
lóu dào
  • corridor;passageway
楼道 [lóu dào]
  • (1) [corridor]∶连接房屋几个单元的走廊

  • (2) [passageway]∶过道,通向房子或公寓各房间或各部分的通道

楼道[lóu dào]
  1. 护士推着他沿楼道走。

    The nurse wheeled him along the corridor .

  2. 基于元胞自动机的行人流楼道疏散仿真研究

    Simulation of Pedestrian Flow Evacuation in Corridor Based on Cellular Automaton

  3. 爬起来,把自个儿撸撸干净了,走出我那烟熏火燎的房间,刚刚步出楼道,我就让秋天狠狠撞了个斤斗。

    After rolling out of bed and rushing through my morning routine , I walk out of my room , which is as hot and smoky as a kitchen . No sooner have I stepped out of the halfway than I run head-on into autumn , almost to be knocked back !

  4. 嗯,要是有人在楼道里不小心撞到我,他如果说sorry,我就可以说,Nosweat!也就是没关系的意思。

    LL : Well , if someone accidentally bumps into you in the hallway and they say , sorry , you can tell them , no sweat .

  5. 当然。沿楼道一直走。复印室是靠右第二个房间。

    The copy room is the second room on the right .

  6. 小到只剩下那个楼道,和那扇窗。

    Even only that corridor and the window are left over .

  7. 我把这个尖叫的家伙在楼道里堵住了。

    I snagged this one in the hallway , screaming .

  8. 我更喜欢他们在楼道里。

    I prefer most of the people on the floor .

  9. 我们不能在圣诞前夕把她留在楼道上。

    We can 't Ieave her in the stairs on Christmas eve .

  10. 这些蜡烛使整个楼道变得温暖而浪漫。

    The candles made the whole place warm and romantic .

  11. 您的房间在楼道的尽头。

    Your room is at the end of the corridor .

  12. 通廊式多层建筑内的楼梯楼道烟囱效应不显著。

    The stack effect in a corridor-style multi-storey building chimney is not obvious .

  13. 我们不可以在楼道里跑。

    We are not allowed to rush in corridor .

  14. 接下来,女士们花三分钟时间通过走楼梯和楼道进行放松。

    They then cooled down with three minutes of stair and corridor walking .

  15. 我在楼道里走来走去以舒展我痉挛的肌肉。

    I walked up and down the aisle to stretch my cramped muscles .

  16. 我在楼道里等她,她在厨房里换衣服。

    I waited in the hall while she changed her clothes in the kitchen .

  17. 这时有一对燕子在我们楼道一楼筑巢。

    At this time a pair of swallows nesting in our first floor corridor .

  18. 还记得昨天刚回到学校有人在楼道里大喊“我回来了”。

    Yeah , I 've come back , and u , come back , please .

  19. 孩子们玩耍过的楼道上乱糟糟的。

    There was a terrible mess on the stairs where the children had been playing .

  20. 迪亚兹在楼道被杀了。

    Diaz was killed on the stairs .

  21. 数字电路在楼道照明中的应用

    Application of Digital Circuit to Corridor Lighting

  22. 当嬷嬷的笨重身躯一步步来到门口时,仿佛楼道都震得颤抖了。

    The upstairs hall seemed to shake as Mammy 's ponderous weight came toward the door .

  23. 他们在楼道上相撞。

    They collided in the corridor .

  24. 经过两个月的尝试,楼道里的“牛皮癣”全都没有了。

    After two months of attempts , the corridor of the " psoriasis ," all gone .

  25. 太可恶了,我很疑惑为什么孩子们不躲在楼道里。

    It was obscene , unnecessary and I wondered why the children were not in the aisles .

  26. 每到晚上,又有许多燕子在二楼、三楼楼道栖息。

    Every night , there are many swallows in the second floor , third floor corridor habitat .

  27. 北京的博友,有谁知道北京哪里有卖楼道的灯泡?

    Beijing 's blog , who know Beijing where there is selling corridor to the light bulb ?

  28. 女儿晃晃小脑袋笑了,三步并作两步地往楼道里奔。

    Shaking her pretty head , my daughter smiled , and ran toward the doorway in quick steps .

  29. 此时燕子不敢进入楼道,只在楼外飞翔。

    Swallows did not dare to enter the corridor at this time , only to fly in the House .

  30. 燕子大概太伤心吧,它们在楼道内外“喃喃”地嘶叫。

    Swallow too sad about it , both inside and outside in the corridor ," whispered " to bray .