
zhì kōng quán
  • air supremacy;control of the air;air control;air domination
制空权 [zhì kōng quán]
  • [air domination] 空军兵力在某一空域所掌握的主动权

制空权[zhì kōng quán]
  1. 制空权已经成为各大国的必争目标。

    Air domination has become the target of leading big countries .

  2. 由于“飞虎队”的辉煌战绩,不仅帮助中国军民夺回了制空权,还有务地促成中国战场全面胜利。

    The brilliant military victories of Fly-Tiger group of not only helped China to retake the air domination but helped to bring about the complete victory in the war zone of china .

  3. 在电磁环境日趋复杂,电磁斗争日益激化的现代战争条件下,ARM的研究和抗击ARM的研究,成为当前军事斗争领域争夺制空权的热门话题,这项研究正方兴未艾。

    In condition that electromagnetic environment become more and more complex and electromagnetic warfare will become much acute in domain of the present military combats , researches on ARM and anti-ARM technologies becomes a hot spot in command of the air .

  4. 然而,GTP的建设需要有关机场与地方政府间在关税、制空权、后勤服务以及水陆交通等方面进行协调,这将对该都会经济区的内部合作提出更新的挑战。

    The GTP is also a new challenge for intra-EMR cooperation in customs and tariff , air rights , ground handling , and land and water transport coordination between the respective local governments .

  5. 战争中两国都争取获得制空权和制海权。

    During the war both countries struggled for air and sea dominance .

  6. 用一个词来形容这种需要,就是制空权。

    It requires , in a word , airpower .

  7. 我需要你们小队去摧毁它,这样我们才能有制空权。

    I need your team to destroy it so we can regain air superiority .

  8. 而现在,我们不享有制空权。

    At the moment , we don 't dominate the game in the air .

  9. 盟军掌握了制空权。

    The allies have established air supremacy .

  10. 空空导弹是现代化战争中夺取制空权,取得战争胜利的重要武器装备之一。

    Air-to-air missile ( AAM ) is one of the key weapons to win a modern war .

  11. 在现代高科技战争中,制空权的争夺已经成为战争最重要、最激烈的部分。

    The contention of air supremacy become the most important , fiercest part in modern high-tech wars .

  12. 从伊拉克战争论夺取制空权的军事手段

    On Military Measures for Air Supremacy from the Iraq War On Supremacy of Law On the Military Power

  13. 战斗机作为空中战场的重要力量之一,在获取制空权中发挥重要作用。

    Fighters are as one of the important forces in the battlefield , playing an important role in the getting air control .

  14. 在现代战争中,掌握制空权就可以在空中对目标进行打击,进而在战争中占有主动性。

    In modern warfare , mastering the air can attack the target in air and then possess the initiative in the war .

  15. 现代战争中,空空导弹对夺取制空权起了很大作用,是取得战争胜利的重要保证。

    In modern war , air-to-air missile shows the important ability , and is the important guarantee of obtaining the victorious war .

  16. 大家都知道,没有制海权或制空权,便不可能把德国军队运过海峡。

    Without the command of the sea or the air , it had been deemed impossible to move German armies across the Channel .

  17. 中美空军通过联合作战沉重地打击了日本空军,夺得了部分制空权,有力地支援了我地面部队作战。

    It dealt heavy blows to Japanese air forces and strongly supported the land forces and the Chinese managed to get some air domination .

  18. 一般来讲,制空权是靠战斗机来夺取的,而战斗机最重要的武器是空空导弹。

    In general , the command of the air is captured by fighters , while the most important weapon of the fighters is AAM .

  19. 前伊拉克政权没有合格的空军,战争一开始它就失去了制空权。

    The former Iraqi government had no qualified air forces so that it had no control in the air when the war broke out .

  20. 抗美援朝很艰难,没有制空权,炮弹不足,物资供给困难,兵源补充不及时,防空设施基本是空白。

    Resist very difficult , no air , shell is insufficient , supplies difficulties , & political supplement is not seasonable , air defense facilities basic is blank .

  21. 随着现代化战争的发展,战场上制空权的掌握对战争的影响显得越来越重要,很多时候对战争的结果有着决定性的影响。

    With the development of modern warfare , the grasp of air superiority on the battlefield , which hada decisive influence in many wars , has become increasingly important .

  22. 随着海洋争夺战向立体化,多层化发展,各国迫切需要掌握海上制空权,制海权,维护海洋权益,保障领土安全。

    With the stereoscopic and multipolar development of modern sea battle , every country need master aeroamphibious right urgently to protect sea rights and interests , guarantee territory safety .

  23. 随着动能武器的发展和各国对制空权的争夺升级,更多性能卓越的防空导弹应运而生。

    With the proliferation of the kinetic energy weapons and the upgrades of the international competition for air supremacy , more and more high-performance anti-aircraft missiles came into being .

  24. 伊拉克战争再一次表明,制空权在现代战争中起着至关重要的作用,对战争的进程有着不可估量的影响。

    The latest war in Iraq once again shows that air supremacy plays a vital role in a modern war and has an inestimable effect on the progress of the war .

  25. 在未来战争中,基于无人机在制空权争夺中的重要地位,混合使用有人和无人的空中与地面系统,将是胜利的关键。

    In the future war , based on the important position of Multi-UAVs ( Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle ), mixed use Multi-UAVs and ground systems , will be the key to victory .

  26. 为了争夺21世纪的制空权,西方发达国家和俄罗斯竞相发展最先进的新一代歼击机及其综合火力/飞行/推进系统。

    The new generation fighter and its integrated fire / flight / propulsion control system are rapidly developed by the western countries and Russia for scrambling the mastery of the sky .

  27. 但是,米切尔也有不少片面、夸大、自相矛盾的错误观点,如过分夸大战略轰炸的作用,夸大空军和制空权的作用等等。

    However , quite a few viewpoints of Mitchell were inevitably narrow-minded , exaggerated and self-contradictory . For example , he exaggerated the role of strategic bombing and air force , etc.

  28. 现代信息化战争的特点决定了未来信息化作战中交战双方更加注重争夺制信息权、制空权。

    In the informatization warfare , the the two parties must pay more attention to achieve the mastery of information and the administration right of space and sky in order to win in the battle .

  29. 这架飞机的结构尺寸和它明显侧重于超音速巡航能力的事实说明其意图至少是要提供一种远程拦截机以掌握第二岛链的制空权。

    The size of the airframe , and its evident focus on supersonic persistence , suggests at a minimum an intention to provide a long range interceptor for air control in the Second Island Chain geography .

  30. 影片从三个视角分别切入。由于中国志愿军武器装备严重不足,金刚川上的制空权完全被美军霸占,这场守桥保卫战打得异常惨烈。

    In the film that unfolds with three different perspectives , you will see the air was dominated by American fighters due to Chinese troops ' severe shortage of weapons , resulting in many deaths among Chinese soldiers .