study problem .

  11. 规模足够大的资本流入以及资产价格泡沫会压倒财政政策的影响。

    Really large capital inflows and asset price bubbles overwhelm fiscal policy .

  12. 杠杆比率、资产价格泡沫和银行信贷风险

    Leverage Ratio , Asset Price Bubble and Banks'Credit Risk

  13. 中国资产价格泡沫形成机理与实证研究

    The Forming Mechanism and Empirical Study on the China 's Asset Price Bubble

  14. 对低通胀与资产价格泡沫、信贷膨胀并存现象的一种解读

    An Interpretation of the Coexistence of Low Inflation 、 Bubbles and Credit Expansion

  15. 资产价格泡沫可分为两类。

    Asset-price bubbles can be separated into two categories .

  16. 资产价格泡沫引发金融危机的机制探讨

    On Asset Price Bubble-Triggered Crisis and its Mechanism

  17. 当前中国经济出现了以股市和房地产为载体的资产价格泡沫。

    The Probability of Depression in China Caused by Collapse of Asset Price Bubble ;

  18. 资产价格泡沫和相关的金融过度行为推动了爱尔兰和西班牙经济。

    Asset price bubbles and associated financial excesses drove the Irish and Spanish economies .

  19. 资产价格泡沫产生的原因是多方面的,既有微观因素,也有宏观因素。

    There are many reasons lead to the bubble , including micro-factors and macro-factors .

  20. 纵观整个金融市场,“续航效应”有助于解释为什么资产价格泡沫会泛起。

    At the overall market level , momentum effects help to explain why bubbles develop .

  21. 资产价格泡沫研究综述:基于行为金融和计算实验方法的视角

    On the Asset Price Bubbles : From the Perspective of Behavioral Finance and Agent-based Modeling

  22. 本质上,这两者都是资产价格泡沫,日本是商业性的,美国是住房性的。

    Crucially , both were property-related bubbles , commercial in Japan and residential in America .

  23. 潜在资产价格泡沫总是危险的吗?

    Are potential asset-price bubbles always dangerous ?

  24. 20最好能将资产价格泡沫和新增长策略提上议事日程。

    The G20 had better put asset price bubbles and new growth strategies on its agenda .

  25. 银行消费信贷条件下的资产价格泡沫与美国次贷危机

    The Bubbles of Assets Prices and the Financial Crisis of US in the Condition of Consume Credits

  26. 日元套息交易放大了全球资本流动,使世界各地的资产价格泡沫进一步膨胀。

    The yen carry trade has amplified global liquidity , further inflating asset-price bubbles across the world .

  27. 中国改变主意的可能原因之一,在于对通货膨胀和资产价格泡沫的担心。

    Fears of inflation and asset price bubbles offer a possible alternative explanation for the change of heart .

  28. 第二章从理论上论述了资产价格泡沫的成因,即市场失灵和政府失灵。

    The second chapter discusses the mechanism of asset price bubble caused by market failure and government failure .

  29. 资产价格泡沫与转型期最优货币政策研究:一个房地产市场案例

    The Study of Asset Price Bubble and Optimal Monetary Policy : A Case Study of Real Estate Market

  30. 批评人士称,今年银行贷款大幅增加,可能导致资产价格泡沫和通胀。

    Critics say the massive expansion in bank loans this year could cause asset price bubbles and inflation .