
  • 网络Copycat Killer;The Copy Cat;Mohou-han
  1. 如果Jenkins知道模仿犯的信息,我们最好在下一名女性被绑架前弄清楚。

    Reynolds : If Jenkins has Intel on thecopycat , it 'd be good to get it before another woman gets abducted .

  2. 很有可能模仿犯就在其中。

    Odds are good the copycat 's in there somewhere .

  3. 霍布斯是否像对方了解自已一样,对自己的模仿犯了如指掌呢?

    Did Hobbs know his copycat as he was known ?

  4. 我认为这位不明身份的来电人,正是我们的模仿犯。

    I believe the as yet unidentified caller was our copycat killer .

  5. 你真的认为这是模仿犯干的吗?

    Do you really caught a copycat like this ?

  6. 在做霍布斯模仿犯的报告吗?

    Giving a lecture on Hobbs 's copycat ?

  7. 这个模仿犯是弗雷迪·劳兹和犯罪揭秘网的忠实读者。

    This copycat is an avid reader of Freddie Lounds and Tattlecrime . Com .

  8. 我需要知道你对模仿犯的分析是否正确,威尔。

    I need to know if you 're right about the copycat , Will .

  9. 你觉得这是模仿犯作案?

    You think this was a copycat ?

  10. 她精神崩溃,但她是模仿犯受害人中唯一愿意和我谈话的。

    She 's a wreck , but she 's the only copycat victim willing to talk to me .