
Hénɡ Xū Hè
  • Yokosuka;the biggest Japanese naval base
  1. 横须贺市之一个100立方公尺紧急饮用水贮水槽其外观为D51101蒸气机车。

    The100 square metre emergency drinking water tank in Yokosuka City has a appearance of D51101 .

  2. 南边的302和横须贺空军战队仍浴血奋战,对敌机是看到一架打一架。后果可想而知。

    South of Tokyo , the 302nd and Yokosuka air groups vowed to fight on .

  3. 美国海军第七舰队司令部驻扎在日本横须贺。

    The7th Fleet is the United States Navy 's permanent forward projection force based in Yokosuka in Japan .

  4. 现在当地警方声称在东京南面横须贺附近已经逮捕一名叫理查德·劳顿的士官。

    Now local police say they 've arrested an Petty officer Richard Lawton near Yokoska just south of Tokyo .

  5. 17日轰炸机再次光临日本,飞越302和横须贺空战部队上空时遭到袭击。麦帅惊呆了:日本人这是诈降吗?!

    On August 17 , the planes flew over the 302nd and Yokosuka groups , who took potshots at them .

  6. 跟小鹰号一样,乔治.华盛顿号将驻扎在美国第七舰队的基地日本横须贺港。

    Like the Kitty Hawk , its home base will be Yokosuka in Japan , the home of the United States'Seventh Fleet .

  7. 这个农场原本是个废弃的电子厂,坐落于横须贺,该公司称创造了一个“无菌的”环境,每年里面可以种植300万袋生菜。

    Located in disused 21000 -- squarefoot electronics factory in Yokosuka , Toshiba claims to have createda perfect ' germ free ' environment where it will grow three million bags of lettuce a year .

  8. 任职于海上自卫队横须贺地方队的鹫津久一郎一等海佐(注:自卫队军衔,相当于海军上校)2005年曾在青岛海军基地做友好访问。

    The polyonal troops in DeFangDui yokosuka the griffin tianjin long wait ichiro sea with ( note : navy ranks , equivalent to navy captain ) 2005 in Qingdao naval base friendly visit to do .