
  • 网络yokohama;Yokohama City
  1. 日本横滨市结核病直接督导治疗结局报告

    Outcome of directly observed therapy for tuberculosis in Yokohama City , Japan

  2. 日本横滨市水厂滤池现状分析

    Analysis on Current State of Filters in Water Purification Plants in Yokohama , Japan

  3. 横滨市实时地震防灾系统的技术特点与实用效果

    Technical characteristics and practical effects of the real-time earthquake disaster prevention system in Yokohama , Japan

  4. 经济结构转型期的都市工业区发展规划&日本横滨市和中国上海市的比较研究

    On Planning of Metropolitan Industrial Zones during Transformation of Economic Structure ── comparative study between two metroplises : Yokohama and Shanghai

  5. 附近的横滨市有三个地点被发现有高于正常含量的放射性锶。

    In the nearby city of Yokohama , higher than normal levels of radioactive strontium have been found at three locations .

  6. 如今已身为横滨市市长的林文子是日本极少数能做到那个级别的女性之一。

    Ms. Hayashi , now the mayor of Yokohama , is one of the few women in Japan to make it to that level .

  7. 支付了这笔费用后,失去亲人的家庭就可以让逝者“入住”,一边排队等待将尸体火化。横滨市的每个火葬场都十分繁忙。

    For that fee , bereaved families can check in their dead while they wait their turn in the queue for one of the city 's overworked crematoriums .

  8. 据媒体报道及一名官员介绍,由于近期油价飙升,位于东京附近横滨市的一所学校决定明年一月份取消两天的伙食供应。

    A school in Yokohama near Tokyo has decided to cancel school dinners for two days in January on account of the recent spike in oil prices , media reports and an official said .