
  1. 系统实验研究了装置参数(壳体材质、比药量、长径比、刻槽条数)对云雾状态的影响,为优化FAE装置结构提供了依据。

    The influence of equipment parameters , such as shell materials , specific central explosive , the ratio of height to diameter , the number of groove to the cloud state were studied by systemic experiment , which provided an important index for optimizing configuration design of FAE equipment .

  2. 注:在10槽这条通路是低电阻。

    Note : this path is for low resistance at cavity #

  3. 轿车导槽密封条的计算机仿真与结构改进研究

    Study on Computer Simulation and Structure Improvement of Automobile Glass Run Seal

  4. 采用双槽密封条密封,防护等级高;

    Adopts diglyph sealing , for high degree of protection ;

  5. 瑞风商务车HFC6500车窗玻璃导槽密封条产品设计

    Designing of Windowpane Run Channel for the Bus

  6. 隔槽式条带内的构造叠加认为是早期北东向构造与后期北北东向挤压和走滑的复合作用。

    The superposition of structures in the trough like folds zone is considered to be a composition of earlier NE-trending structure and later NNE-trending extrusion and strike-slipping . 3 .

  7. 受断裂与古地貌的联合控制,冲积扇河道砂体与泛滥平原河道砂体主要沿低洼的沟谷和断槽一带呈条带状展布。

    Largely governed by the fault trough and paleo-geomorphic low area , the channel sand bodies were belt-like distributed .

  8. 该手术器械的探头上有三条底部沟通的轴向槽,三条槽在探头头部开口。

    Three axial grooves which are communicated with the bottom part are arranged on the probe of the surgical instrument and are arranged with openings at the head of the probe .

  9. 其构成是塑料空心砖的平面、侧面设有密封槽、密封条、通孔,一次压制成型。

    The flat face and the side face of the plastic hollow brick are provided with a sealing groove , a sealing strip and through holes ; the plastic hollow brick can be formed once by pressing .

  10. 初步探明该探槽展现出3条断层,断距最大为2.8m,推测这3条断层反映了发生于全新世的3次7级以上地震。

    It infers that these 3 faults are related to 3 earth-quakes larger than M 7.0 , occurred in Holocene epoch .

  11. 在洗涤槽中有七条手巾和七块肥皂。

    There were seven towels and seven soaps in the sink .