
zhēn zhū gǎng
  • Pearl Harbour
珍珠港[zhēn zhū gǎng]
  1. 一支强大的舰队集结在珍珠港。

    A powerful fleet was concentrated at Pearl Harbour .

  2. 一支极其强大的舰队集结在珍珠港。

    An enormously powerful fleet was concentrated at Pearl Harbour .

  3. 一艘在克里特岛战役中严重受损的英国战舰艰难缓慢地驶进珍珠港。

    A British battleship , which had been damaged severely in the battle of Crete , came limping into Pearl Harbor .

  4. 身为半个日本人,Lisa总觉得来到珍珠港军事基地怪怪的。

    You know , being half-Japanese , I always feel kind of weird coming here .

  5. 这是由在海军航空基地(NAS)的卡内奥赫,夏威夷,在日本偷袭珍珠港后合照日本飞机扫射汽车。

    Cars that were strafed by Japanese aircraft pictured at Naval Air Station ( NAS ) Kaneohe , Hawaii , in the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor .

  6. 虽然警方没有说明受害者的身份,但当地媒体报道说,被打的是美国电影导演迈克尔·贝(MichaelBay)。他以往的作品包括《世界末日》(Armageddon)、《珍珠港》(PearlHarbor)和《变形金刚》系列的其他几部影片。

    Though police did not identify the victim further , local media reported it was American movie director Michael Bay , whose past credits include ' Armageddon , ' ' Pearl Harbor ' and other installations of the ' Transformers ' series .

  7. 这是一个复制品爱知县山谷俯冲轰炸机,这是一种用于在日本偷袭珍珠港,建造从Vultee电信-15教练机,重新引擎版本了BT-13勇敢。

    This is a replica Aichi Val dive bomber , a type used during Japan 's attack on Pearl Harbor , built from a Vultee BT-15 trainer , a re-engined version of the BT-13 Valiant .

  8. 俄亥俄州为二战时期驾驶B25轰炸机的飞行员举行了纪念活动,他们是杜利特尔轰炸机队的成员,在1942年勇敢地袭击了日本,在珍珠港事件后激励了美国海军陆战队,扰乱了日本的阵脚。

    In date to Ohio a tribute aimed B-25 fliers for the world war 2 airmen known as the doolittle raiders who is daring raid on Japan in 1942 , helping boost American marine after Pearl harbor and throw the Japanese off balance .

  9. 珍珠港和附近地区一片混乱。

    Pearl Harbor and vicinity had been turned into complete chaos .

  10. 舰长,珍珠港潜艇指挥中心发来一条消息。

    Captain , a message from com sub PAC in pearl .

  11. 我甚至还不知道珍珠港在哪里。

    I didn 't even know where Pearl Harbor was .

  12. 我看了《珍珠港》。你喜欢吗?

    I saw Pearl Harbor . B : And you liked it ?

  13. 我们珍珠港再见,汤姆。

    I 'll see you back at pearl , tom .

  14. 珍珠港被袭时,我们也放弃?

    Did we give up when Pearl Harbor was bombed ?

  15. 日本人在珍珠港偷袭美国海军。

    The Japanese attacked the American navy in Pearl Harbour .

  16. 珍珠港事件后国民政府的政治调整

    Adjustment in Politics of the National Government after the Pearl Harbor Incident

  17. 你们的人炸了珍珠港,这就是为什么。

    You people bombed Pearl Harbor , that 's why !

  18. 我们离开珍珠港之前你同意这些条件。

    You agreed to those terms before we left pearl .

  19. 对珍珠港的突袭激励了全国人民。

    The attack on Pearl Harbor aroused the whole country .

  20. 但是位于珍珠港的美国舰队阻挡了他们的道路

    But the US fleet in Pearl Harbor stands in its way .

  21. 她不久就要到珍珠港来。

    She would be coming along to Pearl Harbor in due course .

  22. 你最好祈祷我们能够回到珍珠港。

    You better pray we can get back to pearl .

  23. 攻击珍珠港是一次决定性的灾难。

    The attack on pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity .

  24. 珍珠港的美国军舰是必定击中的目标。

    The American warships in Pearl Harbor were sitting ducks .

  25. 珍珠港事件后美国向日本宣战。

    The United States declared war upon Japan after the Pearl Harbor attack .

  26. 几乎没有谁不知道珍珠港事件的。

    Almost every one knows the Pearl Harbor Incident .

  27. 对美国人而言,珍珠港事件是第二次世界大战的序幕。

    For Americans Pearl Harbor was the curtain raiser for World War II .

  28. 我现在知道东条(英机)在策划珍珠港事件时是什么样的心情了。

    I now know how Tojo felt when he was planning Pearl Harbor .

  29. 你想今晚去看《珍珠港》吗?

    Do you want to see Pearl Harbor tonight ?

  30. 自从日本袭击珍珠港以后,他就一直杳无音信。

    We had not heard from him since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor .